'Iwenty-one guns with lightning sul- ver flashes will split the air at 9 o'clock' Fourth of July evening in Dyche sta- dium to announce the opening of the inost elaborate fireworks dispiay ever staged. in a:Nonth Ev4nston Fourth, of July celebration, according to the fire- works cornmittee, headed by Greshanm G.' Hardy, chairman. The flreworks show at 9, as, weil as. the .daylight' show preceding it _ at 8, is designeti-as an all-north -shore cele- bration. Ten will be seats :in -the stadium, it is announceti, for thousantis of norih shore r esidents who usuall.y attend. bisplaY 1"OFita Siadiumý Departing f rom the usual customn, the. corniittee this year has had the pyro- technics, des-igned. and manufactureti especiall'y to, fit -the -facilities of Dyche stadium, where they wi11 be dispiae. More money bas been txpended this year than in any past celebration, stated Mr. Hardy,- and the entire show vvill be handled by a staff . of prof essionals. .Following the opening salute, a salvo of daylight bombs will releasea ànaitn comic figures into. laps of spectators, A huge fireworks display, witb fiery let- ters glowing theWords "Welome to heavens, to be followed by a spread of 'bonîbsiiels in the colons of the flag and a. flight of assorteti bombshells. * Mauny Unique Ph...s Othier feature pieces of the first epi- socle of pyrotechnics will be the Spirit of '176, a faithful reproduction of the fanious painting in fiery patriotic colors; the Giants of the Forest, two b eautiful wheel pieces that take the fortn of gigantic trees; the Little Old Clock, which strikes every hour anti rings a stentorian alarm; theý Maii on the Fiy- ing Trapeze, acconîpanieti by music of the song; Spectacle ýof: the Rainbowv, and Niagara Falls, rated as the Most: impressive piece of this type ever pro- duced. It depicts the falis, splashing water and rocks across the entire front of the stadium. The Rev., James T. Venteklasen, pasior of! the Pirst, Ptesbyterian, church of Wilrnette, a,,nioiiiced to hi$ congregation la.st SundAzy morn- ig that he lad decline4 the cali to the pastorate of the Third Reformed chu rch, of I-ollaisd, Mich., which he has been considerinj for some time, and that hie will remain uith the local .church. The church which calleti Mr. Vene- kiasen is the fourth largest in that denominat ion, with a membership twice the size of the local churcb, and the out standing church of the comniunity. A large number of the faculty and stu- dents of Hope college are niembers and attendants, andi there ýis a large young people's constituency. The chwurch is also very active andi prominent in, mism- sionary work iii thé detiÔeinetiion. ",While the caîl was a very attractive one," said Mr. Venekiasen, "the church here is ini neeti of leadership at present because of its buiidihig'prqject an~d its reorganization. One tmust, consider the. fieldi one is calleti to leave as weil as the fieldi one is calieti to enter, anti it seemeti fairer to stay and see my people througb. this difficuffît, criticai perioti." To clear up some of the questions concerihing these two services the Rev. David R. ICabele, pastor of the church, states that the service and tbe sermon at these two services are the saine. The early service is held for the cnvenience of, those who. feel the need and desire of attending a service of worship before thefr day's outing. Sunday.school convenes at 9 o'clock. Substituting the class teaching, Peri- ods, stereopticon lectures on the Bible are being presented. The 'chul- dren show great interest in these pictures. Muzzli*ngSeason, Here; Two Are Bitten b y Dogs As the Police department is endeavor- ing to enforce ýthe ordinance requiring dogs to* be muzzled during the summer nionths,.two cases of persons being bit-. ten have been reported. W. Moore, ý25 years old, 111 Park ave nue, was bitten Saturda~y- by a dog belônging to W. M. Reynolds, 1414 Gregory avenue, the attack occurring on the street in f ront of that address. On June 30, Eugene Hasselberg, 10 years old, 506 Park avenu*e, was bitten by a dog belonging to L. D. Bernard, in the front yard of the home of the owner at 1035 Linden avenue. The boy received three severe gashes in the ieft keg. In both cases the dogs are being confinèd ini veterinary hospitais for ob- servation, wbile 'the victims are being .treated by physicians. LEAVE ON WESTERN TRIP Martha and Jack O'Connor of 149 Keniiworth avenue, Kenilworth, and Barbara Harvey, daugbter of Mrs. F. W. Harvey, Jr., 1035 Eimwood avenue, Wi1mette,- left- by motor iast Tuesday for ýa month's trip through the west.. They, will attend the fair in San Diego, drive along the Cali- fornia coast 'to Washington and Oregon and return home by way of Banff and' Lakce Louise, Neverai -1 oroufflsres Kenilworth's street resurfacing pro- gramn, recently authorized by the Vil- lage board, got under way this week. The Rock Road Construction coin- Pany, '0 bidder for-the job, is doing the. work. The c 'ompanoyi bid amounted to $2,612.5é, and this suin will be paid from the vehicie tax fund. Owners of property abutting. the streets being resurfaced Mil flt be as- sessed, it.is expiined. The street resufacing now, tnder way is part of a'three-year progçram. Those streets in the worst condition are being resunfaced iis summer. Others will betaeMarofaer Get "Sksm c..e The streets are given wvhàtis known as a "skin coat." The attempt is not to take out rough spots, it is explained by. Village officiais,, but mereiy to maintain. the streets in their present Condition. Taking out rough spots would require the expetiditune of more infy. Kenilworth avenue, which is being resurfaced f rom the public fountain at the intersection of Richmiond road to the lake, has been given no atten- tion since 1923, while Richmond road from Kenilworth avenue to Wood- stock avenue, aiso included ini the resurfacing prograin for this summer,* has not been repaireti since 1927. Deferrd lpy Depr«si«m Ordinarily macadam streets are resurfaceti every tbree years, but the Kenilworth Village trustees delayed the work for two reasons. One. was to avoid. assesment of abutting prop- erty owners during the depression pe- riod. Another was the fact that the proposed storm sewer project was stili unsettled. î Street's iinciuded in this year's reiur- facing prograin, besides'.the two ai- ready nentioned, are: .Woodstock avenue froin lUchmond road to :Leictsterý road, Oxford road f rom Woodstock avenue to Leicester road, Warwick lane f rom Oxford rofd. FLY TO LOS ANGELES jury. - Lacking- bon s,- the boys" were Mr. anti Mrs. O. E. Schenk, and sent to the county pail. They are al their son, Robert, of 1601 Central froin Chicago, their naines and adi- a venue left last Friday' by airpiane dresses being; Leo Chudy, 3310 Le- for Los Angeles to visit Mn. S"henk's mioyne street; Kasmen Duchumue, parents,, later going to,*the fair at San 3406 Lemoyne street, andi LeRoy Diego. The will be away for a. month.,Borschke, 2614'Augusta street. your desires. CALL WILMEiTE4300 Ask for.Ad-Taker th tn otalvalue bemng fl.5,acco, to the:owner. No trace of'the but has been found.