Exhibit of Sprinig Flowers on June 7 The Spring Flower. show of thé Wilm.ette Garden' club will be held, Frjiday afternoon, June 7,'at 2 o'lock, at t he, home. of Mrs. A. E. Gebert,: 1526 Green- wood'avenue., Assisting hostesses are Mrs. Elliotti V. Youtigberg and Mrs. Edward L. Scbeidenbelm. The speaker of the afterneon is to be ýCbarles, Hudson, whose subject .Will be "Judging." Mrs.,Youngberg is flower show-,chair- man.and -on ber comirittee are. Mrs. Gebert, M rs. Walter G. Mitchell, Mrs. c. .Wls Mrs. Edward'L. Schei- denbelrn, and Mrs.,11 . W. Drucker.. The estries will be displayed in two dclae* n thre first, perfection of bloom, exliibits are to corne froni the exhlbitor's own garden. The second class will be for artistic arrangement. The complete scbedule for the flower-show entries follows: Clama I-Perfection of, bloonm Seetion 1-Peony Section 2-Iris (a) Purpie tones Secion I 1.A v 1115A room D( (a) Large (b) Mediumn (e) Bmall .Section Z-.Dinner table ai Section S-Porch 'armangemi Section 4-Modernlstlc arra Section 65-Old-fashioned anr section 6-Vines> lir. Lewis JHsnond poured and as&ist.d in receiving. Mr. and Mrs. Pakuske, and their daughter, Miss Betty, wifi spend Decoration day at their sumir. place in Woodstock. p ~ollowing ber annual custoin, Mrs. Charles N. Hurlbut entertained a group, of- teachers and ex-teachers froni tie city in. ber home and garden at 715 Greenleaf avenue, last Satur- day. Witb their' picnic suppers, ber guests Make tbeir 'visit in Wilrnette wben tbe, wild' flowers, are at the heigbt of their- late-spring blooming in the bit of real Illinois woods to the east ýof Mrs. Hurlbut's borne,.a. gar- den wbicb is a show-place ini Wil- mette. Specializing in wild fiowers, Mrs. Huribut bas added. many varietiès from tbe iiortb -woods té those whicb are native to Illinois, and one nature teacher last Saturday, sauntering througb the bit of woodland, identified fifty-five varieties. The garden about> the bouse, with tbe piece of wôods- adjoining, makes a beauty spot in t .he Village whicb is noted. Thie outingatutray wa the t1hfrd Mrs. Hurîbut bas provided f rom this same group of guests. Engage ment Announced of Former N. S. Girl *Mr. and Mrs. Kart Korrady of Peoria, formerly of Kenilworth, have announced the engagement of their daugliter., Margaret, to Stewart Rey- burn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rey- burn of Washington, 11. Tbe bc- trothal %vas announced at a tea last es Saturday wbich Mr. and Mrs. Kor- Ver rady gave in their apartrnent in the ,nit Pere Marquette hotel. Arnong the ýOUquet guests were Mr, and Mrs. Dudley Palmer of Winnetka, Mr. aid Mrs. Hugh A. Foresman, and Mr. and Mrs. rrangemeiint C. G.-Littell of Kenilworth, and Mr. )'tement and Mrs. Mark Cresap of Winnetka. rangement The Korradys are moving on June 1, to Galesburg, 111. Tbey will have as their guest for the sunirer Mrs. Kor- rady's father, C. H. Wells of Fair- hope, Ala. *Caroline HarMsberger of Win- ,setka, vîoinist, and former radio arti, s to be guesi solkiçt for the, Philathea bon quet at Shumec Country èlub ont ruesday> June 4. S. Gordon Photo Mrs. lEdvrd Hl. McDerinott o Ezcsnston ruai reelected to the presi-. dency of the Radcliffe Club of Chi- cago and vicinity at the awnual luicheon last Saturday. Luncheon and CardParty Junior School Bprefit Invitations are in the mailtét a gay sping luncheon and card party to be given for the benefit of the Chicago Junior scbool by the North Shôre Friends for their. regular rnonthly meeting ini June. For this occasion the delightful Kildeer Country club bas been. -en- zazd opfr Fridav. lune 7 . Luncheoti graduating class of the Stolp sebool at a diniier dance at the' Georgian botel this Friday. Some of the stu- dents bave been together since kinder- garten, dmy. at Work for Cads Hili Dance in June The strummting 'of .M exican .strolling, players and the., car- nivalesque atmnospherc that will prevail because of games and en- tertainmnent, will maàke gay the annual Gads Hili ,dance, which, on.-the evening of.Jne15 1wl be giveén for a second time at Skokie Country club. It s spon -n sors are the Winnetka and the Evanston auxiliaries of Gads Hill. settiement said to be, the oldest in Chicago. Serlof. the chairmen of com- mittees have been announced, Mrs. Vernon Welsh of 1180- Westmoor road bas, general'charge of- the en- tire event. The ticket sale is being conducted in 'Winnetka under the di- rection of Mrs. Tom. Hough of 812 Lloyd. place.. ýMrs. J. Endicott Brad-: street, whose borne is at 606 Prov- ident avenue, is in charge of the Carnival cornmittee, with Mrs. Erwin Meyers of 744 Ash street, Mrs. George Nelson of 277 Ridge avenue. and Mrs. Samuel C. Smart of 790 Asb street, the chairman in charge of the sub-cornmittee planning the carnival features. Mrs. Tracey Buck- ingham, 721 Hill road, is chairman of advertising and posters. Ail are Win- netkans. Directing the sale of tickets in the Evanston group are Mrs. John Jirgal and Mrs. Sherman Ruxton. Tbe Ga4s-Hi1ft carnival dance is becorning an annual in 1stitution which attracts tbrongs of guests from al along the entire, northgsho)re. Its spon- sors plan it with; a -purpose twofold. They endeavor to provide joyous and. light diversion for an early sunirer, evening at the sanie time that they seek zealously to augment the funds:, Reception for Daughter - Mr. and Mrs. M. - R. Rosen; 1045' Elmwood avenue, are giving a re- ception for their daugbter, Miss Lois, on Sunday evening, june 2, in bonor, of her confirmation. The friends and. neighbors are invited.