Doisy 1Soutonnieres to 'carry the white thome through. Tbe'r. freuli- looking endi decorativeIwith their briglit yellow ceners .......... .... 3 c 0., iSummer ,Handbags, in washable white fabricoid or rodoloqu., Ssomo with zippor, comte or k.yring fittings, some or 'olopo, some poucli. somo vanity style. ...... Neckweair Frosh whit org ndy or crsp. toi- lored piques end s *oetat. crepes ........... Othors up to $1.98 Whte cetelin jeweIry, crv.d . . . à bracelet or a clip or a pin. (Also ini bright colors t earli...... e...... towea.wit..h.. )... ... 9c71 Accerms Street floor RINCIESS, CHIFFON 3 PAIRs $1 For J2~ deys o et af i 1.w, infrodu.toey prlcel *Fne quallfy sfolk *ftom top foeo *Extra hoavy welt and underwesIt *Genuin. Jac- quard lace top COLO&S Surgjioel Garm.nts wIll b. in svevy Thursday t. give advloe * radie toot *R.infored t.. end heel guard RINGLESS- *Also made on the, latost 3-corr gouge, morc.rlzed top, foot ant plalted licol, run-stop top. Te groydusk,,taup.bark. 9 to 101/2. 8%S .lova SERICEHOSEI .tlahm.ts.Fine- ýfull-ring toe, sàlkc )aacdistingue. 69 Pr. on Devis Sfrwt THE DEST STORE FOR MOIT PEOPLE 1P MAY, 30, 13 11 71 .A 1100