The money is to be used to help cariry on the worlc of the DEetal clinic at the Eealth center. *Miss Green wishes publicly to thank thé board for this' generous gift and expresses> ber iridebtedness to the-memnbers for thé privilege> of turning this, amount over to the Riealth center where it will be . usedl to sucb good advantage for the welfare of the cb-ildren. Ail public 'and, paroc hial scho ol cbildren wbo, need free dental work are taken care of at the clinic.. Since school ýopened last .Septern- ber,' 350. cbildren, bave received this dental service.. .New Trier Higb scboôl bias donated one huîfidred and fifty dollars, and.. so far, 130 New Trier pupils have been taken care Of.. Tbe. Nortbridge Woman's club made a. second donation of five dollars to the cod liver oul fund, wbich is another branch of service at the Health renter. ThIe Logan-Howard Parent-Teacb- er association conducts its own dental give a recital on Monday evening, June 17, -at 7:-30 o'clock in the Woman's Club- of Wilmette.. Mrs. Hendrickson, will, appear' on the pro- gram also. Mr. and Mrs.' A. R. Peterson, 227 Raleigh road, Kenilwoôrth, accom- panied ýby the former's brotber end faniily, the, Louis Petersons of West- ern Springsrnotored. on. Decoration day to Nortb Judson to visit tbe senior Petersons. Mr., and Mrs.2 Herbert D. Peterson, 1239 ElnWood avenu 1e, spent Decora- tion ýday and the Week-end visiting the. Ralpb Foleys of Winnetka .at tbeir--sumnmer borne in Lakeside, Micb., 0o- Mrs. Robeért O. Law,' 321 Kenilworth avenue, Renilwortti, was hostess at a bridge luncheon last Wednesday for sixteen sôuth side friends. An ever rising numher of value-minded and fashion-wise' women along the North Shore are flockmng to this section. Value-mninded women *ho know:-that true values mnean more thon juàt low price.. fashio'n.wise, wome whoreonz that Stevens. Moderate Section's. low prices haveflot meant skimping, ýinferior materials,I caréless: cutting and fitting or machine styling. Hiere, regardless of the size of yu us or the amount of yor. clothes allowance o ilfn re valu es that will asatoujnd you wh.len you sÉee. their modet prie, nothing priced over .14.95 and the selections include the. entire menag of summner's fashions. Lovely washable cottonw fromn 1.951) silks and acetates fromi 4.95. Shop this section, yourself, tâke the elevator to the second 1kioor, it's in the East Room...EDGAR A. STEVENS .. . EVANSTON. Praise, presents and diplomas. ... yes. we're ikimg of graduation. ParticuIarly gra duation gifis. Iuhees a ewý mory and let yo. s.. Mtaeai'Stevens. as usual. yu wIl lest what' she would like, give hber a Stevens' gifi ce 'b. p.rchased in amy section and let' ber choose from our large selection. p A. mortar-board cap that contains make-up acceesories at 1.50 to 3.50 à& Pearîs in nattaral and 1 1.00 and clips at 1.00 a pair à Beauty Box with cleverly fittcd double compact, lipstick, comb1 *- Quaint taffeta evening bag in Pastel shades 5.00 à Rose of quecus lace 1.95 & Fonual hose, 2. opalescent pastels 1.95 Pearl crustedl evening bage from 1.95 to 3.00 ,à,Ars glove of daýiutyi [ shads &N, d in sheer lo iwith double of fine orpady ce