Lake Avenue Skokie Blvd. Flqyd J*o= o aot 10 Thousand .Kieks are buit, mi. ar«Mpair et oui sturdy. boys'aboea. They eventualiy wear out, but Oily miter à long period ol com. fonable wer. PLAT SIE Pi'st row, .reaed, 1,f t taii -Roessier, Somn, 6 rWleéy, VaoiEReile y, Florsmap. Second row, seated: Wait, L. Wik<mn, Beach, Btler, Hrm,i Craulo,<L, rAir.d raww Mnding: Poc*J*am, I. Wilson, BradI<wd, RaIMey, Clemn- ents, Prykman, Bolirnan, Cari Ed, Zi>,, Kettiewel, Rua r row: Warren, Hamm, Gooder, Lytie, LoI'eri Stewmart, Cramen, Pl, Sampson._ WITNESS GOLF MATCH Robert O. Berger and his daughtcr, Miss Eleanor Berger, 306 Kenilwortb avenue, motored to the Lawrencevillc school on the week-end of May 19, to sec Robert, Jr., play in a golf match against the Hill school and to attend the 125tb anniversary celebra- RETURNS PROM TUSCON Roger Palenske, son of the Rein- hold Palenskes, 226 Tenth street, is returning Saturday f rom Tucson, Ariz., whcre he is a sophomore at the Univcrsity of Arizona. He is corning back for his suurner vacation. >Thé Sunset Ridge. Bowling Icague comnpleted its second successful%, season last Monday night at Bleser's Academv in Wilmettc. *The golf crs out 'atSun- set start bowling every fali as soori as they put away their golf sticks, and they meet every Monclay night tbrough- out the winter until the -cail of the upen fairway'lures tbem frorn their indoor sport. The compéctition is spirited in iday, going to sec the terwaras to Lou,; spcnt evcry lacs. tpen years. m ian was present making a valiant etf. fort to put bis team in1 the Iead. A full "gallery" of rooters f rom the club watcbed "Connie" Frykman's "Darmies" také the championship. "Court" Reeves' "Sliccrs" takeý second,, and "Jirnmy" Vail's "Hookers" corne in thirci. A banquet will be held* at the club on june 5 at which tirne prizes- for the bigb teaxus and high individual, will be . awarded. Teaîn "standings at the close of the scason wcrc as follows: Team Won Lost Captains 0 o- SBarbara Harvey, dau ghter of Mms F. W. Harvey, Jr., 1035 Greenwood avenue, is in quaraptine with scarlet Sfever.. Il,-.,,