All-expense tours, once the ex- clusivé right of rail and water trans- portation, have at last fouhd a place in~ the air transport picture, according toý C. A. Rbeinstrom, general traffic manager of Amnerican Airlines. gThe first ali-expense: tougr ever an- nounced by. an air line, Rheinstrom said, is a "circle tour" ' ,arranged. by American Airlines to include major 1cit.ies of the middle westand, east.. Transportation, hotel, and sightse .eing expenses are include.d .in a single ticket which. carrnes the tourist more than Z,000 miles. Starting .at Chicago, or any city on the' "circle," the tour includes stops at Detroit, Buffalo, Boston, New York,, Washington, Cincinnati and Indianapolis,, returning to .the starting point. Sightseeing trips to the Detr.oit auto plants, 'Buiffalo'ýs mighty Niagara Falls, the historic shninies of old Bos-, ton, New York's-marts of commerce andt amusemnent, Was1iingto-n's stately governmental halls andi scores of other places of intense interest in ail these cities are included as a part of the one ticket, Rheinstrom ex- plainied. West Bend, Wis., Gets Look at the Reliance *The Goodyear blinip, Reliance, docked at Pal-Waukee airport, made a flight to West Bend, Wis., betweený Milwaukee a 'nd Oshkosh, last Friday. The blimp did not encounter the severe wind anid rain storm which struck the immediate Chicago area that day. On the Fourth of July the. blimp pulled an advertisirig streamer along the miles of Chicago beaches, .where thousands of persons were seek iing relief from the intense heat.. Stops at Curtiss Field on Way t'O North Woods Casey Lambert (of the Lambert family of Listerine fame) arrived at connected with the iEver .iwady Flasblight Battery and Prestone com- pany, 3642 S. Jasper place, Chicago' and owns a Gypsy Travelair. His bride is a Lake Delavan, Wis., girl. Mi. Borchardt is one of the. Aviation* Countryr club's most, enthusiastic sportsman pilots.. He. learned to fly at Pal-Waukee,, and at one time had 50 hours to bis credit within a. two- monith period. Flics Here Fromn Scott FilBelleville' Ill. The commander of the FPifteentb Observation, squadron,, Major Gold- borough, arrived at 'Curtiss airport onf the evening of the Fourth of July f rom Scott, field, Belleville, Ill.,, He was fiying an 0-19. He Ieft on the returu trip the followving morning. Lieut. O!Connè1li, who came here re- cently f rom Scott field to tow targets in connection with the anti-aircraft practice at Fort Sheridan, made a trip back to the Belleville base week. The armiy planes being used for the target towving are hangared at Curtiss airport. Arrives Prom St. Louis in Fast Loekheed Vega of last week. H1e came in. from St. Louis, spent the Fourth of July in Chicago and left the following morn- ing. for Colorado Springs, Colo. Two passengers were with him. Mr. Fales bas stopped at Curtiss field on previ- ous trips to the middle west. Flics Here Erom East to Attend a Wedding S. J. Lech of New York City kept Pationize Our Adt*rtises I ~ 5 PUI tests. OVSERHAUL STINSON The Illinois Aeronautics commlfis-, sion's Stinson was being overhauled, in the Curtiss airport shop last week. It was brought in by E. B. Cole, sec-. retary of -the commhission. FLIES TO DES MOINES E. N. Paselk of Sauganash made a trip fnom Curtiss airport, where lie keeps'his plane, to Des Moines, Iowà, last week. Mr. Paselk flues'a Waco F. .1