on. No group routine I ne on a weekly basis. Modca Writo tPr fe1dor. ,serva- rates. Mr. Mn.clarl F. Séub CliâtouVili., Wil. Pré S ui with, brigit' freedcj grand where AI 1167 Wii ~E .1, IatInu mil .live lt ssi te hwker-we wvuIPsay 70U mla uhor tradefor- eBw jeweffy. De. P&OLIAULOI 11iN WUm.ttAv.. Wl.lui apare for ni mer.. a p.ermanent at AI- '"s.,It will assure you m from "hairdressing es ail summ-er and a appearance no matter >rou g or wliat1ud. v~'~ BRRICHT M3AUTY SHOP ilimette Avenu. Phtone Wilmette 4517 Wu-m-wu-m-- Mhs W.*k Fr.sh StrewberY and Buutga Bick....42e source of this important element found in rich butter-fat@. Psus@,.Package &o;"25e W'. wilL deliver prompItly ai PUgoy «Me yon s>00f.. Photo Studio UPPer Piqture: u>inniers, inlermediale grolipscat and hands class-(lef t to righit) Doris B arr, third;. Gert rude Rapp, second; Dorothy Pargo, fourth; Priscilla Haines, first; Ca pi. Wade C. Gatcheli, U. S. Cavalry. Center pic ture: winners, advanced riders, seat aoid' hands class-(left 't right) Marie Fritschle, second; Annette Williams, ýfirst; Jeim Clark, fourth, Katherine Neeves, third. Lower. picture: bcginning riders, scat and hands class-(Icf toi right) Irene Connor, first., Mary Jane Burnett, fourth; Mary Jane Smnith, second; Helen Pard- Jfti - -l - tJer Capt. Wade.C. Gatcli, 1U. 8Cay. Iq of t he sioppy' turf, Paui did some exhibition juwp-