Wedding Preceded by Severel Parties Miss Charlotte Estes Esmo»d, daughter of >Mr. and. Mrs. Lewis, Butler. Esmond of, Evanston, formnerly of Winnetka, will be- corne the bride of Kart Bowen Palen ske, -son ý of Mr. and Mrs. Reinh-old H. Paleniske, 226" Tenth street, Saturday, june 15. Dr. Hubert Carleton will read the wedding , 8 o'clock in St., AuguS'tine'sý Episcopal. churh. Areception at the -Or- rington hotel. follows. Miss Ésimondwill be attended by. Miss eerenice Jaeger "of Montclair, N. J., as maid of bonor, w hile her~ liridesmaids wftl ilnelude the fôloWý ing, Miss Betty Palenske, sister of the bridegroom, Miss Ruth Cook of Evanston, Miss Betty Jane Edniund-. son and Miss Jean Haskins of Win- nctka and Miss Anne Marie Stein- kemper of Çhicago. Barbara Lapat of Wilmette will be flower. girl. The bridegroou's brother, Roger, will serve as best man, with Robert Pease of Evanston, Jack Mec and Ned Sliapker of Wilmette, and Ed- ward Deam and Cecil Hulen of Chi- Astoria in New zYork, the Uopley- Plaza ini Boston and the Chatcau Frontenac in Quebec. Returning they wil live at 536 y Michigan aveniue, Evanston. Miss Esmond willbe guest of, honor at several parties. Miss Hlaskins will be hostess at a bridge luncheon .at Skolc Country club Friday, june 7. On Monday, June 10, Miss Palenske will be hostess at a hosiery shower Photo by Durant Studio Photo by Raphael G. Wolff Much of the u-ork of mnaking arra.ngemnents and plans for the annuial early- sjummer Gads Hill carnival dance at Skokie Country club June 15, is dele- gated 10 these twto chairmen pictured here. At the left is Mrs. Venoe.Welsh,' who is directing the entire mvent. At the right is Mrs. J. IEndicott Bradstreet, W'ho i.v in charge of the. Carnival. The dance, with its. entertainment featlures, qe4ll be one of the lorgest events of the season. Garden CI b June 7. Flowers of spring will be displayed Ériday afternoon, june 7, at 2 o'clock, when the Wilmette Garden club bolds its show at the home of Mrs. A. E. Gebert, 1526 Greenwood avenue. A program will be provided by Charles Hudson. who will give a talk Musicale to Benofit Hoosief Association Mns. Harry G. Nye of 1314 Forest avenue, Evanston, is opening her home on Sunday evening, June 9, at 7 o'clock, for à musicale for the bene- fit of the, Hoosier Salon Patrons, association. North shore people assisting wvith' the program are Mnr. and Mrs. Noble. Cain and thein three talented daugh- tsCynil Pitts of Evanston, Miss Anah Webb of Evanston directing the Geongian trio, and Phil Maxwell Wornan.'S Club to Cive Luncheon Bridge June 12 The first of the, sunirner par- ties sponsored by the ways and, ËI eans commrittee of the \Von- an's, Club of Wilmette. will be'. held at1 o'clock.on,Wedniesday, june 12, at the club bouse, Tenth. street and. Greenleaf avenue. .It wilI be a;luncheon bridge with a prize for each table,,the players, to, pivot s0 each foursome may play the type of gamne preferred. Mrs. George> D. Conlee, general chairman of ways and means, has chosen Mrs.. Will iam H. Hayt to launch this entertainment. Mrs. Hayt bas a largeand efficient committee to help her, thepersonnel of which insures success. Its members are: Mrs. Maurice C. Boothe, Mrs. G. T. Coonley, Mrs. W illiam F. Crawford, Mrs. H. F. Davidson, Mrs. John A. Donaldson, Mrs. R. W. Hallet.,Mrs. Robert W. Hull, Mrs. A. E~. Kim- baîl, Mrs. E~. L. Lange, Mrs. Albert H. Pendieton, Mrs. George C. Peter- son, Mrs. Boyne H. Platt, Mrs. G. S. Roberts, Mrs. R. D. Stephens. Mrs., Virgil Wescott, and Mrs. F. S. Yan-w tis. M'rs. Lincoln C Torrey has charge of the arrangements for luncheon. These summer parties, inaugurated in 1933, have proved to be a pleasant means of bridging the gap catused by the cessation :of regular club activi- ties. They have been varied to meet the taste of aIl members; sometimes a progressive luncheon, when one may visit lovely homes, opened for the event; sometimes a garden tour and luncheon, 'or a dessert bridge or, as in the presenit case, a luncheon bridge. Whatever the, kind, one may enter- tain a group of frienàds with a mini- mnum of effort and be, sure of an en- joyable afternoon-. G. W. as a Mrs. Guy Knickerbocker of Glen- iw, formerly, of Wilsuette, ,was ostem to her bridge club Monday. Sunda yTea Mr. and Mrs. Charlcs N. Evans, 2922 Blackhawk road. entertained eighteen gucîts at a Sunday night tea May 26. worthfriends i honor ot Mrs. Hlow- ard Jordan at the opening bridge Thec Alpha Xi Delta Mother's club luncheon at Knollwiôod June 11. of Northwestern. university is having a mother's and father's social evening Saturday, June 8. A buffet supper will be served at' 6:30 o'clock. The last Mrs. George Redding, 1034 Ramona regular meeting of the year will be road, was hostess at a desse rt bridge held Mondày, June 10, at 1:15 o'clock. Tuesday for the board: of the. Both in the. Chapter Womnan's Club of Wilmeétte. house, 710 Emerson street, ýEvan1ston.