Une of the most important featurs of the banquet each year is the an- nouncçment of the names of girls who have been elected to the associa- tion offices for the coming year. The1 election is held prior to the banquet, but the Winnters' names are kept secret. Natalie Waidner is the ýnew presi- dent. Other oôfficers are: MargaretI Tideman, vice-president;- Constance. Clough, treasurer; Antoinett'e Hearne, intramural sports chairman, and Pat- ridla Walsh, secretary. 1Chairmen and members.of the vari- ons. comniittees and the heads of s ports. and their assistants are as follows Publicity chairman-Helen Shane. Freshman (to be appolnted next fall) ; sophomores, Pauline Shank, Ana fltitn- ham; junior, Betty Jane Weld;I senior, ,Anne Winscott. Social chairman-Julla Booz. F'resh- man (to be appolnted next fall); sopho- more, Nancy Hoffman; 'junior, Peggy Stein; senior, lKatherine Shank. Officiais committee EMIzabeth Kopper. P~reshnian (to be appotnted nit'tfali); sophoiore, Janice Yeoman; junior, Pat Walsh; senior, Marion Danner, Sarah Jane Adams. Cleriçal commttee -Vice-president chairman. Freshmnan (to be appointed next fali);- sophomore, Mary .Shiverick; junior, Margaret Colemnan; senior-,.Fl-. rence Christie. Head 'of hoçkey-Phoebe Williams. Freshman, (to be appointed. next fal); sophomore, Carolyn Nelson; junior, Ruth Rockwood; senior, Jean.La\,ery,. 'Head of.soccerý-Catherine Birdsall. Freshmnan (to be appointeci next fail); sophomore, Julie Melntosh; junior, Mary Rogers; senior, Mary Schoei>brun. Head of archery--F lora. White. Fresh- man (to be. appolnted next fal); sopho- more, jean Kassner; juniior, Mary Lou McKisson; senior, Jean Clark. Head of horseback riding-Jean Wisc.onsin Sehôol Off ers One Yelr-ar Scholarships W'ayland, Academy, I3eaver,,Dam,, \Vis., an institution of secondary edu- cation. with at tradition of eightyý years ofsuccessfu1 training of young people for . college and university, through a committee of its Chicago- land Aluinni, is oftering for the year 1935-1.936 two one thousand dollar ,choarships.11 Head of rhythmsý-Advanced, Julia Livingston;, beginnrers, Patrice Clough. Head of clogglng-Ruth Durham. Head of rifle-Babette Ormnsbee. Head of baseball-Palf3ley Rockwell. Freshman (to be ap)polnted next, fa)l); sophomore, Carolyn Sutter; junior, Bée- sie ]Bouchikas. to trade at our store. We make. their visit pleasant. Their parents, too, bave confidence in our careful fitting andi gooti vaues. Shoes in brown r or rubber soles, Announcin g the Openiug Of the TALLY-HO SO Delvoted to SPORTSWEAR and ACÇCioS$ORIES 1' SARS ANTOINE BEAUTY SALON Will open. Monday, !June i oth: A ppoinimnents can e made now Phonie Winnetka 463 Or Whitehall .6500 IPA TRONIZE. OUR ADVERTISE .m . uI -1 Riur, WbuSSOU