beeu. secureu by thle cnurcn, for the entire day and evening. Mrs. W. M. Keeley, 900 Michigan avenue. is general chairnian of this event with the following comniittee assisting: Mrs John Hugh McClos- key,-president of thé Women'sunion:' Mrs; George W. Gordon,. president of the guild; Mrs. >M. M. Wilcox, president of theý Service guild; ,Mrs. Mi. M. Whitfield, president-of the junior guild:' finance and social chairmen. .Mrs.ý A. E. Swanson, Mrs.. I. D. Goss, Mrs. 'Gordon ýJones, Mrs. T. I. McKnight Mrs. Martin Rosen- dahl, and' Mrs. ýRandal Laycock. Golf and swimrning Will, be avail- able ail day. 1.Luncheon wil be served --at 1 o'clock, -with bridge and style show' followingl under the direction of Mrs. T I. McKnight, with .Mrs. Roscoe .Page ini charge of prizes Dinner, with Mrs. Wilbur Helrn ini charge, will be served Ifrom 6:-30 to 8:30, following which. there will be bridge for tho"se desiring to play. Mrs. Ra.ndall Laycock wiIl have charge of supper dancing beginning at ninelo'cock, with supper at twelve. There will be, supervised play for children ail day urîder the direction of Elsie Hoeth, with a 'box luncheon available. Many luncheon and dinner 'parties are already being planned, for this -Galadav'. avenue, Içenilworttî, andi joan KSetch-, amn, daughterof the Frank Ketchams of 40 Devonshire lane, Kenilworth, wille.entertain ail the members of the graduating, class of joseph Sears sclioôl at a dancing party Friday at the Keniilworth club. S. Mfergeèner, M-'.rç Mrs. Louis H. Rei Walker, and ,Mrs. .~.WiSn Homne Agaoin Mrs. Bentley McCloud, 338 Kenil"- worth avenue, Kenilwvorth* returned Friday froin àa five-day Visit wjth her parents, Mr. and Mrs«. Robert Ohm- sted of Omaha. Mrs. McCloud me- tored back with her brother, Robert Olmsted, Jr.., of Gleçncoe, and with her father. Her brother had' spent ten days with bisparen its, and ber-father was on his, way to Madisen, mnd., to attend the fiftieth, reunion, of biîsý class -at Hanover coilege. Leaving for Mexco Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Carisen, 501 Washington avenue, Wilmette,, and Miss Ruth Arnold of 1123 Lake ave- nue, Wilrnette, are'leaving today for Mexico City, D. F., to spend the summer. Mrs. Carisen, who teaches Spanish at New Trier High school, will. take courses in the summer school of the National University of OUR NEw FUR VAULT STORAG'E AT REASONABLE RATES EVANSTON PIRIPROOF WARîNOUSE uu.ý mil WII 914 e F avenue, eon Wei >e to be- married on June ý2 oung men are former school- of Mr. McWilliamns. Miss i is the daughter of Douglas , Chicago poet. G.Ross Stewart, 542 Ashland was hostess at a bridge lunch- ednesday. of last week. i5dyth 'Diedrich 17" CENTRAL ST, EVANSTONq Dleoli.dPrIes agd ml Buget -PU ALS OTAUNIE TWINNIETKA SH*Pý THE CHIMNETýSUa- ENTER STREET, WUNEKA IVE SUMMER. 300 In pleasant Junc - ýto -SeP- -temier colons that inake bright accents or har- monies for your summer cloches. Aqu a - Sec proc- essed.1 Can bc kept ian- two bloçk initiais ien bue, red or white enamel wit h sivrcolored meta. 'if T WnrnoLuiTsmEVANST@N ODevis Street WIImnet** 1100, -TH 'AVENUE, f-IOAN AT CHUSTNUT and Ia.u