$2 DOWN Balance in eesy paymnents. No. carrying charge if pad in 1 months. If you're Iooking for the Iap of Iuxury your search is avenl This Rome glider with its six loase cushions, floating arms, -coi spring, base, waterproof covering, wll a nswer ail, the requirements. $19.95 ROME: GLIDER $14988 Guaraoeteed. 4-tube Cornet AC or DC Radio A grand littie extra radio for porches or sumnmer cot- tages, or to take on your excursions, because i t 's easily portable. Its aerial is self-contained. The wal- nut-finshed -robinet is very good-looking. $2 DOWN Balance in 10 wes No carring charge. CHECK THESE'FEATURES: OIRON-CLAID GUARANTEE of ALL-WOOL TWEED* Tai- Iored by- Master Çraftsmen le Reinforced pOckets, 0 Taed, arm- holestI *EARL-GLO linings. durable, fasf color, perspiration proof Yoke backs with inve td lat or shrrig Fhd down beit; patcli pockets* 42 PAýTTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM fabrics. Labora- tory Testeci by and Canvas Pre-, Shrunk. Advance Styles 35 ta 46.' ALTERATIONS FREE I/-fl" ~tbm~ e -v Trw0 pAis 0F PANTS STO MATCH OR I PAIR TO MATCH k PLUS 1 PAIR 0F H ARM O NIZING kFLANNEL SLACKS. WJEDOLDT, OnDavis Street USE THE CONVI JUNE 6, 1935 6. 093