'ZE OUR ADVERTISER#. 'êt th. A P Food Stores q w Jr SELECTED BRANDED flEF Ris ROÂSTl b. 21½c qil clie <uts GENUINIE 1935 SPRING EG 0F L A M B .b.231/2c Icamp. :J every Arrow member in re- ig. for C~amp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan. dan is to have every member of rder of the Arrow cail on every family in the interests of the C. De Finch Wil Be Chef, Baker at Camp C. D. Finch,ý for, the past several years chef at. the Butterfield hotel, Antigo, Wis., will be chef, and baker at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan this sumn- mer, it is announced this week. Mr, Finicb cornes bigbly recommended. LEADERS TUNE UP CAMP Don Scbmidt: of' Winnetka is one of the seven scout leaders wbo lef t Highland Park last Friday morning and arrived at Camp' Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan that evening to get camp ready for the first-period contingent which ar- rives june 24. NEW KENILWORTH CURS Robert Townley, cubmaster of Cub Pack 60 in Kenilworth, annôunces tbe following new members: Jim Fin-. nigan, Donald Crocker, Charles Rock- castle, jack Hagani and Billy Rodick. LUNCHEON HOSTESS Mrs. Fred Deacon, .351 Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth, wil be hostess tomorrow to her luncheon and quilt- ing club which meets every fortnight. Mrs. Rus sell Cook had the last meet- ing. - Miss Caroline Clark, daughter of the Ralph Clarks, 620 Forest avenue, will return Tuesday, from Godfrey, Ill, after completing ber, junior year at Monticello. William Harrid nue. left Wednes to get his son,, e, 1440 Forest ave- ,y for Culver, Ind.,- jîll, wbo has coin- )re year at Culver Winmette harbor has been the scene of brisk- activity on the part of the Sea Scouts. The slip they built as a mooring for the snipe Nor'easte r was reMoved by the Coast Guard in order to, build a, much larger slip to: moor, the - 26-foot speedboat transferred to 'Wilmeétte station f rom Racine.- This new, boat is for, speedier response .to emergency calîs. Aniother slip was built for the Nor'easte r. To aid in stowing necessary gear, a bank of thre lockers. was.built' and. placed next to the mooring. LAUNCHED . Weigels' Southerner was launched at Wilmette harbor Wednesday evening, May, 29. The Souitherner, Nor'easter. and Lonoz each bas made at least four trips so far tbis season. MONDAY MEETINGS The 7:30 o'clock Monday evenang sessions will continue at the Baptist cburch until further notice. Any boy who wishes to jon Sea Scouting in Wilmette is invited to attend. The oilly requirement is to be willing and eager. to learn things nautical. Girl Scout NewsI Beach Party to End Season for Troop 4 Tuesday of last week held a lot of fun for the Girl Scouts of Troop 4. We played ý gaines the moment we: thought, of thein, and conseqqently everyone was running hither, thithér. and yon. Finally we calmed down enough for Miss Palmer to set us to planning for next week's meeting on the beach'. * t 1rn~5Hoshod Odr0f shower given Wednesday in St. rancs HusehldOrde of29, by the Leaders group ai Martba will meet'for 1:30 sewing on of, Miss Norali Palmer, Il Monday afternoon, june 10j with Mrs. avenue, with Miss Agnes Carl Schroeder, 711 Parkavenuüe. hostees. PA. .rest co-