fthse Chica go, Miiu#ske and usr* 1*oere mi*st$ liner # to thee rwst of thse shore tome ir>~ thse train as it was ghiùg 'GItADUÂTE 4 AI W. Godwin, Jr., 1716 Forest ineUVcrs avenue, bas graduated frozn-thc al Training Olasn 1*1gb chool in Oklahomaà 2al COUIpeti- City andi returncd to Iis home yester- flr.am Boat........ .... .urtla Marclhig (No. 1 and 11) . .. ..Curtis Nibu Ward Dance of the Da#fodet ...... . Adia Thse Shoemeler...... ........ Maxim Cba.alng Butterfiles.....MoConuel Hiope Jfverham Br Candlelght ....... à........ Smith Jean Steiner Wooden Shoe Dance-. ... Wright Paty Pulford la a Sailboat........iir Thie Cadet'. Révle.......Rb Kenrmth Kinnmear (ver thse Waves......... 0. iSchae Naricsus (r.)....... Neviln On thes . .............. u fOrd Ruths Hamilton Plckanlnny Marcis........... Chambers Taranateli0 .......... ........ .Volkart Xarion Didier Mhsuetto............Beethoven The- JuggIer ................... Kro Berneice irerbon Sommersaulta..... ......Blake e Barbara Hammett Concert Study 'in C -......Wright 1 aO"Blakeneir Scarf Dance ..........Caminade Vig nia Corrigan B... Rulmab...sGrueg Tumbleweed ........... . le Annsa Grace Joi!jorlaÙ Scotch Poem ........MacDowell Betty Todd Maura ............Borowskl AraSxe Jorjorlan Ltebestraum (Arr. for organ by Faulkes> . .c...r ..e LiÀs. aMmett... ...lAs t Noctrne n flat.----Chopin-Sarasate Spanisis Dance ............. ..........Mnuel de FaMi-K[rleuler ]Isabel Defaut Miss Leiglst Carey, danghter of Mr. and Mrt George Leigion Carey of 604 Ltincolpt avenue, Win- neika, us entering'mpop. her th.rd Iv*ek. of leadi zuth thie stock com- >any of tihe Beveriy Shores. Play- ers at Bererly Shsores,; md. Following her graduation f rom New Trier i 1933, Miss 'Carey becasue as- sociatcd with the Goodman theater and has just finished a most interesting year there. lier roles included Lois in "For Services Rendered" lis. Mil- ward (JEvie) i "The Distaif Side" and Christina i"The Silver Cord." The Beverly Shores Playhouse or the Theater of the Dunes as it has ben' ta 8a5 Clgecmpms YrN eauis at .Lornwestem univest C. Matier, president of the scISool GUEST IN VILLAGE will gaduate at the commencement Friends anld supporters of tlhescisool Mr. and lirs. Fred A. Barker, 43, exercises in Dyche stadium, Saturday, are cordiallyiviteti to attend. Eigbth street, lied as their guest for June 15. , The football team wili lose A feature of thse-occasion wiil be two wCalCs their siste-i-lw, rs. baeseraices o tele en it he et the plani. andi dcdication of a tree, Owen M. Barcer of Hincley, IIl bsb!.a illseLteýç by the Aluaui association, to the Tiie latter returneti by motor iast agetn brwhns=x men receive messory of thse lJe.Florence E. Sunday with ber busbanti, andi her their degrees. Scully, first teacher et Glenwood, who son andi daughter-in-law, Mr. andi Threc of the graduating "N" men WEf 811 -honorasy member of tisat _ me. lMeredith Barkem, who spent theic were two.< sport- men. -M A Kawal was Con- -puu, l imarnuuen, Uv nt . P-WUam Poli ~Ia The conmpany opcned Saturday, june 1, with "Let Us B3e Gay" an~dflic large audience was astonished with fic cal- iber of thse perfortnance. Miss Carey scoreti a tremendous succes. ivith ber sophisticated Kitty. Last week the pro-ý duction was "The Curtai Riscs," this week "The Sap," andti tey are bard at work for a gala performance of "Holiday" flic week of June 24. Phoe .EsterpruiseZ1 Inte Thé