HlOME 0F GREAT CHARM* on beautiful landscaped corner lnu dice Hubbard Wloods location. 14ARGE living room wlth ffreëpl., 3 be4roon«s;ý 2, fine baths, Also sunroom and sleeping pomch. SPOT- LESS condition. 011 beat, 2-car ga- rage....... ...... ..........81,0 RED BRICK GEORGIAN-Z2 blocks to the LAKE. 7,spaclous.rooms,-2 beau- tiful TiLED baths, scmeened po;rch and sleeping' orch on the easti. 011 heat. Attactve andscaping, iwlth towering trees.. A.;picture 'frnm. every win- dùw ......... ý.................1.00 ATTRACTIVE BRICK home on beauti- fui CORNER in S. E. Winiietka. 1 large roomaS,'4. bathe, tIled floor sunroom, at- tached 2-car garage. A private tule bath off of EVERY bedroom. Wilil sacrifice at %of, former cost ...... ...... $22,500 FOR RENT-CHARMING COLONIAL HOME, 5 bedrooms,,2 baths, oil heat, 2-car garage. on beautiful lot 99x190 feet,..................$110 mionth SEVERAL CHOICE HOMES AT 1RE- markably low prices'have been listed w1th ýùs for sale. ONE IS IN INDIAN HILL CLUB grounds on over an.,acre, beautifully landscaped. 5 master bedrooms, 3 mas- ter baths. House, grounds, garage, service quarters,. ail in- excellent condi- tion. $50000. OTHER ARE ON .THE LAKE WITH full eparian rights or -lni the weât Winnetka estate section. BAUMANN-COOK 553 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 3450 ll1LTN9-lte lot in East Wilmette. Shore-Towns Realty Corporation. 1619 Sherman Ave. Gre. 2700 "Rent JInvestment Plan'. B3UY ONE 0OF THESE BRICK HOMES on this' modemn plan of 107 cash down and monthly payments like rent over 139 months. Attractive 6 to 10 room The abo've and many oti, availabie thmough our P Wihy not avail yourselves facilitiez? Ir~ M. l<ow "3 the opportune time to plurlchas e vacant both for investment and building operatong. R. B. WHITAKER CO. 140 Center St. 1 Winnnetka 3250 OPEN WEK DAYS -9 TO 9 AN OLDHOUSE COMFORTABLE, LIVABLE, EASILtY made modern. Seven.,roome, good roof, garage. Wooded 50-foot* lot ln substantial Wil me tt e neighborhood.. Price $6,000. Shore-Towns Rcalty, Corporation 1619 Sherman Ave., Evanston are. 2700 111LTN9-ltc SPECIAL OFFERING CHARMING MOD~ERN HOME. 6 RMS., 3% baths, piayroom with fieplace. Ideal location near schools and Park. Must be sold. Rentai yplan If deslred. Mr. Remington. BAIRD &-WARNER, Inc. S 346 PARK AVENUE, GLENCOt Giencoe 1555 Briargate 1855 1î1LTN9-ltc MOST ATTRACTIVE SMALL ESTATE1 1. ON THE NORTH SHIORE 1 AÀdi. Skokie Country Club, nealy 2 acres beap tifully landscaped, fireproof house, iiWrfat Insulation. H. W. H,6£ bedrmý.,. on aead end.,street ln I1ighanU4 171a irinest location, near sehools and trani Can be bought at price similar to 7 r house away from lake. H. and R. ANSPACH 396 Central Avenue Highland Park 1, 11XLTN9m-« OUTSTANDING WINNETICA VALU« 1 rms. 1 bath. 011..............6, 8 fins: 2% baths. 2-c, g. 01 ..$12,1 Furn. and unfurn. entais from $50 U: NANCY LEVINSON WINNETKA: 11¶ILTN9-:3I. BARRINGTON-1lEAUTIFU]4 80 ACRE ar.Good house and buildings. Or- chard. Reduced to $13,500. Mirs. E B O)ppenheim, Winnetka 156. 125L9-ltP $2,OOOBUYS WEST KENILWORTH HOMESITE, 3 blockg to tansp. and, East of Ridge Road. 5Oxl5O. Act qiuick. $12fOOOOR OFFER EAST WILMETTE - 6BEDROOM, 3 bath home, large open porch, ecrea- tion roomn, automa'tic ht. Well landscaped and wooded grounds. Terms to suit.pur- chaser. E. E. Stuits Realty. Co. 4W0 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 %Bik. East of Indian.Hili Station, 127LTN9-lte nRnI*YMAi't EOANSU MONEY FOR LOANS- NOW AVAILABLE! DANS ON NORTH SHORE HOMES p to 60% of value. monthly repay- ent Pay out ln 5 to 15 Years. Oet ýtalla from First Federal Saving à man Association of Wilniette, 1137 Cen- al avenue. Mr. Clifton, Secretary ilmette 863. 127A-LTN47-ttc' LOANS WANTED Over 40 xears of D±,enclabl :erI 530 Davtes St., Evanston. Gre. 1080 127A-LTN9-ltc WANTED - LOAN FROM $5,000 TO $6,000, on Wilmette improved business property valued at $16,000. % blockfrom C. & N. W. depot. Wite A-40, Box 40, Wilmette,> Illinois.. 127A-LTN9-t FOR BAE-*IOUSEHOLD 000DB HAVE YOU ALWA grand piano one? Beaut.- YS W.ANTED A 0? Th-v nat nwn Junk Dealer-Goldman HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of junk and old clothes. Phone Wilmette 5426, Winnetka 3720. 132LTN8-3tp Junk Dealer-Phil, Schuman Higfhest market price for paper, maga- zinies, rags, old iron,1 scrap metal,, bathtubs and mens- old clothing. Phono Wllmette 349. 13ÉLTN9-tp W71D. TO BUY-MInCEILLANEKOUU W7ANTED TO BUY-BOYPS BICYCLE. Must be reasonable and in good condi- tion. Size 28. Winnetka 851.132LTN9-îtp MIBCELLANKOUS WANTED) TO BUY OR ReNT-IN- valid chair. Wilmette 3288. Cali after 6 o'clock. '134LTN9-ltp Notý responsible. for debts contracted by anyone but myseif. Kenneth C. Long North Shoôre Golf to Gi ve Outdoor Dance Plans for the outdoor dance at thle North Shore Golf club-the first big party of the'.year there-are well un- der way, with every indication that, the aff air will attract a large numober of prominent north shore people. Joel M. Bowlby, president of the, club, and the committee in charge are not superstitious, for they have chosen the evening of July 13 for the func- tion. With the club's new swim pool coin- i nptd ndl in o ra.tionla scca is one of the steps taken by Northl Shore to mnake its country club an al -year institution of interest to memn- bers and their entire families. A sumimer feature of note, supple- menting the facilities of the golf links. are the new tennis courts. Then, toO; -nearby are the stablesand horses at the North Shiore 'Polo, Riding, and Hunt club, so that members rnay en- joy just about aIl of the favorite sports and forms of recreation. WEST 0F HIGHLAND PA[RK, AD- '- - --w- joiningup-to-date Bannoekburn School. lives in separate building. Available CR05? WURNITUREI STORE Near country estates, good land, 700 ft. during JUIW and September. Inquire Established 189g frontage on Telegraph Road (macadam- Chicago Owner. Phone State 2198. 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanaton lUni. 0189 ds() Deep well, house needs sorpe e- 116A-LTN9-ltp 130LTN43-tfe modelling. An unusuai opportunity at LOVELY PUN HOME AT LAUD~ER- W B Y A D S L 7,0.dale Lakes, Wis., 89 mi. Chicago. Ail £BU NDS L R. M. JOHNXSTON & CO. conv., 40mf.gazdprhba, ir URNITTRE, RUGS, MEN'S ANI) EPxci. Agents Wilffette 444 2-car gar. Harr. 7575. or Shel. 8440. women'a clothing,- shoes, etc. ph. Unit. llLTN9-ltc 16-TN 1lp0103, 13OLTN6-4tpý WILHrT 32 uNIvusn 73i.7