Helen Mae Meves, 522 Eightb street, who with ber parents is mov- ing to Washington, D. C., bas gone to Wisconsin to visit ber grand- parents for a,,month. Her parents *ill cal for ber and take ber witb tbem' east. é:' iewTrier'Ser vice, ** Wmu.tma A.-C.toeSt. * %m Pi mp.d Detiofvy Sewkee k -1 Milwaukee, twO brothers, Robert ot KCansas City and Lester of Milwaukee, and two sisters, Mrs. Therese Wetzler of Chicago and Mrs. Gertrude. Prins of St. Paul, Minn. Tbe funeral serv- ices were beld on Monday afternoon'at' the Rosebili cemetery chapel-.. Miss Jane Buirrili,,daugbter of Dr. and. Mrs James ýA. Burrili, 812 Grçee1nwood, avenue, who, is director, in the art department at Colby Junior college in New, London, H, re- turned home by motor. She Will go back in- September. Betsy Ann Doering, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doering, 1335, Chestnut avýenue, underwe nt an oper- ation for appendicitis last Saturday at tbe Presbyterian .bospital, and. is recov ering satisfactorily. Mr&. Charles Bradford, of Otta~wa, Ill., ïs the guest of the Samuel Free- man Bradfords, 546 Exmoor road, Kenilworth. She motored back witb the Bradfords wbo went to tbe re- gatta at Ottawa last week. Mrs. Fred Stebbins, 329 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, was bostess at a bridge luncheon Friday of last week in honor of Mrs. Hloward Jordan of Kenilworth. bis 1ý Ainong the citations which com- prised the Lesson-Sermon was tbet following. from tbe. Bible: "Blessed art thou, 0 Lord: teacb me tby stat- utes. The entrance of: thy- words giveth light; it *giveth understand- ing unto the simple. Thy word is1 true from the begiinning:, and every1 one of tby righteous judgments -en- duprethi for ever" (Psalms 119:12, .130, 160). The, Lesson-Sermon also included the following ,pasagsfrom ,the Christian Science te=ok, "Science and Health, with Key 'to the- Scrip_' tures,"' by Mary Baýker Eddy:- "In following. these leadings of scientific revelation, -the Bible: was my. only textbook.ý The Scriptures were il- lumined;- reason -and revelation .were, reconciled, and afterwards the truth Of Christian Science .was demon- Mrs. Theron Chapman (Patty Foresman) of Chicago, was bostess at a bridge luncheon Monday in honor of Mrs. William Heagney of, Havana, Cutba, *ho with her tbreeý little daughters, is visiting ber par- ents, the LeRoy Woodlands of 336 Leicester road, Kenilworth. 0o Mr. and Mrs. Boyne H. Platt, Tom, Approximately 5 per cent of the voters in New Trier township cast their ballots for a judge of the Illinois Suprem e court and 'tw.enty- one judges of. the. Superiîor court 'at the judicial election heId )Monday. That is, a qualified voter here and there took the trouble to go to the poils and vote. The precinct -commit-: teemen labored diligently te induce otbers* te vote, but their luck was not se 9ood. If one were te guess that the in- différence of'the citizensbip was due te the, fact that they had, nothing to do with selecting the candidates because t 1he Nash-Kel ly machine took care of that littie detail, aski»g. only that voters ýratify its siate, be would probablyý be close to the truth. ltè the entire townshiporp.y,519, votes were cast 352 in the soutb section and 167 in the. north, this fact graph- ically expressing the disgust of the electoratf. About 15 per cent of the vote was cast tbroughout the county. Twenty-two important judicial posi-, tions filled by a few votes, and thosé mostly politicians, does net stamp the' 'election'as higbly representative. Tv. POUIBg Places Only two polling places were open, ini New Trier township. Voters livin g soutb of Elm street, Winnetka, voted at Hoffman baIl, Wilmette. Those north of Elm street voted at Win- Cb.ap HtWateti Toe Advatoge of Ouar Fre, Trial Off or! 0 o Alice Slappey, 624 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, who has returned f rom a visit with ber aunt, Mrs.' Taylor, Ward, in Watertown, N. Y., is leaving July 7, for the Girl Scout camp, Pottawat<Omie. William Fitch of 7Chicago, formerly of Kenlworth, spent Sunday visiting friends in Kenilworth. Mrs. Fitch ivisitinir hi' so n-in-law and daugh- Fourteen sitting cemocratc judges were re-elected, as were four repub- licans. The minority party was given tbree new judges. At Hoffman ball a total of 352 bal-, lots were *cast, of Which 313 were straight vote*s for the entire slate., The reàults wereas follows: Resuit E D1IIt For judge of Illinois Supremeé court, 7th Supreme court Judicial: district- For jdges of the Superior court: South. North Dennis E. Sullivan ......... 328 144 William H MýcSurely ... 321 133 John M. O'Connor......... 320 132 Michael L. McKinley ... 322 133 William J. Lindsay....... 120 134 joseph B, David......... 324 134 Oscar 1Hebel .............. ý326 3 Rudolph F. Desort........ 324 133 James J. Kelly ..... 322 131 James F. Pardy ........... 321 132 Phone *Wi1mettp 2311 51 at work m Bay,IL. G.eorge, N. Y. Mrs. John L. Corliss, 1533 Wash- ington avenue, wyas hostess at a bridge luncheon Wedhesday of last week. OIL DVRNING ENGRS.,.INC Aashuixed Deekr i.