Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jul 1935, p. 22

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TH EH UBFOR; SUMMERmWEAR BJoy Scouts: Troop 1 (Arthur Pearson, scout- master)-Second class* Bob Frei, -Carter Hadley, W. H. -Merkle, John Long, Bill Dodds.. First class: end Perrill, .Curtis 'Brown. Star: Glenn- Samnuelson.* Life: rank: Lawrence Schuber. Menit badges: Jirn' Steen, pathfinding,- electricity, a t h 1 etics, swimmin g,. safety; Mark Follansbèe, first aid to animais; Freeland Stecker, electricity; Lawrence Schpber, path- finding, *reading, electricity, athletics, swimming; Phil Samuelson, reading, farm home and planning, textiles and bookbinding; Glenn Sanmuelson, path- finding, athletics.; George Redding, leathercraf t, electricïty; Ma r vin Hanms, first aid. Troop 2 (Harold, Spinney,, scout- master)-Secorid class - Robert Fer- renz, Stewart Barnard. First class: Peter Stewa rt.. Life: Fred Bird. Menit badges:- Fred Bird, athletics; .Arthur Jones, chemistry, safety, han- dicraft, joseph Hannen, %*oôdwàvrk- ing; Peter 'Stewart. cooking, life sav- ing, pioneering, public health, swim- ming; Johin Henning, Ieathercraft, Joe Hannen, swimming; Fred, Bird, carpentry, leathercraft, 'pathfin.ding. photognaphy. 'f roop 4-Second class: John Sweeney. Troop 1I1-Menit badges: _Richard K(ent,, plumbing; Warren :Clohisy, handicrrft, civics. Troop 19 (H. D.- F rankel, scoutmas- ter)-First,,classl Cariter Barber. Troop 20(oe Massey, scoutmas- te)-Seconid class: Perry Smithens.: PALM.- BEACH S T In the No rth S/zore's Troop 22 1J First class: Menit badges: stamp collectinl carving. Troop 23 (j< Glence Emirich, scoutmaste)-. Wallace Peterson. Wallace Peterson, Ig, bookbinding,ý wood- oh n Fisher, scoutn-îas- ss: Dey W. Watts, >eÇona pUerJL.Aa*. %ata Ja-Wan is now ini full swing with 179 canipers having one grand ex- perience. Many scouts who intended to stay onfly one period are staying up this second period and many will remain over third period also. Here. is a. list of second* period campe's from Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe: W0lnette Troop 1: Glenn Samuelson,'john Hughes, BilIy Bartlett, Phil Samuel- $on', John Hale, John Long, George Redding,, Jim, Steen, Kimbaîl Urion, jack Harvey, Walter Lyman,. Mark Follansbee, Hector Dodds, jr,, Nor- nman Fifer, James McIlrath, William Merkle, Frank Steéker. Troop .2:. Harold Ray, Jim Wolff, Robert Wetzel, Fred L eenian, Fred Bird, Calvin Hill, BilI Stewart, Richard Andrews,1 Richard. LaBonte, Peter Stewart, Bernard Boweii. Stewart Barnard, Franik.Badger, KnoxBet- tinghaus, Robert Ferrenz. Troop 3: Keiineth Matn,. Robert Manin. Troop 4: Ray Henderson, Lewis Trhvis, Robert and Charles Cederberg, George Leal. Troop 5: Sprague Chapin, John Bauer, Ken- peth Clarke, Di-k, Hooker, 1 Russ Rogers, Charles Moon, Harold Hal- lett. Troop 10: Ray Skog, Lowel Peterson, Clifford Johnison, XWarreni Peterson. Troop Il: John Coyne, Harry M\arteni. 1:Kenilworth Troop 1:Jim Olini, Wilcox Hiodg- kins, Bill McLaren., George Sunons. 1Winnetlca Troop 15: Robert Strohecker, Henry Rich, Stanley Rich, Benton Baker, Raleigh Williams, Dick Kriebel, Brantley Weathers. Troop 16: Bernard Kanie. Troop 19: Bill McKee, Leroy Zick, Leon Drum- mon d. Troop 24: Bill McNuilty, john, Crowley.. Troop 22: Howard. Keefe, Jr., Harry, Canfield, Ross Williams, XVillian Kloepfer, John Davis, Roger, Donald and Kenneth Cushman, Ted Harris, John Mosser. Troop 23 :.Keehn Landis, Ted Schulte, Hamilton AIl- port, Donald Wilson, Clark Vani Horne, Richard Kahn, George Young. OVrIngIà* âhd murc1s - EVANSTC SUW=mr Store Heurs - » >ek boys: 9 a. 5:30,- Sturday: 9 ta, 9 WIN EAGLE SCOUT'RANK Richard Kent, Bud Stillman and Jini For'd, inembers of the Delaware village, were awarded the rank of Eagle scouts. at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja- Wan. BAIAI LECTUREJH "'The Liberation of Mankind" is the subject of the talk to be given at the Sunday afternoon service- held in Foundation hall, Baha'i House of Worsbip, at Linden avenue and Sheri- dan road, Wilmette, Sunday, July 14, at 3:30 o'clock. :Phillip> Marangelia is to be.the speakr.- .1

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