*a ricn bacgroundu *of ten years of highly successful operation. But, back to Director Vance's piece of advice- Here are naines to con jure with., Naines that spe11 importance: in north *shore athletic and boys' work cardeés. *In addition to Director Vatîce, Who wa s head football coach at, Evans- tonTownship Highý school'for many years prior. to joining the Purpie staff, we find these notables -among the Camp counselors: AI. Lind of Wilmetteî co-captain, Northwestern .1935-36 football squad, who will have ýcharge of trips, Senior camp,.football and general athletics. Bob Townley of Kenîlwortb, physi-ý cal director of the KenilWorth schools, who will direct the Junior camp and have.charge of Scout*109. F. C. Jackson, director:physical edu- cation, Evanston Intermediate schools, wbo will direct swimming and the rifle range. Dr. Jacob Hoosief, camp physician, a fine doctor and a fine character. Anton Wier, member of faculty, Evanston Township High school, in charge of music, camp store, trip out- ftting and entertainments. Fred Johnston, director of Evans- ton Boys' clubs, wbo Witt have charge of handicraft. n115 losing'direct contact qrth par-i elnte andhoe Aside 'froin the junior class of c hi- dren '5S.to 7yar of, age which has INSURE YOUR CHILben:ENMYABLE SUMMER PLA.Y CLA*SSES lioýa rAtr» pftes Sneperthekâ%"irmsyç eUlu4.l>) Bioosu*sgI%8Vi~t4ii-e~u~igI.te«ansd 0C8&twr v armoà-Mf umRemny D1 Optloma.l :-FIreII ndl zoo TulpeB DOxNs SEN Marmeite ParolkaD WINNux KA 1 2da Js;all-epeIe #3 Muakoka LakeG, Qtineue', frr n 191»4 ,St.- Anme BeaumupLdko Chmàplaim, Adiir.mdack, and $iaomrm Law Cruis, golf, hor"emck rilis, lo tmg à d -ail sighbmemimcude. luxe motor cocb md de luxe hoW.s uhros4hout loe 1 . the. W.st.ns P: su TraelService Situu B uildi va.m. Gwmfflefisi 4Dwt*e, _________________________________________________________________________ I -w lgr-W MetCamp Kocblh-"I Ching Leaders!I,ý A Good St.ff'. A Go@d Camp Camp Kooch-I-Ching leaders are real men--men capable of directing boys, and able to make a summer of camp life an outstanding experience,, long tu ho remembered. Ten yoars of successftil operation under the leadership of Mr. C. F. Vanco, Northwestern University Coaching Staff. Camp terni Juno 3th to August 25th. Write or cati C.,F. VANRDirector scnooi, who wil be in charge of c'amp craft, basebali and basketball.' Winslow Heg, member Nortliwest- ern track teain-six years at Koocb- I-Çhing--in charge of canne trip$, track and entertainments. Dan Heap, st ar freshman back at, Northwestern university, counselor ini the junior camp. The camp is operated mider the personai direction of2 Mr. Vance. I aftmnoonh, daily, except -Saturaay. Activities will inclucte swimming in- struction, reading, interesting and E constructive gaines, music on rainy ' aYs and, as an. ôptiônâ,1 feature,il EDbtte He.ad of f SphooI Bt. Camp "E'amstou Inter 6