HOMER1L4 UTIFUL Mr SOU Since the first of March a total of t323.725 Wortb of new Work and re- modeling jobs bave, been authorized by building permlits issued -in Win-, netka. Marich opened up witb a total of $23l,775, of wbicb $225,000 was, repre- sented in theý new édifice whicb the' Winnetka Congregational cburch, is- erecting:at 725 Pinie street and for wbich the corner stone was laid, last ;uùday. Apr*1 Total $24M April followed witb a total of $24,300' in remodelng work, an amount which was almoést tripled in May. During the montbi just closing a total of '14 building permits were issucd, tbree of which> were for *new résidences cost-> ng$47,000. There were eight permiits for remodehing work costing $580 two for private garages arnounting to $1,600 and one for alterations to a filling station costing $3,200. The lat- ter was issued to George S. Wood, of 1010 Tower road. Suilde $200Home One of. tbe permits for a new resi- dence was issued to DonaldM. Coo, Who is erecting a two and one-baîf story structure of frame and brick veneer at 1303 Westmoor trail éost- ing $20.00. - Thus beautiful Georgiqu type home, the latesi additionto the scores of architecturai masterpieces tu*utA feature. the sout/uzust section of Winnetka, has just been comple ted and occu pied by the ozner, Dr. Vincent O'Conor and his family. In a beautiful settig, cô»Iprising one and one-half acres at Woodley and Hill roads, t/ut arc/uitect, J'. H. Melstropo, toget/ter with decorators and lanâscape artists havte cornbited their talents in developing ont of t/he oui- stapidipig uorth short homes. The tnlrd new resiacoce is at 329i Locust road, a two story frame andl brick veneer structure, witb attached garage, being built by W. L. Suter. The cost as given in tbe permit is $7,000. 7à M. A. Cook is rnaking additions and. alterations to bis residen-ce at 222 Essexc road, costing $5,500. Charles M. Stein is making similar iînprovements to bis residence at 902 Pine street, costing $5,000. Build Addition E. C. Roessler took out a permit en baths. The wide double door entrance ad- mits to an empire style hall, leading to tbe living room, library and dining room, and from whicb rises a quarter circle stairs, witb wrought iron railing, done in white and mounted with a wood. rail. Library ini Knotty Pine The library is finished in knotty pine,. with plank floor. The dining room is fermit ItOcordç Sixteen building permits were is- sued in~ Wilmette in the month end- ing Monday, May 27, and these per- mits authorized building construction work whicb, it is estimated, will cost a total of $40,700. Two .of the permits were for new residences. One of brick veneer con- Seven building permuts were issued in Glencoe in May for improvements totalling $8,021, of wbich five were for remodeling jobs costing $6,840. One private garage was built costing $235, and the other permit was for a greenhouse wbich J. Dallen is erect- ing at 985 Bluff road, at a cost of $950. .Mrs. I. E. Hobbs took out a permit for a one story addition to the resi- dence at 463 Washington street, cost- UNE in Kenilwortb durîing May. It was rooti taken out by Mrs. Katherine B. Slap- base pey, and was for a private garage at beal 624 Abbotsford road., costing $375. tioni gsysteni suaî air tbrouth dence of Dr. A. H-. Fuessle, 1529 COl and McI IHighland avenue.. the purchaser J The remainderof the perinits issued dence, architi were fur smaller construction, jobs. E. SeyfarthL