Furniture . .Rugs Pewter Glassware: Prints Silver China 'Jewelry Quilta Wednesday,:Thursday, Ftiday., Saturday JUNE-5,ý6, 7' 10a .to 10p.m Woman'Ps1 Club of Evanston Chicago Avenue and Church Street Evanston Speusered b>' the Chicago Rochiord Club 151 ~wwroei~ ~uwzw Shown in ber exhibition wifl be a Chippendale kneebole desk' dating back to 1880; Chippe.ndale and Shera- ton cbest of drawers; tip tables and stripped pine cottage furniture. of, the lSth century p'eriod. She will also show. specialties in, Staff ordshire fig- urines, Bristol glass botties, Castie- ford paperweights,,sportinig printsand Spode and Rogers ware tea services. Noted engshLae Addresses, Rotarians. Dr.. Hubert Scbofield, -distinguished English scierntist and engineer, who is principal of Laugbborough college, was the speaker at the luncheon meeting of the Wilmùett'e Rotary, club. Wednes day noon of this week at tbe Sbawnee Country, club. Dr& Scbofièld' is. one of the out- standing, Rotarians in Eur-ope. He was tbe founder and first president of the Laughborough Rotary club, chairman of the Rotary District council, and bas been director, first vice-president and president of Ro- tary International-Association for Great Britain and Ireland. S1He is chairman of the Aims and Objects comniittee of Rotary Inter-. national this year and is at Rotary Il SUPERFLUOUS 18i aiterrioon, june 7, 2:45 'cloci<, group 3, Stolp gymnasium. This year the pupils from' these classes have done flot only their reg- ular work but have had the oppor- tunity of, playing iii tbree recitals. Eleveénappeared in two private, recit- ais ini Chicago, twventy-tbree took part in, a ýmorning, musical in Kimbali. hall, Chicago, forty played in a How- ard school assembly, thirty played in a Stolp school assembly and-nine-. teen played. for the Central-Lau- rel, Parent-teacher. association Mayi meeting. Lofty praise bas been accorded pupils 'who havebecomesplendi c compa.nists.. Bruce Carlson. accomrn- panied ail the choral work for the school spring concert, while, Valerie Adams and Rosamnond McMillan ac- conipanied. the school orchestra al year, In-the piano. work in the schools Miss' Vivianstrives flot:only to belp tbe child to become a good pianist but to learn. to. put. his. teaching to practical use. international headquarters in Chi- cago in connection with bis duties in, that position. Mrs. E. O. Marsh of Jackson, Mich., left on flecoration day after spending a week witb ber daughter's family, the Robert Warrens, 240 :Kenilworth ave~nue. T<ptilunrthb lir a frsh J PERMANENTLY on ber way to Lôs Angeles wbere she Also Moi« and Warts expects to spencI a year. Elzbt De Sourge/ , Elcrlgs K'.' 5suv J Mrs. George B. Fyfe of 730.Central /R7fl#316,Ha n k>. I f avenue, left Monday for Toronto to 16i8 Ortington Ave. Evanston spend a few wýeeks with relatives. -EXHIBIT YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE EICHTH ANNUAL Il ýJEA1N MeCODNNELL a ,