:»Q» pro- flor voe ider, Mar- nié Gruhn. Igb sciioo il &0II - eVlaIqW, AncroeMW aryn t;ceorbian., Lucilile Reerens, Barbara Olar, ma'ri Woodbury 8uaffn -eich- mm, Jane ruckei', Lilîfan Iones, Betty Crawford, UCgenià Churcb, and Dore- thea Nrti. motion pictures icf the procesion. led by the junior choir, vere taken by tohn M. Davis. 'finay epeing tast, fofty Young eee- pie cloeed the. season ot regmlar mieetings vIth a beach party at the. home of EettY Dubbs. Rlowland Davis, the new Young peple's president, Io aiready planning for the commissions and activities of the faîl season. -Winêrio* (Fi1day3th le Woman's soci- ety hods the. luneluncheon, teliowed by the. Istallation' of efficers and the assignment of members toe.ie no "Illike"ln ou,' chaili offriendsblp. The uudy sucol> wlil bold It regU- la' session at 09:à* o'clock, in ail depart- Méeats. under the general direction cf ]aphIL Rcsupierintendent. The Aduit Bible cias Willi meet at 10' cock, -the Rov. Harry, Shaw teachii thesumdlntefai 'Me munic for the morning Wonship service wvill -b. as foliove: Prelude "$Warumel fScbumann; soles, "Spittk God," Neldllnger, and O*Out of -the Deeli," Mar;ks, by Udward 011., sololt; pot- lude, '¶'rlumphal March," Verdi.miss Erina Rounds la director. The mldweek services have been 'sus- peiided'for the summer, te be resurned in the fai Techurci '*Ill maintain regular Sun- day niornlng services threughout the sununer, the pas*ev prea*lsff #wrougli- out junei and July and the tiret twe Sun- days lnhiaugust, and gueat preachers supilyng the pulpIt the last two Sun- days ln August and the tiret two in Sep- tember. The0 Sunday school will aIse continue thrcugb the summer. Sciiolars of ocher Sunday schools which mnay disband for the sunimer arc weleom-e te take advan- tage of our school. English Lutheran A A Afý- l 1. Il a. m.-Secolid service. Because of graduation exorcises, the Senior Walthier league wilIl fot meet tuis we* FIriday but niext week Frlday. choir rbaslKna,7:46 P. M. '1 "e Church andi 'Soiall Questions" la the subject of next BOunda's serMon, basel on Luke 13:13-15. Juat what posi- tion ihould thie chur occupy la social or oecoomic pirob1eiof the. day-capital and 'labor, old-age Insuranee, the. New Dealt siaring the wealth, and the 1k.? àome censure the churcii for shirklng its responsillty ta sucli matters; others accuse It cf meddling tu affaira. whlch are outalde Its provinice. Wiiat say the Seriptures? Ttil are invlted te corne and, hear the answer. A questionnaire bas been sent te al mebrscf the churcb and Sunday acolte determine whéther the outing on june 23 shall Include an out-door service ln the-.morning, or whether the outlng shall Include an afternoon pro- gram onlyr. 'Thé resuitwiil bie announced next week. Next àunday Io the annuai festival of our Kindenbeini or children's' home ln Addison, wlth services ut t1i a. in. and 3 p. m. Tbose -who cajnet attend but wish to make a contributilônwill b. given an opportUnity to do se at the close cf Sunday's service. Next Sunday le aise the tenth annîver- sary cf Valparaiso university as a Luth- eran Institution. Baccalaureate service, il a. mi. Annlversary service and coin- mencenient exorcises, 230 p. mn. 11e1 eïlGiSocut treepsand Brewnie pack sponsored by th.slachurch have 4ls- contlinuel regular ,meetings for dis remalinder .-of. the, summer,. The Girl Scouts ae ited te attend a trip te the Erèkflld pib tis Saturday. June 16. ieavlng the church, at 9:30. and returniiig around &:39. The-ar--Invited te at- tend tii. dayr camp to be held TruesdaYs and fldays ln .july at the Glenview fer- est preserVe. T7hé Wesleyan Service guild wiIl held Its June meeting Tuesday evening, lune 18. Yurither'announcement as te place, and program wiil appear In the. Sunday bulletin. St. A ugustine'S< Dr. Hubert Carleton, rector Sunday, Juùe 16, wIll be Trlnity Sun- day. There will b. hely communion at 8 a. M., and holy communion with sermon at 11a. m There wiii be neo services ef the church school next Sunday, the. beginning of asummer v acation. The. presldlng Blshop ef the church will be the guest cf the diocese at a centenary achievement dinner .Tues4ay evenlng, June 18. at 6,30 o'cleck, ln the grand bail roeoetf Htel Sherman, te, which ail men and women of the diocese are Invited., Reservations may b. made at St. Augus- tne's church offices. A very large at- tendance et the people' of the diocese ls expected. unuren sçno i ...........-...7. ,. - . -re. remind.d of our 'Baptist Second ser'vice........ ......il 11a, in. Church scho< ,oys ani girls at Lake Ge-' dren's day w 81-28. 111e bigh sciiooi and Music for the. services next Sunday: held In the. a pe art likele arqumied ef Oq'gan prelude-Verset in IF minr- et il o'clock. g)aBptiet a*sembly, saine. Cesar Franckc ned wth the ats.Anthein-Leve Divine . Mendelssohni 15er wIll prei ____________Junior choir te the signifi, Offertory soie wIll be baip Mr. Frank Dorband appreciate hî conitrla QMI Organ postlude--Toccata In'G .. DuBois week. G. llOlymiiserJunior choir rehearsai- Saturday Members*a Demente'" la the subýject of Vmorniing at 10 o'clock. thSat tepwr r. indiav'à m.rmofl on Su- mus....ica~ >,l pr ine ummi Il is 'boped te, present a conslderably larger total1 at. the centenary fund dinner ln Chicago next Tuesday, toward the. $18,000 geai -which lias been set. T7he Wilmette Masonie ledge will meot attho Masonlc temple Sunday, lune 23, and march te, St. Augustlne's for their annual service aI l a. m. The vestry will meet tonlght, Thurs- day. hn the church office at 8 P. M. Campftlre 43rls meet Sun- No zzz' :M eban gmel *qe nmen IThe. Woman's-nom. Mlsslonary socs- té ceins. ety *111 niest 'iundaÏ, une 20, at 2 Miss Brenna Hawley.- daughter of M'r. and Mrs. Melin Hawley, 515 Warwick road, Kenilworth, returned froni New London, Conn., after coml- pletion* of her* freshman year at, Çonnectivut College for Women.,