Parents of New Trer Higli school students were reminded this week that the annual general meeting of the New Trier Parent-Teacher asso- ciation is to be held next Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the higli achool1. The association will elect officers for next'year and >will hear an. address. by President Gordon Keith Chalmers, of Rockford-college. Dr. Chalmers, outhful head of'tbe oldest women's college in the, Middle Westi is ýmuch_ in demand as, a speaker,. and it is. expected that a large audience -of New.Trier towii- ship,.parents will be.present to hear him. He is completing bis first year at Rockfoýrd, having'corne to Illinois from South Hadley, Mass., where hie was a member of the English depart- Mount:Holyoke college. Native of Wiseomi Waukesha, Wis., was- Dr. Ch almersO birt hplace, but he spend most of bis hf e in Philadeiphia and was educated in the east and in E.ngIand. His undergraduate work was taken at Brown university, where he was ad- mitted to Phi Beta Kappa in bis junior year and where he received bis Bachelor of Arts degree in 1925, magna cum laude. From 1926 to 1929 Dr. Chalmers studied as a Rhodes echolar at Ox-t ford, joining several literary societies1 there and contributing to their pub- ' lications. Tbe Bachelor of Arts de-1 lege f aculty after his return to thie United States and continued his studies'for degrees from Harvard. In 1933"he was awarded both his Mas- ter' degree and bis Doctor's degree in English from that university. T. Eleet Official Staff In connection with the election of the New Trier Pi T. A. officers for next year, it was announced this week that the ececutive comrnitt'ee of the *TO' Mr. anid] Inrdian Hillir, tértaifl at di the presenti 5îmeon van T. lester, Jr., of 529, Sunset road, Winnetka, who since February ha; been saiing around the world, is exFpected homne tome, > ime in lune, ýaccording to a letter just re ceived by it parents. He is aboard the S. S. -Steel Sczientiçt,:a large steel freight boat, for the pusrpoe o f obtainng .practicçal ex- perience in marine engineering and naval architecture, courses in which hé graduated at the Iiist il ae of Technology ai,. Cambridge, Mass., last lune. Since boyhood 'Mr. Jester bas main- tained a keen interest in boats and boat building. He is a praduate of New Trier High school and a former mem- ber of the Sea Scouts. Inumediately fol- and Philippine islands, to Shanghai, China, ports in Java, and when he was Iast heard from lie was at Singapore,, homeward bound. DIVISION LUNCHEON, Mr.Harold Lynch, 1241 'Green - 't vood avenue. %will be hostess atili Kraft of Wilmette, vice-president. REPORT ON CONTAGIONS Thirty-eight new German> measles cases in Wilmette, were^ reported in the week ending May 18, the local Health departmnenti records show. Other new contagion reported ini the saine period included four ca=es of çhicken pox, four of measies, two of mumps and one each of'diphtheria, scarlet feveér and wbooping cough., ARRANGES HIKES Robert -W. Townley,, dîrector, of physical education at the Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth, -plans to take tbe Kenilworth. Cubs and Boyr Scouts on separate hikes to Chippily Ridge this week-end. Arend Knoop, John Weese and Donald Stilhinan will- assist lim on the Scout hi1ce.' 0 Veuve heard alot about 0 MEL-O.ROL. . but dl.! you ever try ône? They te, onty 5c at our fountain, and! Vot can cose £rom five toqiu4tckllng fivors. BOULEVARD DRUG STORE xi t and ouCentral Plama Wilmcttt 429# WILMET M rs. . A. Clepients, 381 Sterling,. road, Kenllworth, spent. MothaesDay week"-end* in Granvrille, Ohio, with her daugliter, Miïss. Helen, *ho at- tends Dénison university. DOy SPECUALS O11 Sb..m Po ..m %Bd set $2.5 0 WImoo8th b mO-AmNi I.ou*y -Shsp 1213 WUm.istte Avenu. ST ORE. FOR MEN ..STRAWS' THAT WILL FIT YOUR HEAD AND FACE Your. hat should "fit your hcad,"- the shape should "fit your face." WEYENBERG 1164 Wilmette Avénue, of the -ail stylcs-$5Ob Phtone Wilmeo il..