turning gracluates and theïr %vives or husbands at a tea 'that afternoon in the gardens of Deering library.. Mrs. 1. A. Simothers, who is serving her second year as president of the group, will receive with other officers and directors from 3 to .5. Many commencement visitors are expected, in view of the fact that the tea. will immèdiately precede the commence-. ment exercises at Dyche stadium, when Dr._ Lotus D. Coffman., presi- dent, of the University.of Minnesota, will 6e :the speaker. Among the guests oôf honor will be recipients of the six honorary degrees to be awarded. this year-by the uni-- versity and their wives. Mrs. Thomas B.' Singleton, chair- man of the social committee, will have charge of the, sevng o ean members of 'the board will. pour. Among tbem are. Mrs. John Manley, frst vice-.presideni;. Mrs. Williaam Fuller, second vice-president; Miss Genevieve Koester, third vice-presi- dent; Mrs. o. E. Scott, eorresponding secretary; Mrs. Richard Hart, record- ing secretary,. and Miss Helen Nixon, treasurer. League Pays Tribule lfo Miss Jane Addamns The Mary Crane league held its annual ineetinv# Friday afternoon, *May 24, at the honme of 'Mrs. W. . Olsen. 525 Kenilworth avenue, Kenil- wQrtb. Reports were read by tb; chairmen of the various departments. covering their activities for the year, and Mrs. A. W. Peake, president. read the president's report, after which she asked the menibers to riscý and paiv sulent tribute. to Miss Jan-- Addams' who was, for so long a time. their inspiration and their leader in the wvork they are doing. Miss Edna Baker spoke for a few Thkoughelsfu in innood j: ti, boy Wuho iv typical of those woho area the Chicago Junior _rchool. Ar *a bene fit for hi,,: and alil of th4e other.v, thre North Shore Priendç are gtzv- ing a Çprilig lunchevn and card ParîY Jldie 7, at Kidéer C'ountry club Miss H.mmtf lfo Wed Mrs. Ruby Hammett, 1725 Wash- ington avenue, announces the ap- proaching marriage of lier daughter, Lois. to Charles T. Steele, son of Mrs. Thomias Steele of Lake Forest. The marriage will take place Satur- day evening, June.29, at the Wheadon Methodist church in Evanston and wili be followeil kv ~a snall rèreê.j. homes DCmng open for tis affair. It is planned to take place june 22, and will be postponed until juse 23, ïn case of, rain. In the, varioôus homes, in the order in which they will be visited, the <lub will arrange a lovely breakfast table, a luncheon table, a tea and coc ktail table, a dinnér. table, and a midnight supp)er table. The tour will begin at 2 o'clock and: is to occupy- about an hour and a. half, it is planned. Mrs. Robert. Gardner and Mrs. Langdon Pearse are arranging a sea- sonal border to,. e entered in. the Lakie Forest Flower show early ziext month as the exhibit of the Winnetlca club.' The May business session was held a t the home of Mrs. Robert aluett,. 1147 Sheridan road, Hubbard Woode, where tea was setved foflowmng a tour of the gàrdens of Mrs. Mark~ Cresap, Mns. William' Sherman Hay, Mrs. ýFredericlc H. Scott, and Mrs. James Simpson, Iusuwamoe Iu.NuI.4 PHONE WINN. >2t8 M.0oar eh FRuumumS 1043- 49 TOWER ROAD HUSSARD WOODS Cozy Corner Circi. l'o End Year Jun. 6 returned to her home Monaay Iing after a visit with lier daugh- and family,,the F. H. Strayers of mette.