Atti% bric. i8amm,82bathe, 3-cai Chole 4rra, 3bath boise, good lue. C4$ol>onalàîbrick, 8 rms., 3 baths t'ga. 8$156. KUST MORZ ALL saime £&PRICE ]BAIRD -& WARNIER., me AIMDUrIVA on, Worth 4m3 oes1r 1 :1 . 7LTN4-It WINNETKA XQDEMCOLONUÂL .REIDNINCE, cloie location. Il tise., S baths, boat- e4 sleepng as4dSun porches. Wli ; avallbIe asoo owing to piesent tenants niovtng. Very low rent to reeponeible Party. ?redk -B. Thomias & Co* 743 Nlm S trbet Winnetka 38n0 BARGAIN R ]ENTALt IBRIK COLONIAL, 4 BUDRMK. TILEj bath, eXtfA av., tas or<il oullèt, now avallable $75. Mr. Vues. BAIRD & WARNER, Ine. $28 ARKDPJVE, KNINILWORTH KOUorh4785 Rogers Park 61531 97LTN4I-ltc 7» 1T S.,WILMETTFI - S ROONS brik.2-argar., IL W heat. 2 biks. Ave. Phone Witmette 1382. Muer,.tuum-. restaIs For Mrs. Fuller & 1146 ICIu Street WI 4NBITXA -CEl pvayof i5Indil Pickard mu ...r. a.veie 14ge. trees. 4 iservant rm. and g rm., lge. living ry, grand piano, r. from Juno 15. to Lake Forest. - -Q-ri- heat, icar grg......1,o Qeorgias rc35bdo s8baths, , X iL wflBTx&, 5 b4rm., 3 -batbs, id ca gaageiL Il02hea. p14ps- library witli firpiace, mreespcb., oit dd es oain.........$800 eat arsools ýand station. OWNE A 14) i. LENOjCUTS PRICE ................p ~~ whil Norande Bic, 4 adr e,3PICTURi»Quu FRi>NCHBRICK witb mnette :8 bAths, H.W.o heat, 2-çar ga- towor. entrance, tale floor hall and trou rage 1...................$1.00circulir stairway 4 spaclous bedroome, le 8 color0d tile babisý, ol heat, atltached BAR( The abbve and maiiy other fine buys are 82-car garage. Recreation rocim. . .$19,500, ansi uvain.îabîe tbrough our Photo-Tour. Cta Why lt avail yourselyes of oui modern NIDW STONEI AND WHITN BRICK A-9, Ij Esfalteà If. YOIou re Interested ,IinRéal COLONIAL 6 bedrese.3 Mte bathé,___ Esat.brkfat ru., recreation*ru. wlth lirepae R.B HT K RCo. Sereen r* 011 heat. Attacbed 2-a O RYSi -140 Center St. ýWinnetka 8250 Of SOtTTHEAST, WINNBTKA. 2 blocks Lots; t Open Week Days 9 to 9 to the late., ..............635,00 111LI'N4itc 11LT4-ltc HOME PRO-BLEM SXMIE EST SOL VED 0 INTAE LOCTIO: hoie N Knhlort ~ON HIGHWAY. ORCHARD, GAR- A Co section of fine homes...i- n jmdld amhue'8ros 11M TRANSPORTATIONq: Juet thie blocks. e* eoeldtri-ose oos om<7 stem ad lecricsttios. % bathe., large ocreened purch. IHot to , Steam a: nelc rstons. - ead .water heat. Spring water and ,auto. derful SOOL: n lokfomgae n mtqpum.Get oa,3roaadelectrhc blke. to New Trier. bah -a aae hoe a ge. TEE HOÎoeWbhite colonial, 5 be bth, , ýa:Oethue m largegaag. toi shoesrae 2 aths 2 pêha., gar., fine yar& lrg barn. frMg PRICII: 413,000.00 Cash for eniall ityU. MCGUIRE & ORR, Inc. ihg balanice on 15 Yr. flOUC t(àn. Phone Mrs. Mead, Gre 1166-Wil. 37,0. Over 40 TYeare of Dependable Service THEBIL S R ALT , Ic.328 Park Ave., Glencoe1 Ph. Glencoe l3 ___ BVANSTON f l.,T4-t 111LTN4-ltc Clapboard C61onial A REAL BUY FOR yOUATTR OME, . IUSLI.RX.: IP YOU ACT WITHIN THE NEXT butler's pantry and brkfst. rm. WeRi ton days. Nine room modemn brick planned kltchen witb stove and lge. Frid., CONSU! bouse ln Winnetka bas fine recreation sc.prh;6 bedrus., sittisg rin. fna roum. Poèur bedrooss, tWo til. bathu ihfielce lyrm., 3 baths, lav., oit pro ont t nRte rd flor. Lis ureaaiht. n hwtrheater. 904t. wooded erty, 1 bth n te i flor.This la a very lot. Conv. location. desirable homse located witbin easy walk. Sale price $35,000. Also for rent. Ing distance of transportation, ScboolTH and Indian .RHUI Golf Club.'W'as built rnè J.W sot to soul for $42,000-Offers j. p.nsc'otl :lnT-E ýwiex'ranAve.U. 2600 Don't Fail to See This BEAUT. SMALL ESTATE,. CHAUM- ing ultra modem brick residence ut 12 tins., 4 tiRe baths and many special t e a t u r e e. Landecaped grounda,: in wooded estato section. Barge.ih price warrants Investiga- tion. Mr. Rink. BAIRD .& WARN1ER, men, 523 PARK DIRIVE, KENILWORTH KenilWgrth 4785 Rogfers Park 6151~ CHARINuiru NGLISH HOME, 6 RMS., 3*baths, sun room,1 game room with fireplace, att. gar., woodcd lot 5Oxl5O,' near schis. Owner wants qulck action. Easy terms. ýMr. Remington. BAIRD & WARNER, me.c 346 PARK AVENUE, GLENCOE Giencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 111LTN4-lte L IVE IN THE COUNTRYI >VBLY HOMITE IN N. ,E. WIL., le, It le offered at sacrifice price.ot M.,IILToN E. REID & CO., WiI- 8771. 114LTN4-ltp summum RZBOUTa 8 0. WS iAC;50 mi.lEV- iton; liquOldat:ing 50 ft. lots $70-$150; Les from $80 Gentilet. Wite. Box 40. Winmette, Ilinois. 116 T4-îtp TAL LARE BARGAÎN-S. NEAR *0 botel, 2-18 bole Golf Courses bhat sold from $60006 to $10,000 now and $750., Terme. Write A-8, Box lirnete, Ii. 1OLTN4-ltb 3 MEs PARK, COLO. MIPLETETy :FUEN.SUMM ' tein Thé Rocky Mountains, eleva-à ,00« feet bautlfullylocated. won- Sscenery, large ecreenèd porch. 'city, bath, atone fireplace and ga- Accommnodates elght. Price $560.00 asoi. George W. Carmas, 933 ,n Ave., Evanston Unvers0.15 REAL BTATE LOANs FIRS'r MORTGAGE 'LOANS JLT US IF YOU WISH. TO RE- ince thie mcrtgage on your lm- ted North Shore residential prop- BANK WILMUJTTE0, ILL. 127A-LTN4-lte MONEY FOR LOANS NOW AVAILABLE! LWANS ON NOR~TH SHORE IHOMEs up to 10% of value. Monthly repay- ment. Pay out ln 5Sto 15 years. Get fetails r s rt Federal Saving & Loan Association of Wlilmette, 1187 Cen- tral avenue. Mr. Clifton, Secretary Wilmette 863. 127A-LTN47-tfe LOANS WANTED Wi HAVE SPECIAL FKJNDS AVAIL- able for Immediate _commitîmont on 1111A-ltp .4-ltp