Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jul 1935, p. 10

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The Outdoor Recreation School (Eightb Vear) offers a weI-planned program for littie fats end older childien. Children are called for at thoir hornes, and returned et noon afte.r a norning cf instruction oend rmcration. Phone now for furtber information. Childr.n,:3 to 7 Y.rs.. Traitied Teachers, experienced wilh Younlg phaldrmi ea, eh îhein te play-îo dcvelop: as instinctive comridcubip toward one aModer-. foundaîlon Aor social gctbniie. Boys and Gifrls. 7 'fo 13 Y.ars, Cnoelng for Swimaiers, Trips of Interest. Boxing for Boys, Dancing for.Girls, Te,,nib. Ridiàl. Indoor Activities for Rainy Days, "Camp Life at Hom.l ENROLI NOW for second. semester The OUTDOOR RECREATION SCHOOL' BETSY N. SHAPKER Phone W ilmet te 1068 PRESENTS.. for next Suuday morning is .Cou ...e................Hoiya * 'Echo Belis" . ........ Brewer Miss Ruth- S. Broughton, Offertory, solo ..... .. Mirssmay A. àtronig Organ postlude: "Carillon-Sortie-. Mi'let The, Chu reh school sessions have been dls;continued during the mumr,r and willl fot be resumeduntil September S. The Church : ebool board. meeting, which was orlglnailly scheduled for last M on day evenlng wiliI be'held niext Mon- day e%,ening, July 15. Alil officers and teachers are invited to be prement. Smali chidren wlli be cared for during the niorning. worship service throughout the sommer ýas usual. The sermion at DesPlaines camp grounds. next. Sundaàý afternoon at 2 :30. o'ciock wili be preached byDr Ralph- E. Diffendorfer. 'The theme wili ho "The ichurch iln an Hour, of Crisis." 'Dr. 1. M. Hargett *fil. preacli at 7:30 o'ciock next Stinday eveninÉ at the camp grounds. A gairden i>arty'for the benefi of L.ake Bluff orpbanage wili be heid Saturday, July 30, in the private gardens of Mrs. ,Mclntosh of Lake Forest, There wiil be a flower show, luncheon wiil be served, and a niost worth-whilie day wiil be -n store for ail who can attend. Tickets may bc obtalned from Mrm. S. E. Leeman. Laike Bluff orphanage neèds the support- of ail of us,, and it la hoped thiat as many wonien froni our churceh who cau pos- sibly do: so wiii plan to attend. Mrs. Leeman wiJi be happy to give you any additionsia, Iinforîiuut ion coi.,cerning .tbeý party.* The Girl Scout dayv camp. under the directioni of Miss Lille Maû Huiphiles, opens lêuesday of this week and wili ho heid eaeh 'ruesday and ?tday durlng the remainder of Juiy. The church office wlll not be open on Tuesdayti snd 1'rida3,s, but will be open the other days of the week, including Monda y. Carq wlill beave the church for the GlenvieW fgrest preserve at 9 :30oco*lock and will rettîmn to the churceh around 3 :30 o'clock. Týhe Woînen's institute at Desplaines camip grounide began Monday and.will ' continue until July 14.. This la spon- sored by the W. F. M. S., the W. H. M. S., the Methodist Womens association. and the deaconeas organization. The Bible hour each niomning at 10 o'ciock 18 con- ducted. by Prof. 1. S. Corn of Illinois Wesleyan univer--ity. Very interesting progranès have been plannied for iua-l da y. St. John's Lutheran. Wilmette and Park avenues J. H.,Gockel, pastor SER VICES 9,:15 a. m.-Flr8t serice. 9:30 a. mn.-Sunday sho and Bible il a.. m.---Second -service. "D-anlel-ýA God-fearing Success" wilil bethe subJect of Sunday's. sermoôn, -the second ln àa serles of four sermons on "Failures Who Succeeded.", Can a. con-m sistent, God-fearing Christian make a success in life, or miust sucli a Chris- tian be too honest, too conscientious, too faithful to hope to succeed jn this world? In short, is Chrisianity too idealis;tic, too lmîr-aetical, for everyday use-P' You are urged to consider with >us the answer to these questions whlch have undoubted- ly confronted you at tumes. Next Sunday 'the_ annual festival of Our 01d Folks' Home in Arlington Heiglits wili be held, with services, at il a.,-m. and 3. P. m. Those who cannot attend the festivral, but wish to help sup)port the home, will be given an op- iportunity to do so, at the close of our service. *There wiiI be no meeting of the Chul- dren's circle of the Ladies' Aid durlng the month of July. The summer season of "'open house" will begin this evenlng at 7 o'clock with, ho>rseshoe games on the lotin bàck of the churcli, Durlng the vacation season the three Bible classes will be comblned lntýo one class under the leadership of the pastor. The lite of Abraham wil be discussed. Englisk Luth eran Seventh street at Greenleaf "A House of W'orship" The Rev. Dlavid R. Kabele, patstor SUNDAY SERVICES Early service-...................S a. 111. Church sehool............ ..a.n. Second .service.-............... lja. 1n1. xusic at the services next Sundàtyl Organ.pre1ude-"I n Summner" ... Stebbins Quartet-«--Lo, a Volce«tie Heav.en Souind- ingl,"................... ]BortnyanskNy Joy Wilson Dressier, Mrs. J. H. Hopi),. Jeronie Nevins, Frank Dorband Solo-"The King of Love My Shepherd ..... . .. .... Spence~ Th)e Woman',;s 5C work meeting at tl Hiam Stants, 9141 mette, ThunFda3y a ty wiiI Ibid its July home of Mrs. Wul- ntral avenue, WiI- ýrnoon, July I1$' ut 2 Attend church tach Sunday durinàf the summrer pîonths. Our earlY service at 9 o'cdock makes it very convenient for those who wlsh to spend the day%*,awav fromn home but first wlsh to attend a worship service. First Presbyterianl Nlnth street at rreenleaýf avenue James T.,Venekiasen minister At the morning, worship service at II o'ciockl, the minister W.iii preach on the thenie, ',Christ's invitation Commlttee," the story. of one of Jesus' friends who constltuted hiniseif a committee of one to bring others to see Je.sus.. We Invite yo to worship, wNith us. ýThe music for the worship service %wili be. as foiflows: prolude-"Ami Meer," Schubert -Liszt; solo-".Ju-st For Ttoda yý,' Sea ver, MÉ.. ()tis; solo-"Abide Witiî Me,", Liddle, Mr. Otis; postlude-"('or- nelius Miarch," -Mendelssohn. Mis-, Erma Rounds is direetor, and Edward Otis is soloist. Our Sunday, school mieets in ail dc- partments at 10 o'clock. Note the change of tim-e-for the qummer season. Our- Aduit Bible class continuee through part of the sumfmer. We are stud.ying the -Life and Letters 0of Paul," and invite you to be with us. We mec-t at 10 o'ciock. sevéral of the young people are at- teniding the Presbyterian Young People'È corference at Westminster Lodge, Sau- gatuck, Midi.; beginning Saturday, JuiY 13, and continulng for one week. Betty Dodds, George Weigel, and .Katherine Ofites have registered. The Adult Bible class will hold a picnlc supper and party FrIday evening, Ju ly 12, at the home of Mr. and Mms. C. A. Keller, 820 Greenwood avenue, at 6:30 o'clock. Ail the meiniers of the ciase and their familles are itivited. Ste A Ugustine'9s Dr. Herbert Carleton, rector ÀNext.Sunda y will be the fourth S$unday after TrinitS.y. There wil be Holy Com- muniopn t 9 a. mi. at St. Augustine'sý a nd Morning Prayer and Sermon at ila. ni. Mr. anid Mrs. Marvin Harms, 'Mar- Lied. Av.. WiIumette 464 Ren.neekar Drug Co. U lu3 CM*ulpA"e WImtt. 8 e The Bible and Scene ite Satur<day 9 A. M. to q. P. M. id Wotks of Mary Baker Eddy, and 211 otiier authorized Christian ature may be read, borrowcd or purchased at the Reading Roomn. TU& PUBLIC Ji CORDIALLY 'INýVIT]KD TO AITEND Talc CE'URCH &SERVICEa AND VINT TII: RERADINO stmood II lu e ae Ide tor . 0w e!y,, D. PAGiARUla 466 1

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