SALE SMEN PACKARD. Hubbard Woods Branch Unusual, opportunity is offered several men with proved sales records to sdil the New Padcard 1120. Apply in person. See Mr Chandler. 10925 LiNDEN AVENUE, WINNE-TKA 'g 2k~T »*IRmENTLEY tJACIIIT DSUESSES Au E x tra Spécial ~SALE . .. Prints, tub ajiks, chiffons anid sheers; Dwight ILorrow, Curtiss fiying in- strcto, acoupanied by . -C.Co- *cil of Winnetka, piloted a Stinson to the races.' Three friends of Bob Henseben of Winnetka accomùpanied hlm in a Stinson to ýIndianapolis.., M.* C.: Meigs of Ev anston, publisher of the' Chicago Evening Ameérican,, found a littile freedom from bis dut iesi, jumped into a Curtiss Stinsoni with three.friends,, and'prlesto!, they were right at the race trackl. 'C., J. John- son, an'officiai of'Sears Roebuck and company, also lôngcd to hear the. rcing cars zoom. -He got in touch, wlth hs pilot, Duane Howard, round-, ed up somne fr-iends-and the wild- eyed. throng at the. races. was soon severaî persons larger. 1Art Chester, well known speed flyer,'also hopped to Indianaplis;' From Pal-Waukee airport Mr. and Mrs: Ralph Isham of Chicago flew to the -races. Rebuilt Boeing Makes 'First Paèsenger Flight- The firat passenger flight of the giant tri-motored Boeing plane since its interior rebuilding at Pal-Waukee airport was scheduled for this last sengers. Jerry Wood is the pilot. Walter Piper Returns Prom New York City Walte r Piper of the.-Beardsley and Piper company, foundry equipment manufacturers, recently returned in his Lockhegd Vea to Pal-Waukee Puritan, are nsow enjoying- one-haIt of last summier's eye tbrill; for the Reiiance has returned to, its hangar at Pàl-Waukee airport which will be its base for p asse nger. flights and for an advertising'campaign over the Chi- cago area. The Reliance arrivedat Pal-Wau- kee at 10 o'çlock Wednesday niÉht'of last week aiter a seven and one-haif houir flight firomt Akron, Ohio«, -where it had -paused ait er a trip from its. wiýnter. home at. St. Petersburg, Fia. Loo6king quite healthy after the southern 'and eastern sojoiurns,' the Reliance was ushered into the Pal- Waukee, hangar to get a few days of rest. before poking.a silvery snout into north shore. summer Skies. This season, the- Reli ance will have the hangar ail to itself, for the-,Puri- tan and the other Goodyear blimp sextuplets are addi ng interest to the skies ini various parts of the United States. The samne men who piloted thé Re-. liance Qver thé World's fair, last year wiIl be at the c;ntrols' this season. The pilots are Jack Boettner, dean of the lighter-than-air craft men of the United States; S. H. Shepard, R. J. Blair and Fred Lueders. F'aust, gave his F'airchild plane _ a littie rest at Pal-Waukee airport Tuesday of last week after his retur n fromf. Medicine Hat, Alberta, where he had spent three days. But Faust didn't stay long at PaI-Waukee. He was soon itching to go skyward-anid he's probably up in the air while this littie item is being read. MAK.ES BUSINESS TRIP Mm& Walter Gàmuh, 619 MIap1e ave- nue, gave a small bridM Jlincheon Monday. V TO GlIVE PARTi JUNE 8 Members and guests of the..Avia- Saturday evening, june 8, in the club-ý rooms àt PaI-W 'ukee airport.