University of Nebraska, class of 1926, wliere lie was- a member of the R. 0. T., C. unit qualifying for a çonuuission as second lieutenant in the Reserve Corps.. Hé joinied the National Guard1 in 1933, enlisting. as a, private and bas held non-commis- sioned renié as corporal and sergeant. née is rated as a sbarpshooter w'vrtb terifle one pounder, and tbree-inch trench mortar. Mr.*Elcvall'is a newspaper distribu- tor and aý member of tbe: Winette Rotary club. Miss Getru d-Mattheéws, 319 Essex r-oad, Keitlworth, who bas finished ber junior year at Vassar returned on Tuesday of, last week. Her brother, Oen H. Matthews, Jr., a. freshman at. Williams, returns"this Suniday for bis 4ummer vacation. O*RI W. bave a *OWM Mait uveè . re S 0 tbo*wbe.-we WU M 71 imb de te* ter. IWW Omu. Ibo PACLIAMUL@ lm r~.Av~ WiL.104, NathW Francla Photo A Lion Stalul17-yWa-old -n of Mr cnd-.MrsýO7L Stah,j430 Isobella çtreel, Wilmette, us ène of tthe ,sorth Shore'$ nmou >rom.'ting young pianistu. Heterill be a senior at New Trier. Higis school ,sext Mrs. Marian Cotton, bead of the New Trier music department, said this week. that the youtbful Stabl's progress dur- ing tbe past year bas been very un- usual He is a pupil of Arthur Gran- quist, 1049 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette, at whose borne he gave a joint recital witb .Floyd Invitations bave been sent to Mary Elia Waidner, jean Mclntosh and Dorotby jane Orr, of Wilmette; Taày-, boe Hannaford, Théodore Finney and H1elent Beisbacb, of Winnetka;- Mary Ellen, Fojrgan, Eitb" Harrison and Barbara Barnbart, of Lake Forest; Mary Hokanson and. Marian Bard, of Higb .land Park;- ,jean Kirkland, Anna Marie Booz, Virginia N oy es, Helen Sprague, Dortbea Wing, Leon- ore Dunning, JillI Price, Gladys Hes-: keth -and. Peggy Lighter, of Evanston ; Helen Ha61tn, f iver Forest; Florënce DIngle, of HubbardWoods; Peggy Barrows,. Mary de Tarnow sky, Heath Horton, Betty Lee DBoling and Viýrginia Buettner, of Cbicagoý; Alice, M.Orr, Of St. Charles; Aine Bryant, of Wheaton, and lune Naro*wet,&, Park Ridge- Mrs. Thomnas K. Gale Dies in Rockford, 111. Mrs. Tbomas K. Gale, widow of a former pastor of the Wihnette Parisb Methodist cburcb,, died on Wednes- day, june' 5, at the home of ber daugbter, lits. Mildred Tavenner, in Rockford, Ili., wbere sbe had been 1;.,Iln Rat;Ab*khe aumhtfr. Mrs. $2,612.50 was the îowest of tnree suu,- mitted. The streets to be resurfaced are : Kenilworth avenue f rom tbe public fountain to Lake Michigan, Ricbmond road' frotu Kenilwortb avenue to Woodstock avenue, Woodstock ave- nue from Ricbmnond road to Leicester road,' Oxford roid fromn Woodstock avenueto Leicester road, Warwick lane from Oxford, road, to Abingdn avenue, Essex moadl frotn. Oxford road to Woodstock avenue. and- Leicestelr road from,'Kenilwortb avenue. to Woodstock avenue. These s treets.are to be resurfaced as partOf 'a tbree-year: program. The, resurfacing is to be financed, from the vebicle tax fund, insteaLd-of by assessmellts a gainst abuttinig prop- erty- owners., as bas been the case iii tbe past. It is planned. to bave the, resurfacing work cornpleted by July 15. In theanntual budget adopted last montb by tbe kenilworth trustees for the Village's operating expenses during the coming year a sum of $3,000 was set aside for the resurfac- ing programn. The low bid was con- siderably under the $3,000 figure. At the meeting Monday nigbt the Ken- ilworth board adopted the annual ap- propriation ordinance, which con- forms to tbe budget passed last mentI'. OU 5h... Permanentl* stree't',, left Kenilworth Tue5 wuf vi ,baUhpoo companylng Mrs. William Sc mas el w'w ueld.d (Mary Louise Scheidenhel *.ou. Saes.Mrs. Lowell Noyes, of Chic& WiUI BbalDpo45-tPJaiWCUt nlotor trip to Wellesley Co *pect to be away towes ~O c M. B. Oke.n FurrIem * S. 'T- -H E R *1 MohPo ofini cia % torec.10 nc The. gib. adWorks of Maf Science LiWratum may bc reà y ec- veitzer and on a ge to ey ex- mete ie uc uamea u ii-.. intendent of tbe Metbodist -cburchi and later served cburcbes at Joliet and Maywood. The funeral services for Mrs. Gale were held last Friday afternoon at the- First Metbodist churcb in. Maywood, Tbis *as the last cbuirch which atbe Rev- Mr.. Gale served.' is Te y 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. 'Baker Eddy, and ail other authorizcd Christian ,borrowed or purchased at the Reading Rôomn. 753 -PUBLIC Il CODDIALLY INVITEI> TO ATZWbD THE CRUJCB 5I*VICU AND, T TuE RAII?4ROOM Copper or I.aIvafiUO Iron Milieu 'Hardware Cg. 1819 W»tmett. Ave. WIL »40 ed a stroke about ree ivonm'w ag.. died at ber'bomne, 223 Dupee plaoe, on Wednesday, June 5. Mrs. Ammen was 76 years old, .and bad been a resident of Wilmette for the past ten years. She* was the widow of Wil- liam J. Ammen, who died thirteen years ago. Mrs. Ammen is survived by two nieces, Mrs. W. Earle Dun of Wilmette and Mrs. Aulie Mac- amhr of Roizerà Park. The funeral Miss Betty Marsball vwas bostess ber bridge club TuesdY, eveninlg t er bomne, 1040 Lmuwod avenue. I