K<a-Ja-W;an, P'earson, W is., to egin a two-week period of fun and adventure. A camp staff of 3~5 scout leaders is operating a program of varied activity, and reports of the good times will be coming back to the north shore in letters' f romn these scouts. Boys at camp wiIl find three things plentiful this' sumnmer:' funp food and fllowship. A» fourthone mightbe in- cluded , that of scout advancement. Scouts have. great opportunity to ad- vance, in rankc at camp. Expert instruc- tors are prepared to help themn. A buge chart will record each boy's progress, in scout advancement. Following is -a iist 0f ,Wilmette,, Kenilworth, Winntka and Giencoe bo;ys now at camp: Wiln-ette Tro6p 1:'Mark Follansbee,. John Hale, John Long. -George Redding, Phil Samuelson, Bill Steen, Kimbaîl- Urion. Troop 2: Richard Andrews. Stewart Barnard, Bernard Bowen, Calvin Hill, Damon Tünnicliff, Rchar"d LaBiinte, Peter and Bill Stewart, Fred Leeman. Troop 3: Robert Miann, Ken 'Mann, Lawrence Boling. Troop' 4: Charles: and.Robert Ceder- berg,: Ray Henderson, John Brandt, Lewis Travis. Troop 5; K1eùnnth. Clarke, John Bauer, Bradford.Phiilips, Harold Hallet, Russ .Rogers. Troop 10: Ray Skog, Loweli and Warren Peterson. Don Hutchings. Tro Il: Charles, Richard and t'Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan' is getting in, shape for what ail of us think is going to be the greatest year the camp bas ever seen., About twenty of the staff" were tax at camp ail last weekc getting the camp al set up, getting boats painted, tents pitched and performing ýother odd jobs,. Jim Mooney got a new nature trail laid for nature loyers.. Bob Skidmore and Paul Allan got things ail lined up in the kitchen and dinfing room so'that Mr. Finch,- the new chef,,could,.operate inbis own, in co mparable wvay. S omone asked, whether the cook were showing,- off by producing such good meals, but such is flot the case because they were al, s good.-)Bob Greenhalgh. Minmette. And. f rom Don Toeppen, Wilmette- "WNho said the camp wouldn't be ready for the scouts ? Boy, the camp sure is swell this year, twice as good as last year -and w hat.food!, The sweet roils are svell-this might be a géod year to beat the champ at bis own game. If you want to see a swvell lake from a" canoe, sign up for two weeks of fun at Ma-Ka-JaL- Wall." "'We hav-e just received a new supply of ,equipmient for the Q. M. and every- thing is newv. There are a number of entirely new articles which are for sale at the store and you are going to re- ceive good service ail summer long." this from Bob Ehrler of Winnetka, Q.M. director. Charles Clark, Winnetka. new mem- ber, of the camp staff. recently coming Bouignion, iJiic NvV 4ci, jonJiariaii Don C. Hoffmnan., ,Clement Murphy, Harry Marten, Warren Clobisy, Ed- ward Murphy, Daniel Coyne, Billy Flord. James Ford, Bob McKay., Kenilwortli Troop 13: Bud Stilîman, Bill Mc- I.aren,,,George Simlons. Winnetka Troop 15: Raleigh Williamns, Brantley WVeathers, Benton Baker, Henry Rich, ever seen. ()ne thnng tnat imprssed me is the ease with ýwbich 1 was able to make friends with otber members of the -amip staff. Tie fellowship is great." ]BOYS Yell ",Yum YUM"9 as Finch Wields Ladie Bert Finch of- Antigo, Wis., "tbe new chef for- CanpMa-Ka-Ja-Wan, bas in his first week outstepped all other chefs, in popuIarity~ and good cooking, accord- W. feature the widest variety in thim area. Plein and fancy back single and double breaisted ini .very conceivable pattern and color. Sizes for every. one. I TS TROPICAL -WO RS TEDS crew on the Borden expedition to Aliaska worth, Wl!'.' 5a..uaieu i ju several years ago. Tbe mate and cook the University of Colorado, le is Roderic Smith of Highlanld Park, who day to spend the summer at acted ini the same capacity last year. island near Mercer, Wis. Hii Ten members of Sea Scout Ship "Ligbt- Mrs. C. M. Larsen (Cornelia ning" o. f Lake Forest tok an:overnight of Peoria, and ber children,"i cruise .Saturday and Sundaýy lait week. spend the sumifler there, . ^ 01 rC~LYiTTON & SONiS Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Evoi,. ýon and Church- VNTN__ 'I L~k k . eoe*,""J 1 citni - also