R teS_25 cents a lime. Advert1sements run ln ail t h r e e papers, Rate -MINIMUMX CIIARGU 011E DOLLAR. Average of five words to, the Uine. No black face type used. 20% disout on ail cash advertise- ments when brought .to our offce at 1232 Central Ave., Wilhette, or 661 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka.. 10% discont on ail advertisemenits mun four consecutive issues. Deadiiane for Insertions-loId detseet ilb c ceped up te Tuesday 9 P.. M. for WILMETTrù LIFZ, or ail three papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNETKA TALK and Thursday 6 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wîimette, 4300, Winnetka 2000 (Winnetka 500 after 6 P M.), Greenleaf 4300 or Shedrake 1216-1217. Le« AND POUt4D LOST - POLICE DOG. AXSWERS TO nazne ef Pal. Phone Keniiworlh 3783. 3LTN8-ltc NmTIquES THE ZONNEHOEVE ANTIQUE SHOP Waukegan Road and Central Ave., Deerfield. Early American, European glass, china.,silver, furniture. Deer- fleid 479. 7LTN6-4tp 1 UILOUNS AND REPAinS JOSEPH KNEIPý CCEMENT AND MASON CONTRACTOR 1714 Washtingtoni Avenue. Wllette 2618. 15A-LTN4-4tp aUsINgsS ERVICE WISCONSIN SEASONED, FIREPLACE WOOD NQW AT LOW SUMMER PRICES BIRCH,IIAPLE, OAK ANI) ASH E. G. HAGLUND, 614 BIRCHI ST. PHONE WINNETKA 2108 i6LTN7-4tp EILECTRIC WELDING, BOILER . welding; automnotive miachine shop and parts jobbers. * PAVLIK BROS.. PHONE XENILWORTH 280-820 16LTN6-26tp N. B. PL.ACE,. GEN. CARPENTER-RE-- pairs of ail kinds, stuceoing and stucco recoating, painting, plasîering roofs, screens, cernent and brick work. Easy payzents. Phone Wilniette 4181. 16LTNS- t1p UPHOLSTIJRING - IEPAIRING saves you 80% andtdime by doing on, your premises. Estirnates free. Write B-149, Box.40. Wilmette, 111. 16LTN5-4tp GEO. A. THURSBY.1 PLASTERING AND STUCCO OLU stucco cleaned and washed. Wilniette FAIRM PRODUCE 3 Doz. Eggs 83c 'P., B. TESTECD AND PASTEURIZEDý Milk 8c Quart Locust Farm -Products SUNDA Y AND I-OLIDAY HOURS 1226 Wilmnetîe Ave. Phone Wii. 5458 Hours 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. 202 Rldge Ave. -Wiimette . .Hours 8 to 12 a. Mn., 4 to 7 P. ni. 908 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Heuora 9 te 12 a. in. CARDENINS For Your EVERGREENS AND OTHER, PLANTING *1 Follow up the ADVANTAGE gained thru thé moisture of Ibis Spring. Gel the benefit of CONTINUED GROWTH by fertiiizing both ABOVE and BELOW ground. Plant Feeding Service A DEPARTMENT 0F Gagé & Glddirigs Landscape Architects -Engineers offeryou a Spcial Service which includes AERATION OP ROOT SYSTEM-PEEDING U~NDER PRES- * StRB -I3UDDING - TRIMMING - CULTIVATING -TREATMENT' FOR INSECTS. An inexpensive méthod which produces consistent growth. Cail WIN- NETKA 564. Our representative Wili caîl, withouî obligation on your. part. OUR LANDSCAPE planning and con- struction department will be glad to work with you, and furnish sketches for changes or additions 10 your LA ND- SCAPE. We are prepared 10o furnish comptent labor for such casuai work as * CLEANING LAWNS, EDGING BEDS or SPADING. G'UE and GIDDINGS QUALITY DECORATING. OLD FLOORS REFINISHFED WITH electric machine, special sPring. rates We -finance -your w;ork through the F-ed- eral Housing Act. Quality decorating ts true economY. FRED BROBERO BRIARGATE 1061. 42LTN51-tfe OSCAR A. ANDERSON PAINTING ANI) DECORATING :We do intetior and exterior painting. No Job Too Big or Too Smaii Fineet Worknianship - Dependable WILMETTE 692 BRIARGATE 9305 42LTN49-Ifc ROOM PAPERED, $3.00. CEILING CALCIMINED $1l UP, PAPER cleaned, 75c. Antique wal wshd., stchd., $2.50) up; .bathrmn. enarn., $6; alsO, out- side pntg. Reas. Use pure white iead. Work guar. . test r-eferences. LOUIS, WiILETTE 5034. 1 42]LTN8-ltp Painting and Decorating JOHN HEYNE & SON Northbrook Phone 206-W-2 42LTN7-4tip ,W. C. HUGGINS Painting-Decorating-lemodeling 100 13th St., Wilmette Wilmette 3558 42LTN6-4tp INTERIOR DECORATOR WITH 20, years> exp., paper hanging, painting and calcimining. Price reas. Work guaranteed. Cali C. E. Lumley. Gien- coe 73. 42LrM7-4tp PETS BOARDING Fourteen years of service to HIS 'MAJESTY, YOUR DOG. Separate quarters for each dog. Special attention given to puppies and smaill dogs. We invite inspection of our kennels. 1Dogs called for and deiivered. PLUCKING, - CLIPPING -13ATHING Youngman's Kennels 730 Hibbard Rd.- WiI. 1312, ___________________44LTNS-ltp Irish Terrier Puppies Carlson's Empi. Agency 918 ELM STREET WINNETKCA328 Help carefully selected, withspecial attention to experieflce, reference, and general quelifications needed PRIVATE ROOMS FOR INTERVIEWS, 66LTN3-tfe' EXPERI ENC ED AND RELIABLE DOMESTIC- HELP REGISTERS AT FRANK'S. ALL' OUFR HELP HAVE A-i REFÈRENC.ES. Frank's Domcstic- Bur'eau 421 Richmond Rd., kenilworth 5221 66LTNS-ltc SITUATION WANTNED-FEMALE EXPE RIENCED HELP WE SPEiCIALizE IN HIGH* GRADE Sdomestic help, ail nationalities.. No charge to employers. References ln-, vestigated. Under State supervision. Reinhart, Empi. Agency 78Elm St. Winnetka 3399 68LTN28-tfc DOMESTIC HELP RELIABLE EFFICIENT S-h-a-y Emppl. Agency Esîablished 20 years Two Ofifices In Chicago, 109 E. Oak St., 14:W. Washington St.> Superior.6608 Central 9800 68LTN8-ltc MAIDS- WHITE AND COLORED : Nurses, governesses, and nursemaids. Commercial and hotel help. N. SHORE. PERSONNEL SERVICE 1580 Sherman Ave., Evanston Uni. 0740 68L'rN8-ltic Washing or Cieaning By the day. Experienced. Call Winnetka 1343 * 68LTN8-ltp 35c AN HOUR' for responsible youing woman with teach- 1 ing experience to care for pour chul- dren evenings. Winnetka 50 SÉCRETARY, COMPA . ION, COLLEGE graduate nurse, accomplishied miusician, excellent references., Rogers Park-4736, or write A-37, Box 40, Wilmette, 11. 68LTN8-ltp E-XP ,It IE N CED.INFANT'S AND child's nurse, willinig to assi-st with other work. Excellent N. S. refs. Eclge- water 4343. After 5:30 .Ardnore 1710. 6SLTN8-Itp M.ellody Farnis Dairy ý-LAU. I 'S -20 YRS. EXoe. Lake F'orest Wilmette 4489 X. S., do iaundry at home, outside dry- 24LrNS-to h>g. AIl work done carefuily. Best rets. THEFAR HÔ SE iIl caUl for atd 'deliver. Glencoe 555; We have no brancb stores. REALLY FRflSH DRESlSED Y'FRYEIRS MUSICýAL ir4mUumENTt 30e DOZEN UIGGS $1.35 B-FLAT _TENOR SAXOPHONE WITH Wil. 64 Ore. 3450' case. Ne reasonable offer refued. 24LTN8-1Iec Phone WilrnetIe 1739. doLTX-tc, Upholstering, repairing and refinishixrg. ~ T PLACE YOUNG U98CNRalSITY 2a871 , 11 capable girl as mother's helPel-'-'O UNI VERSITY 287 stay on place. Smail salary. Phone LOAtISte 367!. 6LTNS..îî LONSWANTEV - WQIK BY THE DAY. LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Nursing, cooking, soing, ceflg CeInfidential service, legal rates laundry, or plain igowing., Bes t efs MOT R L AN eGencoéý 1411. 68TN74tP R IABLE GIRLWILCR FR State Bank Bldg., Evansîton. Gre. .3200 chtliren even nge. Ragonable. Phone 65LTN96-tfc Wilmnette 973-;M. 68LTN84ltP ..Il