Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 May 1935, p. 50

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eL munie for nert Sunday mworing id - e ufole"s: Ürgan prteiMïe: «IA ifor eChorale- luse, marie Baick lutrit: amant 1nr Burden upon thle lad"............... leneissohn Atbom: "1(0w LoVeR>'la lliy Dweil- .........V'.... ...... Brahms ýOoertory. atheni: *0 Lord Mont Hol>' esar-Fprauck OMM. Pfftinte: "Iferolo Pleee- Cesar-Franck Ibo Cburch aschooil meete Sunday àw1monfleat 9:30M o'clock: ,There are classestor ail am.s rem the. numery to the aduit department. 1bmis a'nurser>' where smalI ciii- *meunia>' ho cared for dgrng the Il o'cloé worosbip service. The. ushers willI be happy te drect you., The ie(gb Scheel plpworth league beld tts Ilatt meeting of the season, last Sun- day evening at the beach. ieta upsilon Rie, for young people above bigi sebool age, will bid Its lasit meeting ofthte season ne xt Bunday'oe- nimgJlune & M yeuig people are In- vted. Tii. meetinag wllI b. ln the torm et a steak-fr>' at the beacb. .The retparaoy membersh d ams at the church.i. e mintster wlll givo the final examnation at that tUme. Thus group wIll b. received Intoe ull milem- bersblp ef the churcil on Sunday, June 9. Choir rebearsal In being ibid on Friday nigilt 'oftilaweek, May" 31. Tht. change la made owlng te the tact tiat Ttiuisday la Meorial day. Alniembers of the choir are urgedte b> b present Frlday 'nighit, at 8 o'ciock. ln the Junior room. 'Ime Womna'sAid socety wIlI bid Its annual meeting Tiursdy, June 6, *t 2 o'cloek at the ïOIIurCI. The election andi installation of offioers wili take place. Aunual. reporte wifl aise be givon. A reception wIll 'b. held, and ail women ot the church are cerdially Invitedt t at- tend. Tiie toliewIng Scout tros for boys. andi girls are sponsoreql by tilacilurch. Itere are only a tew more meetings to lie held thus season. [t would b. wlse for anycue deslring te Joithese groups ln the fall te' make application now. Girl >Scouts muet ha ten years of age, Boy @conte tweive. and Browules seven. Girl Scout: Troop 1 (higil scliool and collego .ge)-Thursda>'s at 7:15 P. nm. Girl Scout Troop 2-Thursdays a t 3:45 'tP.op' m.usdysa Gir Sou ro -usa t l'ua, JLR-I-, -----asv 0"- ut- o1lc.Supper wili ho servein Su t LGuke's parlai bouse at 6 o'ciock.' Bt Auguatine's, acolyte*, vested, wwlli take part lu the proceSsIon. -Ciurch people ln geueral are Invitéd. The Cathollc cclub of the diocese wiiI- holti Its aniunaidinner andi service Mt St t.uke's pro-cathedral, Evauston, 'on Tuesda>', luné 4. wti dinner at 6:30 andi ater-dinner speakers and service at 8:30 p. un. Thé funeral' of Mis..H. A. Brown, 1531 Hi!ghlaut venue, waebod lu the churcil A delegation ýof captains anti canvans- ers couductlng tile Ceutenar>' funti cam- paign, attentiet the reglonal report meeting, of north, shore parishes, at. Christ ciurch, Wluuetka, pariai hbouse, Menda>' eveniug, whien membere oft mdi- viduai parishes announed the. amounts ralseti lu the campaigui. Thns far St. Augustin's reporte É omne 86.000Il pletiges, one-third ef our total et $18,000. AIl the captalus andi cauvassers lu thle parlih, some thilrty lu a il, attendeti Bt Âuguatlue's irst supper report meeting .TtxSsay igit The scond suppet »-; port meeting wIll ho i.ld next Frlday from 6:80 te 7:30, andthte tilirti on Meon- day, lune 3, from 6:30 te 7:30 P. ni. A vlctery tInar le proposeti at tue conclu- sen of tie campalgu.' r Firsi Presbyterlan Nintil etreet at Greenleaf avenue James T. Veneklasen, minîster At the mornlng worshlp service at il 'clock' the Lord's Supper wlll b. oh- served. 1New members wlll b. ieceived. The minister willi speak ou the thome, "Partakers ot Chrst"'We urge al. the. membars te he present at thisleJat ceom- m~union befor6 the sun»ner season. The music for the service wIlI be as "tollows:' reluite, "'b a Water-Lily," Macl)owell; autieni, lHark, Hark, .My Seul," Shelley;- solo, "I Sougit . the Lord," Stevensôn. likward Otis, soloist; postIude, "MarchInl D," 'Buck. Miss; Ermas Rounds le director. Thé Sunda>' echool wili convene lial .departments at 9-:30 o'cloclc. The.Aduit Bible dlassE meets ah 10 for study ot Paul's lite., Junior churchIoi helti durlug the moril- iug worshlp service for the chilîdren of parents who attend the ciurch service. SIJJEIAY SEIRVICES Ciiurcb scilool ..........9:45 a. M. >torninff woréilip ..... ....Il a. ni. Luthler league ........ 5:30 pIDm. Senior choir rehearsal flday evenlng at 7:30 0'cIOciLE. Junior choitrorhearsal -Saturday moni- ing at, 10 oleck.x Next Sunda>' morning the paster wli pre",c 1 on the Seventil Cemiandment, "4Thou Shait Not Steal." We Invite yeu to attend our'services. Munie at tie seérvice 'wiIl b. as.toi- Iowa: Organ prélude-Andante. Cantabile, (Modern)................... Dethier Antilem- Peaee I.Leave with You,.. .Seule.hoir ort Antilem-To Qed on 1Higil b. Thanks and Prise ...... ...........o. Decius Junior Choir Offertory Duet-Like as the Hart . ..... ....Novefle Shirley iii'*a d Viirginia Dorland Organ ]Postiude-A&msterdam..... .............Arr. Demareet The Luthler league'wll meet Sundn.y evenling at 5:30 o'clock., ,t.Wontan'a .society wi1I luee.t on Thurada>' afternoon, June 6, at the church at 2 o'clock. Congregatlsnal and Sunday scho.,i penie-Jule 9». W. want every meni' ber and friend of our cilurch te attend this ielnic. Watch for further aunoufte- menta. TWO MORNINO SERVICES.' This summer we wlll again hbId two serv- ices sacil Sunday mornlng, beginnlng Jule '16. FIrst service at 8. Sec'ond service at Il.ThMs . wIll make it pu-4- sible for everyone te attend church. St. 10h n's Latheran Wimette anti Par~k avenues J. H. Gockei,, pastor SERVICES 9 a. m.-Flrst service, wlth Holy Cern- munlon. ,9:80 a. m.-Sunday scilool and Bible classes. Il' a. m.-Second service, MEETINGS Speclal meeting et the Junior Walther leager,"rday, 8 p. m. COir rebearsal, Mouday, 7:45 p.,m. Churçil council,'Tueseday. 8 P. nm. Since Thursday Is flot ouly Ascension day but aloo Memorlal day, no service Is benslnoe ld. BuLt he message of Ascen- Dr. Ailison w lii preacil Sunday momu- li on tile thenie, 'The Tilinge T-Mat Matter ]MeUt,"based On 11ie experlences lu the 1ast seven yeéars ln Wllmette. The. Church scilool holds Its iast reguiar sesson before tile commencement exer- ciao. ot June 9. A full attendance ls ex- pectetiand.tile adluit cdam. Joins In pro- moting a litting climax te thle year's work First Con greatinal 'John G. Hindiey, minîstèr *'Tilepasslng and the Permanent" là the sabjeet ,et Rev,, .Hludîey's ýsermon on Sunday mornlng, at the Il .o'ciock service and w111 couclude. wltliCom- munie!., Speclalmusefor tuis Anniver- sary service blas been arranged and i n- cindes the followng: Prelude: uPlece Herolque".......... .... ... .....Cesar Franck Soo HIfear, 0 My People" .,. Stevenson ira. Wlsb#ver offertory solo: "*Ave Maria".' .Koci lira. Wlsilever Vielin Obblgatô--Robert Brown, Postînde: "Toccata and Fugue ln D Miner'.................... Bah First Congregationai chnrch was organiseti lune 3, 1876 and so commeni- orates the ixtil decade of communuty worshlp and services. Monday evening, lune 3 w1ll be a gala occasion beginning wlth an Alumni Re- ception andi a Welcome for recent new members ln Pilgrini Hall' at 6 o'clock. DInuer will be serveti under 'the aus- pieces of Abracadabra at 6:45. A pro- grami of Introdiuctions, toasts' and,. music 'will follow. The six tiecades wIliI h symbelitéti bY costumes ot the peried. Reservations must b.' madie f<or tuis anl- niversary dinner wlich already' promises to e b.tiis clnrc's outetandlng. event lu 1935. Invite aIl former members whose, atidresses you have and let us make thin meeting one long to be remembered and worthy of the distlnguished record oft tht. churci ln Wllmette. Sunday, june 9, Il a. mi. Union, Service church andi schoël, Childrefl's% Day Pro- motions and Gradluations. The Ces>' Corner circle wilI' holt iet last meeting Thursday, June 6, at the home ot Mrs. Roland H. Anuderson, 1132 Lake avenue, at 2P. nm. m6et hkt bos'anti girls' Services wlli b. ~ngus, t 8 . m. and siuuer ever>' St gueut preachersets wib.Auguet 1%0 MI y $9 wjj, betbrougi lune andi ~~~ljjl(> llycailéd Moly agust, kt ae eqe te l ngm t e b.nhithe BaptIist church bulding, Jluel i i fore Frlda>', lune 7. those et Auguet and on September 1 lu ntiue troui ietie Congregational churci. . Mrs. Elbert R. Herlocker, 119 da>' mornlng, wlth i lIe Board of Religions Educatlon Tudor place, Kenilworth, was hostes pling tue pulpit lu electeti Nari C. Carlson <,iairmau, aud at a dessert bridge, last Friday for ster will b. here Mrs. EL A. Claar secretarY' . 'eyvoted hirbrha lbienies h aiy a9ti part-utl--Au- te encourage partlciatloh lu. the.Bap- Irbrhdycu mes h tint camps at Lake Geneva by paying.1guest of honor was Mrs. Walter Scbur.

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