Eifeltz concert is Monday, October 21, at Orchestra hall. Next Monday, june 17, about. fifty *members of 'the section will meet Ilat. a. 12:30 o'clock beakfast in the Sou'th tea room at Mandel brothers to:rmalc preliminary'arrangemeénts for the dis- tribution' of exchange tickets. Mail order will be filled at Orchestra -hall ithe order in wýhih they are, re- ceived. Mis. Harry A. Kahn, of Glencoe, second 'vice-president of the Chicago section, is general chairman 0of the concert committee. Sei en s sisted by Mrs..Benjamin I. Morrisas vice-chairman, Mrs. Samutel L.lier- man as treasurer'and Mrs.,Milton E. Klein as secretary. Mrs. Haàrr.y J. 'Myerson, president of the- organiza- tion, is an ex-offcio memÈber of the coinmittee. Other north shore women who wilI attend the ltrncheon are Mrs; T!àrry L. Canmann of Highland Park and Mfrs. Mý,ilton Orauer and Mrs. Arthur K. Levy, both of Olencoe. .Miss McCann.y WiII Be Bride Saturday, June 15 Mfiss Gladys McCanney, daughter of'Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F~ranis eMc- .... we've iather.d 'a gr@up of goy thi1ngis for Summer that have the added charm of b*inq thor.ly ias.ful. Large canape plat. frosted and cleor,*$ Double sauce dish with two ladies . *$2 Wood cocktail tray$2.50. Red and white server for hors d'oeuvres . $3 Cigarette box with red or blue anchor . $1.25 The Rev. Bernard Brady will per- form 'the, ceremony,1 whichm will be followed by a reception and wedding supper at the Orrington hotel. Miss Dorotby Sterne of Chicago and John Reding of Evanston will be the only attendan ts. After a motor trip to Quebec, Canada, Mr. Engels and his bride wÎll reside in Evanston. large size $ *1.25 Glasses, fine white stripes with red bond, priced by the dozen: Footedcocktails *$9 Whlskey Soors $5 OId Fashioneds Klghbil s. $5 $4 twelve guests Sun, per when the neiw ber home. was opq mnents included coopd veran coal. grate. efled. The re< "glorified wil out-of-doors