For Friday and Saturday's SeIIing Coo ide S ale' CANTERBURY CREAMS SANDWICH COOKIES --> PER1 5C Fresh and dellelous; e unt ap- proxinmately 2 0 t o the pc und. WILSONS CEIRTIFIED Chike... ....ÂXLA PER IPLI AS YOU IN HAWAii i DOLE For Perfect satisfacion- USE JEWII. BUTTER. BACON \~AND E66$ LADY DORIS SILVERWARE is of the finest quality-uiuado and LUAR- ANTEED by one of the largest uand best nanufacturers of fine silver. Nover before has it been possible to obtain such wonderful silverwars wltlu you r regular every day grocery pur- cbalses. Nowhere else in the Chicago area. can this excellent Lady* Doris pattern, be Pu r c haàs edATAN Y PRICEI Jewel lFood ýStoresnake it, YOURS àt a fraction of its real value. You wil be given, one Token *ith eah25e purchase in any Jewel store. 20 Tokensand 59e entitles you to one Service of LADY DORIS SIL VER. WARE. See, it. Examine it-now avail- able and on1display Mt your'nearest Jewel Fojod Store.« bel sDowngt Pet, Borden's or Carnation 4 2 au5c HURTS ONLY DJRT KLESER. 29c PER CAN 5 HUINZ WHITE OR 'CIDUR inegar.... BOT I 1OC CROSSE & BLACKWELL Orange MARM4ÂLADE The tamoue Crosse and 1LB BlackWeU'brand ut aJÀ *ensatlonaliyly1w price. JI 9 ILD AMERICAN Cheese. FLVOED. B3LUE JEWEL MiIk3 '~'19c 4 EXTRA U SLICES UN THICK 1 CAN NO. IV/4 J- KEN-MAC FINE QUALITY SPAGH'T PER MACARONI PG r deliciousi fruit-ha' too - sen day in sa serts. etc. .. 1. c VAN CAMP'S PORK & BEANS...... STOKELYS TOMATO ICE.1....... PER C.. CAN CAN 'Jrangettes .... B & M NEW ENGLAND Clam Chowdr.. 3FOR2~c1115 Central Ave.. Minette PE 1 OC Also 317 Park Ave., Glencoe JULY 4, 1935 I