(Continued frein Page 1) east stand is being used for the dis- -play, and no one will be allowed on the east side other than the 6ireworks officiais. The field to the north of the stadium. wilI 'be -shut off, as that too is to be mined with high explosives. If the fireworks display is prevented by ramn theevening of July 4, it wilI be postponed to the. next f ollowing clear evening, to be announced by the firing of aerial, bombs' at 6 and 6:30 o'clock un that: evening. The. Progwa Followingi is the compflete program for the display: FIIST EPISOD)E 1. THE OPENING SALUTE. * 21 guns with lghtning silver flashes. 2. DAYLIGHT BOMBS. Releasinlg parachutes carrying ani- mail ana cme.figures ln the sky. 3. WELCOME TO EVANSTON. * ci. a goouivTip on your seat! The show is on. 4. PATRIOTIC SKY DISPLAY. A spread of Bombshells in the colors of e tlag. 5. BLAZING FIGURE EIGHTS. Two beautiful four-armed wheel pieces showiflg intricate designs of everchanging colore. 6 FLILIHT 0F ASSORTED BOMB- SHELL.S. 7. THREE LITTLE FELLOWS. You've seen thein béfore and-The Big Bad Wolf. Music "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wof?, 8. THE GOLDEN EAGLES IN FLIGHT. Tweive beautiful, objecte of golden fire whirl furiously oni the ground and then rise into the night trailing tlitter tire spirale of gold. 9. BEAUTIFUL BOMBSHELL OUT-, BURST. 10. THE SPIRIT 0F '76. A faithfut reprdction of the fainouE painiting ilu !lery patriotie ecQiors. il. WATBEALL: WHEELS. Twu. whirling, sewirling, crystai wa- 1ý3. BOMBSUELLS IN A SSO0R T ED COLORS. iigsel. -- ailOsA.Mason, Iiluoie State Chamn pion Buger-Herbert Hteon, Adam Rakocinaki. .Toe Wisneiskl. 3. NIAGARA FLLS. The mont Iinpressive piece of thiF type ever produced. F'aiis-s-piash water-rocks.--acros3s the entire front 31. 0LD GLORY. 32. FLSHCURTAIN ACROSS THÉ IEIST STAND>. 33. FINALE-BARRAGE 0F SHELLS. Beauty - Color - Noise-A' Meteorlc Riot! 1 34. FINALE-SET PIECE. "'ii We Meet Again." 1. THE BIG ýBLOW OFF. Dont worry, the whoie show hasn't gone at oic-Watch the fiery com- ets converge ât tremendous speed from ail1 parts of 'the field and loW the iid off. 2. LOVE IN THE MOON. A lUttie glimpse of two loyers. Hope 3r0u'llike lt. 3. A COLOR PLIGHT 0F BUBSTINC. SHELLS. Notice, they're getting larger. 4. THE DEVIL WHEELS. Among the mont çpectaeuiar of fast revoiviflg'dispiays. 5. MAMMOT.H CRYSTAL FOUNTAIN. A brillant silvery geyser shot through with chai»ging colors. 6. A FLIGHT 0F LARGE SHELLS. Amazing Aerial Beauty. 7. AMELIA MARHARTS NLIGHT. A thriiling replica. of that famous 1l.ys ship. ln the air. 8. THE SILVER SPIRALS. Twelvo tlazzsUng spirale that whiri on the ground. thon lif t high into the uight iea.ving :beautiful ,silver trails. 9. PEACOCK PLUMES. Two beautiful whirllng dlspiays. Brand New Creations that wilU sur- prise you with their action and amnazt you with their beauty. 10. A BIG AERIAL PLIGHT 0F SHELLS. Now we're getting some reaiiy big oues. The annuai ceiebratiofl is conducted by the .North.Evanston Fourth of July corporation, a strictly non-profit comn- munity organization. There have been occasions when there wasa small sur- plus.. On such occasions the corpora- tion essisted other civic enterprse or contributed towards improvementsi in the comniunity.. Mr. and Mrs. Charles :J. Roubik, Jr., and their four-year old daughter, Catherine, and three-year - old son, Charles, III, 'moved last month f ront Chicago -te the former Rollin M. Coleman home at 1620 Wainut ave- nue. Miss Alice Freeman, daughter>of the' Ernest. H. Freernans, 601 Laurel avenue, returned e arly last week from. the'University of Arizona where she bas been a freshinan during the past Anong the new residents in Kenil- worth are Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hoyt who have moved fromn Evans- ton te 614 Essex road. The floyts have four children, Jack, 8, Bob, 6, Ann, 3, and Margot, a year old. -- Miss Marion Goode and Miss Beth Hindley of Wilmette left Wednesda y as delegates to the Tower ' Hill camp at. Sawyer, Mich., where they will attend the State Young People's con- ference. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stone, 211 Seventh street, formerly of Ev- anston, entertained fourteen guests * at a bridge supper Friday in honer of the birthday of Mrs. Stone's father, Elijah Sweet of Evanston. -o Mr. and Mrs. William J. Duiker and their tbree-year-old son, Wil- liam John, Jr., have inoved from Ev- anston te 1321 Maple avenue. -o0 a great variety of carefully thought-out .The most interesting border is the ene that you grow and plan yourself. The, gre at, majority of the perennials can be raised in quantity, from seed. A few. perennials, such,,as irises, peenies, named perennial phioxes, delphiniums. and.,others, mtust be bought as plants. if. a.particular vani- ety is desired. Namfed plants. were eriginally raised from seed,- however, and the finest seedlings -were -selected- as worth perpetuating and naming.ý At thé start there Was only a single pla nt, of the variety.. It. was then propagated, cither by dividing or b%. cuttings of therôoot or. st ems as hy-. bnid plants do flot breed true from seed. So each named plant, in the world of a certain .variety .is really a piece off the original plant. For instance, the famous old white peony, festiva maxima, distributed over the gardens of the world wher- ever peonies grow, now numbers mnil- lions of plants. Ail are pieces of. one plant. The best way to secure a high standard of plants for the hardy bor- der is te raise a large quantity of, seedlings in rows like vegetables un- tii they bloom and then select. the best types and, colors for permanent, occupants of the border. This should be done wherever space permits. .Delphiniums, pyrethrums an.d pet- enuiial peppies have many inferior types among seedlings which should be discarded. However, ail of themi make .good dispiays and it is only the advanced gardener who will be par- ticular in his selection.* It pays in the long runt. DEMONSTRATES:A WACO A model "A" Waco was demon- strated for a prospective buyer at Tafavette-Tnd.. last'fliisdav hv Man on the Flyhlg la. SPNjCTACLR 0F THF, RAINBOW. if you 1k. celor, here it le.. z1. A VoLLEY oF BOMilSHm,18. CY. mtburst of some- :NG eces each with a .4 suny altern,>on in tihe garden zvith their favorite -îoys iss nuch to th£ liking of Jane and Nancy Adler, cliildren of Mr. <sud'Mrs. Harry Adler, 1601 )Elmuvod avenue. Jane >re fers ta mother a dol, but litile tister <jdfUts aà peinchont ýfor her &Mter bunn, .1*