r.W» uEIralada - fe, Usos.n Ù90. 4 venm«Dwlqo it4~~ fi euOd Put-Time bqI. $CULMUS5 CLASS: TEACHhRS, TRAININO COURS$* JUNIOR ýCLASS: Fridaym end SaturdayÏ., Peé., Sl. Natnrltalent d dlom.. Ex collent a". tralnirg. Fine odtet fgr .:retlve eneriei. Gomam ertute. emphased and prove*"W aa*t chlld becouse bc se e itleily the remulga of usIna 1k GRFnIeaf 1674 ACADEMY 0Fr FINE ARTS 636 CHUftCH STREET. SVANÎTON CARL $CHEFFLEJR4 DIRIC~T09 ~N M~C0N N ELI. t COURSE ASYOU WOULD CHOOSE YOUR. 1CLUBS IKUUD PQ33ES3EK3 .. . The whole sbip, fromn the offiçers down, is. elated 'over, acquiring, the Scarab, a 35-foot cruiser well:knowni in Chicago waters. A number of the boys went 'down to theshipyard early Sunday ùorning, and- they certainly were tbrilled with the Unes of the ship. She bas a focastle up forward, an enclosed' pilot bouse,. a galley, head, a grand cabin, and a stern deck. She is powered by a wonderful six- cylinder engine that p)romises great speed. Al in ail s he is a trim looking craft. DISAPPOINTMENT.. Ail the scout ships were out Sun- day, some of the scouts going sailing' for the fir st tinme. Plans, for using the Co ast Guard' surf boat did not materialize, Capt. M. A. Jacobson 'had kirîdiS consented to ôtr u sing the boat, but we were not able to do so, because of bis being occupied in mooring a wreck off Highwood. The plans will go tbrough next Sunday, however, and every fellow who ex- pècted to go along, is urged to be at the harbor by 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon.-J. R. B. have been "working ýup to scbedule" and are accomplishing ail that they set out to do. They have been cleaning up and burning brush and- windfall, have been lining the trail *s with white bircb Iogs, rtepairing cots, getting kitchen and dining hall equipment in order, repairing boats and doing other things in preparatione for the stimmer ac- tivities. Discussion of plans to make this season the best in the blstory of Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan featured the meeting which the 1935 camp staff heid Wednesday evening of this weék in Wihxiette at the home of "~rge Bersch, camp difrector.. Arrangements were made whereby most of. theý staff will beat camp by Wednesday, june 19. 'Camp opens on, june 24 'for the first perioid. Every staff member is, experienced' and considered an expert in bis ýfield. The complete staff is, listed below.: Hews~ 1935 Camp Stafff Business maànager, Clifton G.. Speer, Highland Park; camp diréctor, George Bersch,. Wilmette; assistant: camp, director, George Ryan, Arden. Shore, assistant camp director, George Hinn, Highland Park. Chef, C.D Finch, Antigo, Wis.; assistant chef,1 Mark Kilsdonk, An- tigo, Wis.; dining room director, I-tarry Skiclmore, 1lHighland Park-., kitchen helper, Bill Schmidley, High- rland Park; kitchen helper, Paul. Allen, Highland Park; quartermaster, Robert Ebrier, Witinetka; camp handyman, Art Joues, Wilmette. Salon la Camp Doctor Doctor, D. D. Salon, An Mich.; nature director, Mooney, Highland Park; as4 nature director. Robert Brown, Arbor, James Waterfront director, Dick Wich- man, Highland Park; assistant water- front director, Jim Suter, Liberty- ville; assistant waterfront director, J'im Lytie, Highland Park; boating director, Milton Merner, Deerfield;, activities director, Gail Breithaupt, Wauconda; assistant, activities direc- tor, Buck Wise, Indiana. Koebelin Village Leader Villagee. leader, Rd Tobelin., Deer- *ASK ABOUT OUR P'LAN 0F YEARLY PLAYING RIGHIS. ENTIRELY ORIG. JNAL AND DECIDFWLY DIFFEKENT. feet- l-n. - - .. Wlut l;' the entire six weeks. Dr. Salon Will _______long.__ talce care of all minor injuries, and if any siçkness should arise 'he will TROOP 13 GR0 WING also take care of patients. Camp i8 New members of Troop 13, Kenil- -provided with a hospital wito four worth, are Michael Montanaro, johQ beds anà"otherequipment to meet Ketcham and Louis Brenner. emergenc ies. g-J .0 'Q I v ~1) uJ 'z i I