In addition to the regular sumnier scbool classes, there will also be a class in annual arts, if sufficient inter- est is shown and énough pupils en- roll.. The class wili be under the di- rection of Lester Bail and will meet for four weeks only froni 9. to 11 'clock. Miss Matalea Brown will conduct a nature study class for two weeks starting-next Monday in the cabin on the Central scbool pflayground. Betty Herrick, 1032 Isabella street, a fresbhman at DePauw university in Greenicastie, mId., -will return Satur- day for ber summer vacation. could m aake the trij noýons. The summer 'te mornings only. er sessionl the, after- ýn meets in Aregular -schedule -of trips. ha& been ýplanned extending over the eigt-weksummer schbol period. Poin ts as far istant;as Lake Genieva, Kenosha and Gary wiIl be included' in* the schédule. Among the well known poinàfs of scientiflc interest to be visited are the' Abbott, biological laboratories in North Chicago and the Western Electric and Central Scientific. companys in Chicago. I CNS 31c LBBYSil Lof...270Z.1 Toanato Soup., CAN 7c Tomi. 'Juice. W.AZ*7c Cocomai... CAZ21 ORANGE PIKOK Nectar To.. PG13e DEL MONTE CofeVCUUM LB- WUWPACftEO N2e LIUERTY BRAND FnkfuSl'rs.. LB7lC AGEDAMERICAN CHEESE' 19~ WILSON*U CEATrIFIED> C@rmedihef. . ' lie DEL. MONTE Tomates.. CCOLLEOE INN Chlck.n .2 NO. a26m A LA îo~k.oz. UCIN. *SANTrA CLAA SOM 70-00 AOEK-IS aOAI<t WttTWÉAT Cured Homs. . -L..23e WIIOLE OR HALF ARMOURB Tir TOP as aie * 8;OZ. 13e UNrEEDAICEARS' SHREDDED Wheat....2PKOS. UNEEDA BAKERS' RITZ Crackhes.. **,LB. Crocers. PI<G. 23C SWIFT'S IRA N.DED DEEF Rib'Ros b. '22c 6tb end lth cuis Choice c'uis. lb. 28c DOGGIE Dinner. WALDORF 2Af .4 ROLLS 17e S..ip....CAKES 29e Lux Flakes.. 9c' Bisquick F2K . '7 400OZ. 31 c PKG. Peanut lutteR 21e SULTA^NA Peamut Botter. J33e OR Dit@ILUWS 0 0 Meat Specials