The' annual luncheoh of thý asso- ciation will be given at. Shawnee Country club Tuesday, June 4,, ,at 1 o'l clc, followçd by bridge. Res- ervations must be in by Monday morning, june 3. The mothers, of the graduating class. pupils will be - hostesses at a breakfast at the school hall -on grad- uation day. HONORED BY FRATERNITY At the spring tapping. for :Pi Delta gpsilon,. bonorary..jourjnalistic f rater-' nity, Thomaàs Allison of 1028 Forest ave- nue, Wilmette, was among those cbosen. *He gain the coveted key by, his work on "Tbe Denisonian," college weekly newspaper at Denison university, Gran- ville, Objio., He is a New Trier grad- uate, clase of 1933. Mrs. I. K. Stover and ber daughter, Elizabeth, 1044 AshIand avenue, ac- companied by Mrs. Stover's mother, Mrs. Henry M. Allen, wbo bas been visiting them, left Wednesday to drive. to Troy, Ohio, taking Mrs. Allen to lier home. Sel Itnowfor ready Il O3Lffl SoU It Webavéa when the, United States Was cngaged in the World war. The occasion this year Wil1lconsist of 'a mammoéth fi eld and track meet at the. Wilmette, VillageÇwreen. Representatives from ail the school roomis, from eighth grade, inclusive, will participate in the mneet and compete for a pennant to. be presented 'to the rooni of each grade winning the b ighest. number ofpoints. me" isfor. Winners In addition to ;the penn ant award, medals for first, second. and -third place winners will be, presented for eacb event. The programn of events wiIl include: 40-yard dash, second, third, foulhý and fiftli grade boys anÏd girls. 540-yaa'd dash for sixth, seventh and eighth grade boys and girls, running ini Classes A, B., C, D, E, F. Standing broad Jump for third, fourth and fifth grade boys and girls. Running broad Jump for sixth, seventlî a~nd eighth grade boys and girls, coin- peting i classifications .of age, helght and weight as follows: A, B, C, D, B . F Running high jump for slxth, seventh and eighth grade boys and girls, coin- peting I n classifications as aboya. Shuttie reiay for sixtix, seventh and eighth grades. competing by grades, Howard school vs. Stolp sehool. Events for Boys aud Girls I dltor'$ Note'l Ecoomy Shop is conducted by the Woman*, Club of Wiimette. 1 but 'in the relays both boys and, girls are included'on a teamn. The .field day is conducted un.der the. auspices of the Dé«partment of Physi- cal Education, of wbich Daniel M. Da- 'vis, director of -recreation, is head., It was. announced tbis week that «Mrs. J. F. Mehibope, chairman of the' atbletic committée of the Central- Laurel.' Parent-Teacher association, will operate a :concession stand wbe re children can buy their pop on field da.y. Thomas S. Johainsen Wins Memorial Saber Thonmas S. Johansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter 1. Jobansen of 158' Bertling lane, Winnetka, and a stu- dent at the University-of Illinois, was awarded the Grand Armfy memorial, saber at the review of the university R. 0O* T. C. brigade conducted last Friday, May 24, by Maj. Gen. Frank R. M c oy, commander of the 6th corps area. in~ Iju 114cv I Fier ll iloruS. The play, wbich is taken from Mary Roberts Rinehart's book, "Bab, à Sub- deb," involves the trials of 17-year-old Barbara Archibald, who feels that she is mature and experienced enough to do as ber. eiders do. Babhbas an un- fortunate fatulty for getting berseif into embarrassing situations wbich greatly distress ber family. She feels tbat she is misunderstood and, abused, because everybodytreats ber a s a child. In retaliàtion, for their underestiniation sbe creates a fictitious lover, Harold Valentine, to stir up, a littie parental. excitement -and màke it ýrealized that in. spite of her tender years she bas: ex- perienced the ways of ifle. The Archi- bald family is kept in a continuous state of -anxiety until Carter, Brooks, tbe next-door neigbbor sees tbrough Bab's littie plot and resolves to bring a real, Harold Valentine into- the picture.. Con- f ronted in reality. by the creation of ber imagination, Bab finds herseif in a predicament. To add to bier woes ber older sister I<eila and' her môther, re- turning froni a club tea, find babs hold- ing hands with Leila's prospective suitor, the honorable Mr. Beresf ord, and later in bis rooms witb ber arms around bis neck. Finally, to climiax the situation, Babs. cornes clown witb the measies.- The whole play, written in a ligbit vein, is scitilating in wit and f ull of action. NEW HATS FOR Decoration Day AMAZING VALUESE $188 $-95 Every new style in white, yellow and pink as well as aIl the dark shades. CONSUMI2RS for the nonor because ot his ex- cellence in military. stuclies. He is a junior in the--engineering school of the university and an officer iu the R. 0. T. C. unit. Two thousand nine hundred stu- dent ýcadets took part in. the. review, and, many tbousands. of. spectators were present, the parents of tbe par- ti cipants baving attended in great numbers. -More than fifty awards for higb military standing were nmade. high schooi. students of the New Trier villages. The commencement: exercises of the Wilmette schools will be held Friday niglit, June 14, in the Leslie F. Gates gymnasium- .auditorium at New Trier High school. Kenlilworth's graduation, exercises.will be Fiiday afternoon, June 14, in the Kenilworth Memori;al. gymnasium- auditorium. The annual joseph Sears school exhibit is to be Friday night of net whk At New Trier I-ioeh Saturday 9 A. M. to 9Pp.: M. The. Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ali other authorited Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowved or purcliased at the 'Reading Room. TEE PUERLIC U8 CORDALLY INVITE» TO ATTEND TXeý cRuRucu SERVICEgs AID VISIT TUE RELADINO 50018 -o- Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Campbell and children, Teddy and Betty, moved frmEvanston to Wilmette in late April and are living at 643 Illinois road. illflhIImlflhIIIIII'flhIIi. 4000 FI-"_