Cottage for Party for Cluûb Juniors Gowned 'in French. blue, witli a corsage of ilies-of -the-valleyý and violas,. the- charming host- essi Mrs. 'George Ortseifen of 37Essex road, Kenilworth, re-_ ceived -the officers of the Juniors and a f ew lfrierids at a beniefit bridge for, the Juniors of the Woman's CatholicPCub of Wii-. mette last Saturday af ternoon. To the rear of the Ortseifen resi- dence, a welI-known- firm bhas çon- structéd, under' the direction of Mr. Ortseifen, an air-conditioed recreation cottage, witb a game room as the center of interest. Here it was the eleven' tables of bridge players spent the happy afternoon.' l5affodil-tinted walls, a bine floor- ing with the markings for shuffle- board, and other games upon ît, lilacs in tall vases, a glimpse 'of ashes-of- roses tinted walls in the sleeping quarters to one side, and the singing of birds in the conservatory just' * beyond the eiectrically equipped buf- fet kitchenette, made one forget the* card game at times in the quiet' en- joyment of it ail. In front of the cottage, a flowering crab sçread its branches. over a small * formai garden, whiie on the other side, an ô-ld-fashioned garden of Virgitnia blue bells and blue phlox î extended as far as the eye could follow. There were prizes for evéry table as well as extra ones. Mrs. Frank t X. Thale assisted Mrs. Ortseifen. After refreshments, the Rev. F.M Bergs gave -a most interesting ac- f count of bis visit to Konnersreuth, Bavaria, the 'home of ýTeresa Neu- mann. Mrs. Ortseiien, the outgoirig chair- man of the Juniors, planned this party iss Susan B3. North am of Chicago, ierly of Wimette, speni Decora- day with Mr. and Mts. I. R. Ad- 1112 Centrai avenue. Ms. Gold July 5. Classes ili the rniorn* ing, discussiont groups and'recreation in the afiernzoon and puiblic'lcctu.res in the evening constitute the pro grarn. Programs of Drama and Musc ai College Club An evening of dramatics and a ftejrnont ofm ,i,. .,;.. . Mr. and Mrs. Prederick Taylor, 215 Fifth street, annc>unceý the birth of a son, jack Lockeridge, at the Ravens- wood hospitai May 29., The baby is their first son and their second child President of Vasar Club Appoints Ch~airmen - Appointment of committee chairm( for the North Shore Vas sar club fi *Mr. and Mrs. Vernon. Loucks, Mr. ami Mrs. Robert Lee Megowen, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Pet*erson,, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zander,.Jr., A» of Kenilworth, were guests at the open- ing dinner dance Saturday evçning at the Evanston Golf club. to Honor Seniors at Spring Luncheon Thé C hicago Alurnnae chapter i of Gamnma Phi Beta 'vill hold its annual spring luncheon at the sorority hou se in Evanston on,, Satuirday, -June 8, at 1i:o'clock. The seniors ofthe active chap - ter wvill be guests of'hoior at the affair. Mrs. Harold L. Brown of Wilmett-e, recently reelected president: of th e alumnae, will. preside. Arrangements" are under the direction of Mrs.- Floyd Treat of Chicago, vice-president and social chairman. A feature, of the afternoon, wiIl be the display of gifts which have been. accumulated by -the various groups for the newv Gammna Phi Beta camp' which is to open on juy 1, 'at Vir- ginia Beach, Va, The Evanston, *North Shore and'Lake County groups have donated toilet articles, kinder- garten supplies, dresses, and blankets. Afghans and: qulitshave . been made:, by alumnae living on.the. nort*h and south sides of Chicago and in. Oak Park. Among the twenty-one seniors who will be honored at the luncheon are miany who have beýen-prominent on f the campus this year. Helen Harlan, Phi Beta Kappa, was president of Mortar Board. Geraldine Benthey, Phi Beta Kappa, was active in W.S.G.A. and secretary of Mortar Board. Zaida Hutchins was co-chair- S man of the latest Waa-Mu show.' Mary Jane Morrow, Virginia Brink, Vivian Skinner,,-anid Laura Louise Smith have played important roles in' University- Theater productions. Sue Wornall was president 'of Trhetaý Sig- ma Phi. Reservations are being taken by eu Mrs. G. L. Jacobi, 1435 Tower road, for Winnetka, chairman of the North, ncf hore Alumnae 'urnun) iLest Mani. miar's as Mr.George Jones, 318 Oxford road, Keuilworth, wiii ýentertain the Kenilworth Luncheon club Friday.