r Pure Dye SiIk Neckties! $1 and $1.50 You know.. . the kind Dadi show ta his friends with gil ho prefers ^that type., Lined sither' throughout, or through the tying point. See them, withaut. delcyl. Summer Socks: 'lntewoven and Haleproof hase which fathers always preferi Plain and patterned; 3 lisie or sillc ...... 35c p That'*s Why We Made a p Special JPurchase! II .11 .Give Hum ,Shirts! Broadcloth shirts oif réal qualityI Plain whte andi solid colons. The popular nectcba nd style. Sires 14 ta I7. Other shirts fromn $1 ta 2'. Polo Shirisi Cardiga weee in white and p .aes hefvored I color i n smail, medium and large sreès....... New Pojamas $1.95 SALE Planned Just for YOU!I ,,Mosquito Netting 50. and $1.00 Snow-white net for Crib- or carnaége.A n ecessary protection for *absSummr carnfort. Organdië Bonnet s) Broed eloth Cre.pers 74c Sleeyeless end short sl.eved creepers in white and côlons. Adorable» styles,. practicel, dainty and comfy for hot wealher. Sires 1, ta 3 Yeats. Training Panties 25e Light-weight, cf course, for warm weahe .. . but èrnply pno.ctive, nonethelees. lI sires 2 to 6 years. Toddlers' Frocks 94e Exquisitely sheer ittie dresses in sizes I 1ta 3 yearsl Choose fnom dimities.. flock dots, Swiss .and sheer prints. Sleeveless and quaint little- puffed steeves. INFANTS' SHIRTS Fine. liste sleeveless shirts in complet. sire I9 range ........19 65e Winsome crisp whit organdi.s with 'dainty pastel ribbon tims. Roffied bonnets;':demure'POLO. styles and tailored types. Infant,' ta two-year sies. Summer Sus SIoeveless suits for Sonày. boyl ,SOmn with sheer tops end linn panties ,. . . others cof Summ.r, b=odcloths. infant colors 'end white. Sizes 1 ta 6 years. iI**Ij~i téntherics Colog g BowI.......1 gne for Men.. Men's Shop- Yarley Talcum for Men. 85 ie"--treet Floor JUNE13, 1935.