*expectea ro L .-"- m. ..i'. race Diy th~re li the eitry lists arc closed Friday ev'e- ning at 8. The tournamrent is open tb aIl residents of the north shore, living north of Howard street and to ail niemn- bers of îiorth shore clubs and schools, it is announced by Dr. M. H., Hobart, chairman 'of the tournament cornîiitte4,. Mci, Begià Play Saturday Play in the mret.'s singles and dloubles will. begin Saturday afternoon at 2, t n11d ail other elvents are scheïluled to get ,unlder way at 2 p. m. Motifav. [jesidc-s the men\ division, there will he a. singles, tôiurniant for wximen and singles co<>n- test for jutnio)r boys. Play ' vill Contiitetir h ntgh >t ite cnsuling wveck. %vith the finals sclilcde for Sunidav, Jtily 14. A dinnier-d ance ini honior of the particil)ants is 1lannui for Saturdaty cvenling, july 13. whtjn the North Shore Tennis asso)ciation hoMrs its atirnnal meeting. Assisting l)r. Hobart iiin managing the I tonrnianient are Gair Tourtellot. Jr-. C. %V. Alleni, Lindsay Beatoni and lee Smtitlî, the 1-evanst<>n clh's new% pro- fessional. NMr. Snmith, whli'. as takenp Over the instruction <of club menrbers îii' place of Paul Bennett. is a graduate of, Brown universitvN andis a captain ini thé Air Corps reserve. He.has taupzht the game to snicb famhous pupils as John Doeg, 1930 national chiamýpion H len Fulton of Wnek.13 ainlgrs chiampioni. anid Jav Cohnln. 1929. and 1930 national bloys' champion. 1-onîort came to attend the mar-. riage of MIiss Anna Margaret Ken- nedy and James' Parkcer. INMr. and Mrs. Charles Moody and son, William, 700 Forest avenue, left Saturday to motor West oni a month's vacation. They -will visit Denver, Yellowstone, and Glacier parks,. Bloulder damé and go on. to- the ex- position at Sani Diego and stop in Santa Barbara and San Francisco to visit friends. Mr. and Nirs. Louis Iingwersein, 422, \Voorlstock- avenue, Kenilworth, ivili enitertain ,a book reviecic o hc Mrs. Ingwcrsen is a miember, and the hnsl)han<ls of its memnbers, at a buffet dinner Wýedniesdlav, Julv 10. 'Mrs. Inigwerseti returned last. Week fromn -1 %ii vit,il relatives, iniLarchmonit, -o-ý ]EXTENSIVE LIBRARY Iîchnia Iodd lias'onc of the most extensiveri%-ate libraries of any ffim player inii Iolly-wood. VER ETT' S e la tm tpopular Resort in the rorth oods. ishing. bathisg, hoatiAus dancing. sporty golf courue. Woaduln Efood. Amneulcas pian. Thee Ouest equippeul 38hcottages. eacb wlth bath. bot and oid rua- g U U n wa er ,in sie toilet s. m aid ervic . T'ON UARMmiiî- Eag1RMWe, Wsmsla. Chicago Offbce: 180 N. Michigan Avel.. Fra. 1281 Entire Season With Full Country Club Privileges $30 Ilb.course la 0,724 yardglngwth a par -of 73- strlctly <champlonshlp truhu.Over $100,000.00 was, spent. on course construction alone. 100-room hotel ln confection, rates trom $2 ally. Unusual Tourncamet postures Speclal Inducoiments to tournaments. Close to Chicago with C. N.W.R. IL transportation. Only 4a llmlted . number of rmem- beruia fered at only bs .-WrtOW _ JOHIN DAISHLHR Couentry Club VITAL LA"E 9 ILLINOIS IN. A.HANNA Annual Summer CLEA&,RANCE, Large collection with mony styles* to choose f rom. Yosa ore sure to fi nd just the thima l'o inish the Always delightfuIly cool iOur shop 952 Spa.ish Court Wilmette 467___ jmuumm P1. s. nd M» fr0. U.mbm. Adç's............ wMom la,