cnampionsnips (lecided. Naines of' d ay, June 5,wh25 emraac the champions were announced thiswt25 ebran week by D. H. Showley, who has guests in, attendance. The. Howard gymnasium had been transformed foi charge of boys' intramural athIetic theocaonntatulbetf] activities at New Trier. ,BoYs who do banqueton h oalL Theclorseauofuth flot participate in varsity sports ar, .T A-yio adbuq-eecr eligibie to take part in the intrainiurali re- otl Aors aor n work.floral decorations. Par B ow w n t e ch oigolf The'annual report'of the preident -chmpinshp. e peviusy *a was read by Mrs. R. B.Deiny won he OPhooeciass champion- and Mrs. L. B. Toddgaeteta- ship. Bob Campbell, senior; cham- gaete ra pionship, was runner-up for school rr- rprtcThoaîcr ad o- mittee carmen for, the year 1935- honors, and Charles, Dwyer, fresh-, 1936 weetnitrue. manchapio, fnis~edthid.The program, was onie of: the most Champ at HorseLoes succ essful ever given before the or- James Anderson, sophomore singles ganization.. Mrs. Willi am Benner, horssho chapio, wo scooimusic chairman, is compliment- honors. in this sport, whiie Bigelow ed for hier talent for the afternoon. Haley, junior champion, .was the it. consisted of three of the musical runner-up.organizations of Howard school. h In horseshoe doubles the school Boys' Choral groupunder the direc- championship was won, by John Dun- tion of Miss Mary McKay, thriiled hill and 'Jimn Badger, sophomores. and amazed, the audience., Especially John Dfeacon, a freshman, flot only well received was "Swing Low, Sweet won the championship of bis ciass Chariot," with Raymond Driebes sing- in tennis singles, but alsoe copped ing the solo part. school honors. The runiner-up. for The combined glee clubs, boysand the, school championshîp ý-was 'Jack girls, sang Beethoven s "The Heavens Edward.s, best of the sophomore in- are", and "Suppliant Low, tramural tennis players. Thy Chiidren Bend," by Mozart. The Win in Tennis work of Mrs. Agnes Clark with this Th e tennis doubles championship group of eighth graders stands out went to Frank Koenen and Bob Pow- as remarkable. eil, who were also the junior ciass "Kitty Wagner's" ever DoDular or-- chamions. Lucie Dix and Dick Mc- Laren won the mnixed doubles cham- pionship ini tennis. Although Edgar B. Jackson's ad- viser roomn team was nosed out by R. S. Ream's team for .the junior class championship in playground baIl, the Jackson players went on to take flrst honors in the tourÉnamentI for 'the school championship., R. S. Peterson's teamn, senior advisor room 'champions, were runners up. -Mem- bers of the school championship teanin werc Arthur Aukdahl, Vernon Beebe, John Benett, Aldo Berthold, John Biederer, Bill Busscher, Howard Kraus, John Lazaretti, Jack Lechncr, Bob Astdick, Jerry Puize and Bob Wilson. This luncheon, Meeting was the final one for the year 1934-1935, and was the culmination of a most suc- cessful year for the Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher association. The Central-Laurel and Logan- Howard P. T. A.'s arecoope'r'ating on plans for a "sumrnçr r.Qundup" of e 4~1JIê4~ * 444a. Everyone learnos om.fhing.* ay..we "graduas.," s0 o loto O.w knowedge. Daily houï.wlv.s "graduats'" loto d» . &owl.. m*dge tliaf lIiy con Saïve mon.y y obs.vng Sfic w e.& Ffnngmof DI sac £dPhiUgh ADVERTISER Aoc Néor sales ........Coyer 11.1 Bernie Studio .........8 Blily Boy Nut Kîtch4n....12 pJiîIar»maey.... ......... Boanem, The Taller ........... 8 Boeok Nook.................. 46 Boulevard Drug Store 143 Boundury, The ............... Braun Bros. 011 Co...... .lit 29, 84. Cover iv BrsToggery....... Cam Camp i)Cooech-ehIng .......J Ca'niP wakoiz . .........4 Canadian Pacfe SteanisIp 48 Ceda.r Shiores Camp fer Girls ..................-4 Chicago & Nortiiwestern Tours Dépt ........ .... 2 Crystal Lake Country Club 50O Everett's Resort ........... 48 Jackson, E. B............2t Lawsonia Hotel. ....2 ADVBRTISER PAGE ADVERTISEIR Nationtal alIetes ... .....s New Trier Servi« Station ...-1 North shore Sales.. . 011 W.l1 The ..... ........... a 0lkealàp M. B. Parrers, Iê..1 Pagllarulo, D. ........ 10» pailla1,B. G. AC......... Peacok <~»............. bee e ogcream........... 6 Peé]nsylvTania On Co,...... Resort Travel Dir«f.ry Michi.j-goose andi Mieh-l- ganuler .....49 Na tional oofgee mWWUUUie Inn ..............I." Booky Muntain Beys't BeereDori....... si Wawagoc motel . .8unny creek Paru 4 Tunirkey RuaInn White Suldpiar Sprln. gs .... SI1 PAGE AVRIB Cia.ader's -. .......46 Cee, Amner &' Ce..:........... 14 Counnity Theatre ..........i6 Co-Op, The ...... .. ......... meo .......... .......... Wil liam (Bill) ston road, Kenilv New Trier, is scariet ever. isbury, 6081 ýh, a sophomo quarantifle Miss, Loretta Steiner, 1451 Wil- mette avenue, visited ber sister, Mrs. Fred Seigel of Wisconsin Rapids for' several days rccently. mer vacation. 0o Miss Virginia Richards, 638 Ab- botsford road, Kenilworth, who at- tends the Frances Shimer Junior-col- lege in Mt.ý Carroli, Ill.,, returned Monday for her summner vacation. . ............ 4 macy ........... ,9 d Ce ...... 17,81 GF91rClub. ..8 M 1'bsaeute............d Mua Euan.1ÀàLoa r, eoO. B.elac........87 :Z) PAQB