Pians Comptete for Wedding 'of El izabetli Eckhart Miss Elizabeth Ec k h a.rt t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. E~ckhart of Kenilworth, wil become the bride 'of Darw in Pearl KinigsleY., Jr., of New * York, -son of Mrs,. D. P. Kingsley and the late Mr. Kingsley, Sat- urday, july 6. The wedding takes place at the, home of the bride's' parents, 206 Cum- berland avenue,, at .5 o'clock in« the afternoon, with Dr. Herbert Willett reading the wedding service. Miss Hope 'Kingsley,, sister of. the bride-, groom, will attend Miss Eckhart as maid of 'honor, while ber tbree sis- ters, Mrs. Donald H. McLa3ighlin, Mrs. T. Roswell Coyne of Kenil- pworth, and Mrs. James R. D. Steven- son, Jr., of Winnetka, will act as bridesmaids. The bridegroom's brother, John M.ý Kingsley of Berlin, Germany, wil serve as best man while James M. Douglas, Jr., of Lake Forest and tJames R. D. Stevenson, Jr., will usher. After a wedding trip to Honoulu, Mr. Kingsley and bis bride wîIl be at home at 127 East Ninety-fourtb street, New York. and ute Harvard Law scticoo, and nuw practices in New York. Among the parties at wbich Miss, Eckhart wilI be guést of. bonor .willý be theluncheon given by Miss Jane MClntosh of Kenilwortb at ber fani- ily's summer home -in Barrington. Fni- day of'tbis week. Miss Adalaide Bal of Winnetka wiII be a luncheon bost- ess Wednesday, July 3, and on* the 1Fourth of July, the bride's grand- mother, Mrs. B. A. Eckhart, will be Mrs. B.. F. Davis of the Fairways at Deerfield, will be bostess . to tbe Wilmette Garden club on Friday, July 5, for a picnic luncheon. After the luncheon there,will be a flower, adraà,nent contest, Witb hjudging k gmembers of the club. Eecoues Bride, Photo by Koehng Among the bezvv of Iovely north shore J une brides. was Miss Marguerite Heron of Glencoe, who was marricd to A4bner Adants Webster of Wilrnette. on the evening of lune 8. The cerernony took place at the honte of her par.- ents, Mir. and Mrs. Otto P. Seidenbecker, 470 Jackson avenue.. Arranges INDIAN TRAIL TREES. Mrs. R. R. Dunn, Waukegan. JuIy 29- LILIES Mrs:- Frederick Bealey,, Wauke- gan. Barnium to Make day in honor of Mrs. R. W. Starrett and Mrs. Wendell Clark of Kenil- worth who are leaving .sbortly with their families on their sumamer vaca-- tions. Mrs. Landon Hoytý, Jr., of Win-, netka presided at the punch-table. Entertain Before Klunder-Davis Wed.ding,$Saturday XVheli the announcernent xvasý -inade several wIeeks ago of the ap)proac hing mnarriage of Miss Dorothy F 1 o r e ii c e Klutider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Anton Edar Klunder 6of 909 Chest- nut avenue, to LaNvrence D)avis on Saturdav ,afterniron, June,29, the list of )re-nuti*al> parties .was liot éonlete. It is t110Wý as Mrs. D. R. Ransburg of Ev anston, a member ýof Miss Klunder's mother's bridge club, bas been hostess at a kitchen shower, and dessertý bridge. Mr. and Mrs. T.ý W. Schuler and Miss Jane Billings entertained at a personal gif t shower and supper in honor of Mr. Davis and Miss Klunder at the Schulers' home in Chiicago. Mr. ýand MNrs. Carl Strem- mel of Evanston gave a pantry shower and supper for both. Miss Betty Vosburgh of Wilimette was hostess at an evening of'bridge for MXiss Klunder and tvo, other 'brides. Miss Betty Murdock entertained at an evening party and linen shower for the saie. three guests of honor at- which ail the' guests nionogranmed towels for them. Miss Jean Upson and Miss Dorcas Tuttie were hostesses at a hosiery shower at the. home of Miss Upson in Wilmette. Mrs. Paul H. Foy (Gladys De1ang) gave a pers.onal gift shower. and, supper, and tonight the bride's parents are_ having the bridai dinner at the Georgin ote. Garden. Party and Tea. Indian f rokn 3 to 6, for a ga LMon- tea.-M. L. B. party 10l, and *Mrs. Jennie 'Clark of Grinneli, Iowa, was the, guest- Tuesdayj of Mrs. T. J. Rider, Jr., 714 Ashilnd avenue.' i