Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 May 1935, p. 6

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bene- CORS TO NEW YORK Mrs. Arndt Jorgens ieft for New York to join her husband, who is wfth the Ncw.'York Yîankees.. She bas been witb her parents,.Mr. and Mrs. L. F.-Schultz, '419 Laurel ave- nue,. since her returu froma St. Peters- buýrg; in Apri Louely Permanen'ts $3.95 to $ 0.00 Th. Sals ot-ed for iUs ho»Mta l %mýë Ph... Wfim.fft4S82 &a(O Phn. 6f.nc.. 140" 1126 Central Avenue., WIIn.tt Expression of opinion on any of, these subjects or other subjects, miay be'of inestimable help-to those offi- diais.wbose duty it will be to make: = tuyof thetir and arrive.at a cloncli If you have any -ideas aog. these or other: Unes, y6ur let- ter wili be welcomed. READING CERCLE LUNCHEON Mrs. Shelby M. Singleton, .1104 Forest avenue, entertained ber read- ing circle at a dessert luncheon Mon- day.. Mrs. Ralpb Potter read a play, and - several members, gave interest-, ing accounts 'of their recent trips. Mis. G. D. Baldy of Philadeiphia bas been visiting bier son-inw-iaw and daugbter, Mr. 'and. Mr s. Fred H. Strayer, 42 Gregory avenue, the past, tbree weeks. lma w -- - - Photo and a, service in the Assembly hall.' Participating in the p arade.. will be the United States Naval* Reserve band f rom Chiago, Kenilwortb' Boy Scouts, Sea. Scouts, Cubs, Junior Hikers, Girl Scouts and Cam.nipire Girls, pupils of tiiè Joseph Sears scbooi students of 'New Trier Higb school, members -of the Sunday schools of' the Churcb of tbe Holy.. Comnforter ý and the Kenil- wortb Union.churcb and other patriotic residents of the Village. .As bas *been -the custom. for many~ years on Memogriai Sunday the cbildren of Kenilwortb will place, a wreatb on the monument in honor of the Village'-. war'dead - -Franklin B.* Bellows, A. Courtney Campbell, Jr., Maniere B. Ware, C.-Purcell Macklini and Walter H. Schulze. *Kenilwortb Gold Star fathers and,f mthers and Kenilworth veterans of~ the Civil, Spanisb-American 'and World wars. wiii be guests of bonor at the service in the Assembly hall. Thbe entire.program is being arranged under the auspices of the Kenilworth MWilmette Piano Pupils Appear in Kimbali Hall ma A..group of Wilmette public-school "The poppies are made in govern- ment bospitals and in special poppy, wôirkroomns maintained by the Auxiliary. Tbis year 58 different. poppy making centers have been in opération in 40 states. Emüploymient. is restrictied to men- unable to do work of otber types and preférence. is given those with <amies to, support. The paper poppy is used exclusively by the Auxiliary.. because its mnaking is à band rather than a machine process." SMrs.. Hickey and.the, officers of both Auxiliaries participating in the sale request a generous response on the part of the public in -order that as many veterans as possible miay be helpcd. Huerter Group Activ#e Peter Ji Huertere Post, No. 669, American Legion, and- its Womian' Auxiiiary, wili conduct the sale jbhroughout that part of the village to the west of Main s*treet. Mrs. Law- rence J. Schildgen,' 1318 Washington avenue, is. the generai cbairman in charge o.f arrangements. She wili be assisted by Mrs. Anne Meier. "We bave aiready recruited a large organization,' Mrs. Scbildgen stated, "and we are leaving notbing undone to make this the most successful poppy sale that we bave ever bad. The pub- lic. is coming more and more to realize that 'Poppy Day' is the one channel by which disabled veterans of the late war can hein themselves, and its Svm- Ethel me Mànnerud- 39 Dresses p--i-,., wnare inStr~LucICU 03tMiss. Editb M. Vivian, are: Rutb Melchior, Phyllis -Pratt, Franik EFcees-ry Ann MacLean, Frances. Ogie, Marjory Johnston, Florence Altman, Eleanior Altman, Shirley Spanger, Irene Teryakes, Cythera. Gutbridge, Betty jean Moulding, Hloward Henderson, Elleen Jobann:- son, Mary Ann Lascelles, Rosemary Haîldorson, Frederic Straucb, Dick Kahn, George Teryakes, David Melý. bye, Rosamuind McMillan, Doris of the zamily snould wear a pôppy, and are urging that they be. bougbt in suffi- cient numbers to make that possible." Xrt League Sketching Group Plans Excursion, The North Shore Art league. is spon- soring a series of sketcbing expeditions and picnics for its members and their friends to be held eacb Saturday during the summner. The first will be june 1, Wbnefi. 4406 I

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