-.-... %#. b8LJjOT'-ltjp WANEDPOSl'ON AKNGCARE 0f children by the houÙr, day or week. Phone Glencoe 1612. 68LT5-ltp .'ITUATION WANTE£D--MAL. WISH TO PLACE GOOD COL -HXUF- feur, 24.' Experiencet! long -distance REINHAIIT EMPL. AGENCY 748 Eln St. Winnetka 3399 69LTN-ltc Experlenced ;man Wants GARDEN AND HOUSEWORK References Winnetka 1562 EXIPER1ENCED JAPANESE WANTrS gerieral housework. Good cook and gardeaier. Best -of refe rences. Phone Kenwood 6516 afteîr à p. m. 69LTN54ltp pXI>E.ENCED GARDENER AND chauffeu r Wishe.4 position. German. Married., North Shore refer. Write A-21, Box 40, Wilmette., 111. 69LTNS-ltpý FILIPINO. RELIABLE COOK, HOUSF. .man,~ valet,,anti driver. North shoré ref. Apt 19, Sunny.9ide 9653. 69LTN5-ltp HOUSEMAN AND CARETAKER., Drive and, maintain cars or boat. Best, of efeencH. 45Main St., Wilmette. W. Vincent. 69LTN5-Iip __ IT. WTD-MALE ANF AL Reinhart Empi. Agency MIHGRADE DOMESTIC HELIP Nurses, chauffeurs and gardenère. 748 Elm St. Winnetkn. 339b *Wlmette 2171 Davis 7777 *Fourth & Linden 634 Davis St. 71LTN5-îtc IGIItL FOR GENERAL HJOUSEWORK. N. S.-references, No laundry. Adult family., Own rooin andi bath.' Phone Winnetkýa 852. 303 FairviewAv. T- netka*71LTN5.ltp CAPABLE WHITE GIRL FOR GE.IC.N- eral housework. Smnail convenient house, near transp., Own roo0m. 2 adults, 1 baby. phone Wilmette 3920 .206 th St., Wilmettei, 71LTN51tc COMPUTENT WHITE HELP WÂ4NXTED) with goot! references. Apply In person. ALL ÈIMPLOYMENT SERVI CE 443 .Vernon Ave. Gleneoe 251 71LTX13-tfe EXPrERIEýNCED WHITE. GR O afternoons. $8 a week., No laundry. Must lîke- children. 4 blocks tranlspor. 466 Poplar st., Winnetka 2M. I1LTN5-ltp ýwHITýE GIRL FOR GENERAýL HOUSE- w*ork.,. Cooking, no Iaundry. 3 ln family. 271 Hawthorne Avenue, ln coe. Ph. Gleneoe 1157. ____7L'ý1en5- EXPERIENCED BEAUTy -OPER-,k tOir. Muet be A-1. inger1 waver- and manicurist. References required. Win- hetka 772. 71LT54ltp YOU~NG WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework in semail farnily. $8. Phone Wilmette 777. 71LTN5-ltp ýWANTED-WHITE GIRL, GENERA Good home. $9. Winnetka 1577. _______7 1L5-ltp WHITE MAID. GENERAL nOUSEd- î work. 2 adults. No Washing or iron- ing. $8. Winnetka 3 826. 71 LTN5-ltp IN-TELLIC;ENT, C-APABLE, WH IT E nurse for childrein. Good wages. Win- netka 2551. 71LTN5-ltp HELP WANTRO-MALE FOR UALU--AUïOa FOR SALE - 1938 STANDARD <2HEV- rolet business coupe; fine condition; reasonable. Private party. Phonie Glen- coe 483. 77L5-ltp FOR SALE.- OLDSMOBILEM 4-DOOIR sedan.,Motor in. good condijion. ]Phone USED CAR BARGAINIS WHEN YOU BUY F'RM CAIDU.IAC YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GETTING! LOWER FINANCE THROUG1H GAÏAC PLANS Down Pay't '36 Packard super Deluxe 2-4 cpe. .$845 '85 Buick.. 5 paso. cpe, Mode! 68, like new ............. ........ 425 '35 Nash, 6 cyl 5 Sedan,. liké new.. 360 '29 Packard Phaeton ...........80 'M DeSoto Del. 2-;4 epe., 6 whs 195 '34 Olds Deluxe coupe, low mileage.. 30Ô -'33 OlIds conv. cpe., perfect ......... 21Ù> 34 Chev. coach, black, 5 whls. ..- . 185 '83 Auburn Del. conv Sedan ...... 240 '33 Buick 5 Sedan Deluxe.... ...... 285. '29 LaSalle conv. cpe., perfect cond. 110 '30 LaSalle conv. coupe .. ......... 160 '80 LaSalle copsedanwfe ......176 '8 30LaSalle cope, 6. sen ....... 176 .81 LaSalle conv. coupe, 6 whlu. 216, :82 LaSalle à sedan, 6 wheel equip... 34~ '3 LaSalle conv. coupe ............ 400 '80 Cadiliac Deluxe Roadster .....150 '31 Cadillac Town Sedan, 11ke new... 285 '82 Cadlllac V-8 5 paso. sedan ...... 400 '82 Ca.dillac V-12 all weather phaet. 615 '32 Cdillac V-8 conv. cpe. .>.... 600 '82 Cadillac V-12 set!., 6 wheels .... 415 CADILLAC e«Ar& TopCPtT '28 w 170 Ku&ightsedan '28 Chandler fedan $101 l'o $no~ '29 N'ash sedan-'80 Peerless sedan :29 LaSalle sedan '28 Packard Pbaeton $201 TO $30e '81 Chrysier sport coupe '31: Chryser sed. -'31 Studebakorset!. 1 '81 Graham-Paige, sedan '8 ah$301 TO $400. 13N shsedan-'31 Olda sedan '80 Pckar4 ,sed.-3-1 Buick sedan 34Plymhouth coach-.'331 Chev. Tudor '34 Graham Rl. S. coupe '31 Chrysier sport coupe Shore Line M otor s, mc. DODGE-PLYMOU'rH DFZALEIRS J. D. StinÈtôn=W. Husting 666 Center St. Wlnnetka 1778 77-LTN-lte HUDSON 1934 SEDAN, FINISHIED IN A'BE .AU- ttful shade. of steel dust. This car han, been driven.0ly 8,000. miles. $695. BUTLEPI MOTOR>S,1 IN. 5 1200 Chicago Ave., Evan. Wllmette 4474 77A-ITN-lte UTO TRAILEU Outboards Get You There FOR EVINRUDE AND ELTO SBE KEN COBB, WINNETKA 1180 78ALTN5-tp FOR RENT-MOONsg WELL FURNî5jISHj COMPORTABLE room. Convenient central location to "L" and! North Shore. Private entraînoe a.nd bath. 510 Greenleaf 'Ave.. Wilmette COUPLE. 35 AND 36. ENGLISU. EX- PACKARD) HUBBARD WOODS. celleîitbutler: Good N,.S. refs. 13RANCËI RE4J& INHAIZT ElMPL». AGENCY 925 Linden Ave. Winnetka 78 .Ei, St. Winnetka 3399. 72LTN5-ltc ______70LTN5-ltc WANTED-YOUNG- MAN, 18 YRS. OR. COUPLE, 35 AND 34,ý COLORED, A-i over to go with famlly for sumnmer i refs. Wisconsin, 130 miles from. Winnetica. EItlNIIAIT EMPL. AGEINCY Responsible for boys, agé 4 and 8. Also 748 Elin St. Winnetka '39! odd jobs around cottage. Mfust row,,and 7OLTN5-lte swnm. Write A-131, Box 40, Wilmette, EXP RIENCED YOUING GER.MAN 7LN-t couple. ~a-osmn adnr E WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH Wife-generiil bouiýewotrk and vcooking. Routes in Wlniette. Write today. Writ A-8, ox 0, Wlîntte ~ awligh Co., Dept. ILF-761-SB, Free- Wrfe -1, ox 40 W lietenn..r t ii 111t ~.s. S Oood N. 5527. Wilmette. 7 L6-ltp 22 NCBD HIT WOMAN OR. 10 general. TGohome rnighti. Ci referenc. 0Phone Kenllworth Hi@ 71LN5-ltC MOTOR CAR BUYERS ATTENTION! WESCOTT MOTORS, mec. CHEVROLET DEALERS EÉirst for Greatest Values, in High-Grade Dependable USED CARS 1934-Deiuxe Ford co&tch. g' là 1if" abl Êij- smn auitLL aiuy. WIthE- desirot!. Sultable for 1 or 'ilmette 8206.1 C)OM WITII SLEF-PING P for one. Goond location.1 id, well furnished. 815 M inmette 858. EjEASANT RO-OM, SUITA] or Z close to tra.nsplrtatio' le. 418 Provident, Winnet )R RENT 'RO014. £S5 PR hndxir WAthtJl@ UUMPUInIng~l. 1200 Chiago Aive., Evan »Aite t7 neral. housework. ipermanent. lmte47 - paticulars. Write A-12,, Box 77À-.dTAN5-itc BOARD AND1 e, 111. 73L5-ltp c1 n'T~y erably euiplo - H V O E able at Mrs. SI ...$75 to $100 1934 SPORT SEDAN, SIDE MOUNTS, 'Wlnnetka 2795 girls3..... ........ $8 to $12 trunk rack, spot light. In new car- KN s helpers $5... to $6- condition throughout. $525. offers you cleai L EMPLO>YMEN AGNCY BUTLER MOTORS, INC. wlth bath.1 Parkt, III Glencoe 160 1200 Chicago Ave., Evan. WIlmette 4474 able. s1s Cum, 73L5ltp71A-LTN5-litc ,homelke roons, suit. ccfelnt ineak Iý nO- or.Rd. Knlçt5l