The annual banquet and. in- stallation of offilcers for the Philathea.class of the Wilmnette Parish'Methodist churchwill1 be held'lat the Shawnee country. club on Tuesdayeveningjune 4. -A- vatied and enjoyable program has been arraniged and artists of, note along the north.shore are* to appear. Caroline. Harnsberger of Winnetka will play 'violin. selections accompanied by Mrs. Paul W. Stade of. Wilmette. Mrs. Harnaberger received ber musical training at the. Institute of Musical Art in New York and suppemented this, by a year's study in Paris under the famous Lucien Capet. She was a zfadlo artist in New York, broadcasting over station WOR, and, has .appeared as guest soloist witl, several orchestras includingf the Columnbus (Ohio) sym- phony.F~or seven years she played with the Wouian's. symphony of Chicago, and now serves on the boards of the North Shore Musicîan's club and the, Winnetka Music club, in addition to teaching and playing with the Ev- anston Woean's String quartet. Miss Zaida Hutchins of Evanston, Mrs. Edgar A.. Fellers 'vill sing a group of vocal nunibers accompanied by Mrs. Stade. These artists need na introduction as they are well kriown to Wilm ette audiences. The retiring president of Philathea is Mrs. F. Dewey Anderson who will be succeeded by Mrs. A. L. Christv, and the incoining vice-president will be Mrs. W. J. Chapinan. Mrs. E. G. Pet'v u' m,,,.é..A. RahorA Photo by Ikoltett Mrs. William H. Avery of Ev- apistosi took office as preuidépit of the Kentucky Society of Evaitton and the North Shore at the tuinua! meeting Friday. May 24. ai the homte of Mrs. George W. Kreer ùi 14innetka. "To the National Leagge of Women Voters, Washington, D. C., for its thoughtful and persistent, educational work in 550 communitiesjinthe United States, both urban and rural, helping thereby to lay a democratic -baàs' or the. de.veloptuent. of a reasoned and informed public opinion on probleins of Americaû foreign-policy." "The chan ging. interest of, woimen voters. -in governmental subject S to keep pace with the trend of ýthe turnes,"' says, Mrs. Quincy ,Wright of Chicago, chairimn of the publications departmnent .of thé National league, "is, reflected in the increased nuin- ber of publications sold by the league in the last year. An increase of more than fifty per centvr teprcdng year was made." The latest publicati on sent from the National league this week, is "Your Money and Mine" by Maxwell S. Stewart., Dr. Stewart's"study of this subject, originally prepared for 'the Foretign Policy association, will be of great assistance to members of the League of Women Voters, in con- nection with many subjects on the league's programn. These publications may be secured from Mrs. Sheby Singleton,. 1104. Forest avenue, Wil- mette. Anuiounces Program R.ttrd P. 0. Women The Young Mothers club of Wil- Enl'.rtained- Her. mette will meet Monday evening, June 3, at the home of Mrs. Guy A. Mrs. T. A. Armstrong of 1119 Cen- Gladson, 426 Central avenue. The pro- tral avenue, Wilmette, was hostess on gram will include Round Table dis Wednesday, May 22, to the Retired cussions led by four inembers: Mrs. Post Office Women of the Chicago Kenneth Funkhauser, "Parents and office at a-luncheon served by the Partnership"; Mrs. C. O. Grater, Thurber Restaurant in Wilmette. "Encourage Child to Think for Him- Twenty-thiree guests were present. self." Mrs. Harold Hayes on "Eat- Following the luncheon the party ing Habits"; Mrs.~ A. T. Folger on was invited to view Wilmette's inter- "Behaviour Problenis and Citizen- estingly unique and beautiful Baha'i shin." -A EducafionelAl imonc. Nam.. Mr$. J. Pault Claytoe s *sPrmdenf for Anofher Year Mrs. . Paul Clayton. of, Win- netkawa reelected president of the ýSouthern Woman's Edu- çational alliance at a. meeing and tea held Monday. afternoon' at the home of, Mrs. George L. Wilkinson, inEvanston. Mrs. Hl. M. Pulsifer of 'Chicago is the- new first, vice-president and pro- gram chairnian; Mrs. J. E. Hýallowell of Evanstoni,. second vice-president and hospitali >ty chairman; Mrs. Hler- bert Haase of Chicago, third viceý- presidetand membership, chairman; Mr.s. J..Louis Rubel of Chicago, cor- responding secretary; Mrs. W. M. Echols of Evanston, treasurer; Mrs.' ,William Riacli of £vanston, cha'irman of the 'ways and means comniittee; and Mrs. William Allen Pusey of Ev- anston, honorary president. Several members-at-large complete the board. They are: Mrs. Robert M. Jeffries of Highland Park; Mrs. J. A. Prescott, Mrs. Vance Roberts, Mrs. George L. Wilkinson, Mrs. J. E. Morse, and Mrs. Lionel Bel Moses, of Evanston; Mrs. Howard Hodgkins of Kenilworth;, and Mrs. Harden Fitts of Chicago. Mrs. Florence S. Capron headed the nominating commîttee, whose siate of officers was unanimonsly ac- cepted by thte mebers.! Completing this conmittee were Mrs. C. C. Pluin- mer, Mrs. J. A. Prescott; Mrs. J. W. Leathers, and Mrs. C. B. Carter. Esteli Ayer Johnson gave a reading andi several character sketches as the program of the afternoon Monday, and Ben- Guy Phillips spoke on the North, Shore Draina festival. The alliance's last meeting of the season will be a typically southern en- tertaininent, a garden party, to be held in one of the loveliest of the north shore gardens, in june. Mrs. Wil- Leigh Brintnell of Edmonton, AI-. .enilworth berta, Canada, president of Mackenzie and Mrs. Airways, was a recent week-end guest Dr Garden of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder, 2844 Blackhawk road. crsin nnur i her service as presi- dent of the chapter during the past year. During the course of the evening, the prophecy for the class of 1935 was read, as was also the will of the dlais. Dme j