Look further thon just the. prioe per gallon. >~ Coxasider, how well 4 covCrs,, how far it CI w spreads' and how long it lasts. Quality and economy can be judged ouly after the paint is applied and subjected t0 exposure. Cheap, short-lived paint is costly at any prioe. You really save money hy using 'PATT & LMBERT. .COMMANDERt HOUSE PAINT For the outside of the house, for the interior wal le, floors eud furniture - for everything in and. about pour borne, shere is a Commander Paint or a Pratt & Lanmbert Varnish. or Enamel especially deeigned to do that particular job better, -to meure the utmnoet in bauty, durability and economy. witm Every Point Purcbase New! * Self-Sizing 0 Washable 0 Lm sLabor White mnd tints -05C 5-lb. pkg. wr- bb5,i New! Satin Finishm Quart $1.3 15 Drapery for the occasion. GoId medals for high scholarship and perfect attend-, ance will be given at the comment-j ment ex-ercises. On Wednesday, june, 5, the gradl- atce were, guests àt the alurnnae 1an- quet beld'at the, Vera Mtegoweii Teaý room in Evaniston. Other noteworthy events of Senior W eek are the -following:. Senior, Sow- da1ity Day, Friday, Juneý .7, under the~ direction of, the Rev.. R. Hagspiel, Class Day celebratibn and. Honors Day,. Monday junieý 10, in the, Mal- linckrodt auditorium; Mass for the graduates "Tuesday-môrninÉ june 1I1, at 8 o'clock, the celebrant and speaker for the occasion ýbeing the Rev. A. lyber: Senior breakfast, june 11, nt 10 o'clock, in the ýMallinckrodt,çafe- teria. In the course. of. tbepaest week, Mallinckrodt received the Certificate of. Accrediting from the University 'of Ilinois, by which the schonl is recognized for maintaining the stand- ards and conditions for the accredit- ing of secondary schools as d 'efined by the university. Graduates of the scbool a re thus eligible to enter any, higher institution of learning withot examination. Thbe list of graduates follows: Phyllis Barker, Anna Jane Bechtel, Clemence Bisson, Louise Bucklin, Carol Clark, Dolores Curtin. Rita Doetsch. Betty Donnersberger. Mary. Greiss, TFrances Hohs, Irene~ Kasper, F.velyn Kirscht, Cordelia Lowry. M.ary Meter. Bernice Miller, Vivian Miller. Many Ann Mullen, Marion Neveling. Marie Philips. Jeanette Platz, Maryrita Preston. Lois Schabeck, Bernice Schafe.hen. Delphine Scbolten, Lo~uise Schwall. Margaret Shiel, Genevieve Smith- Florence Spraytz. .Doris Stancoe, Anna Streit. 'Rose Toscani, Anna Tranzi, Mary Venturi, Mfary White, Marie Zander. It is heavily reinforced. New briglit colored can- vas. You will wanot several at thec prioe wen you ce them 4