tothe embrso f hs lans on Tast Adulte will aise b, received Into the fellowehip of" tlIls chrch on, Pentecest S5unday. Members willbe rece.ved both on confession of faith and by transfer of, chureh letter.. Anyone wishing to john whe has not yet conferred with the pas- tor la asked te do so thus Week. He will b. happy to send for your church letter. The minister's sermon theme for the Il o'cloëlk worship service on Sunday morning wiIi be:- dei Am, Proud of the, Gospel of Christ., The munit for Sunday, morhing wili b. as follows: Qrgan prelude-' "In thé Catiiedral",............Perne "In Paradise"................. Dubois "foiat, Luep"............Dubois Milss Marie Briel introit: *'Cast ThyBurden upon the Lord".......... .... Mendelssohn Aftheni **"Festival Te Deumn".. ..Bluck Offertory solo: "Tiie Procession"- Mis Ma A.Strong O)rgoJi postlude: "Dornc Toccatta"S.fach The. young people's groups-High I3chool Dpworth league and Theta 'Upsi- Ion Eiio-have held their laat regular meetings of tthe season. These groups will reaume their activities ln the fail. Tiere will be ne session of the Sunday school, but the. schoiars are requested te gatiierln, their classes net later titan 10 ociocç for'.crediting'their attendailcei. Junior chorch las been discontinued for the sommer. The -board of trustees *Ill meet Mon-- day eveuing.- Bey.Scout troep No. 5 Wii1 meet Mon- day eveninig. The WomanIs'sgsoeiety will hold Its an- nuai lunèheoni Tuesdayý at the church. A very interestIng 7proégratnicf birthday groupa .bas been ^arrangéd. Reser-va- tiens for the lunch may b. nmade tbrough the spoke chairmen. The iast mid-week service cf the sea- son ýwlll b-.. eil Wedneqday eveiigat 8 o'clôIock. Tii. study wIll b. ýTii. Captiv- Ity and Returu," lu the serien- of etudies on "Great Eipochal Rvents ln Sacred HIa4tory."1 We invite you te meet viii un.- The. Chicago Presbyterial society will bold Its Jue meeting Friday, Jue 14, at the Second Presbyteriau church of Oak Pagrk. Réservations for the luncheon rnay be made with Mi,.. Ralph Rice. Girl Scout troop No. 5 wiil meet Satur- day afteruoon. English Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf "A Wership" The. Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor today (Tliursday) at 2 'cloek at the LjUtKIA 1 leaue...................9.01 . l church. This la t he annual meetingr and Th mui thésrceowrhp é lection aud Installation cf offilcers. An- Temsca iesriee oei nuai reporta wilI b. given. There viii 1)e next Sunday morning wiii b. as follows: a. réception for ail wemen of the churcii. Organ prelude-Tiiere Is a Green Hil- Tiie ZEcutive committe. viii meet at AtimBedGounod 1:30 o'clock. cnhmBra f the Worid ... . Eville Senior choir Choir rehearsal wiii be held titis eve- Oftertory sole ning (Titursday) at 8 'clock lu the, Jun- Mr. Walter Chambers 1er room, under thte direction of Mýiss O)rgan postlude-Rejoice, Ye Pure In Marie Briel. Ail members are requested H' eart..................... Soweby te b.e présent and ou time during the- r.mainlug few rehearsals of thé season. The Woman's society will hold Its reg- - ular devotional meeting on Thursdayý yeung chidrefl. Afoer tU115 ounumay Chut-ch schooi *111 operate .Its 8apeCIal summer 'session under the leadership of Mr. Compton.- It w1il be heldsitniltane- ously. with the church morning service. The progra m ls as folows: Organ prelu de: -"Meditaii.'Callaerts. processional hymun 'The caîlto worship Primary departmnent. T h p oye f Invocation AnitheM: " Seek Ye. the Lord".Adams The service of baptisin '1'be Cradle Roll service- Mrs. F. R. Adanis Recognition of Beginners' department junior. department bymn: "Fling out the Banner", Responisive reading- Led, by the Intermediate departmeiit The high school prograni- Evan bMllraith The cbildren's story ........ Mr. Hayes .Asolo: "IConsider the Lilies".... Speaks MIsa Pitsch offertory:*'ln Sommer". ..Stebbins A prayer of thanksgivlng The awarding of Bibles to the third year lalia...........R--. J. G.* flndly T'he Chorch school. ........1 Mr. La Rloy A hymn The benedictien and response Organ postlude: "March for a Chut-ch Festival" ...... ...............Best On 1rday, June '7, the Central circle wili meet with Mrs. C. A. Carpenter, 601 Washington avenue. Luncheon will b. served at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. May Saville and Miss Jean Taggart wiil be the. assist- ing hostesses. .The Junior Camp Pire Girls meet Sun- day at 3P. m, Scout troop No. 1 meets Tuesday at 7:20 P i Thie Browni4,s (Junior Girl Scouts) met Weduesday at 3:80 p. mi. Scout troop No. 2 meets Wedtiesday at 7:»1). m. Cub Pack 63 meets Saturday at 9:30 a.. . Bafitist Church Wiimette and Foest avenues The seventh anniversary cf Dr. Ahli- son's past6rate Was observed last Sun- day by alrg cngregation., The .large cgA .wA il a. ni. N4ext Su nday the church school :will meet for Its last session befiDre the somn- mer. recess. A new red frontal for the aitar, for use on, ail holy days on which the church * color -ls red, given by ýMrs.. Royal D. Smithî in memory of ber motiier, will be dedicated at the il a. m. service next Sunday. The centenary fond has now reached, at'St.,Augustine's, $11100Q..'LThe goal set The- members of the Acolytes' Guild cf St. Augustines wIll "take part in the Acolyte 'service 'tonight at St. Luke's peo-cathedral, Evanston, when Bishop Stewart will address them. This lgaran annual service for ail thie Acolytes, Guilds of the diecese. St., Augustine's Acolytes and the rector were the gueste at. dinner of Mfr. and. Mrs. .1. J. .Wal- worth, director.of the Guild. tînoe'sof thre merbers of St. Augus- service of the Catholic club of the Diocese of Chicago, héld at St. Luke's pro- cathedral, Evanston, wben Royal D. Smith, who was president for some years, and under whose management the. club bas been a great success, retired front the preiency, receiving the-hearty con- gratulations and thanks of ah ,the mnem- bers. Bishop Stewart preached-the an- nuai sermon. The. funeral of Mrs. H. A. ]Brown, 12 Highland avenue, was conducted front the church Wednesday, the rector ,cn- ductingthtei.service. St. John' s Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues J.H. Gockel, pastor >SERVICES 9.:15 a. m.-Y'irst -service.' 9:30 a. mn.-5unday sciioci and Bible classes. il am.-mSecond service. MEETINGS Ladies' Aid, today, wlth pot-luck lunciheon at 1 p. mi. Junior Walther league, Friday. at 8 P. mi. Voting er ers. uesdayat 8RP. ni. mornng service. The funal service of the aenilworthnuz - ce vilI b. a Psg- Union chu-cii foirthe, season w111 be iield ' -Mr. and Mrs. John Boddie, 1730 lttan Heraide," Sun day,-morning, Jue 9 àt il o'<coek. Thte Wema's soclety luncheen and Forest avenue, returned las t Sunday chorus of about Dr. Wllett's subjeet 'iii b. *'Mzpah." Installation of officers wiii be heldFPri- by motor f rom Topeka, Kas., where nd adulte. Tii.e day, June 14, at the churcit, vien Mre ýo tlree parte-- Suuday school was dlscontinued witit A. V. Groin wIlI baud over the gavel to. they had gone on business ad DaY"-deserIblng Chuldren's day où June 2. ber succeser,Mr..-. Dernehi. *plasure. mage