Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jul 1935, p. 26

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CHICAGO GROUP CkilCagu Offices - 1016-1018 WILLOUOMEy 1OWfLR Tel epiont CENTRAL 3 35 5 SUBSCIPrîON:$Sa ER YEÂR SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS Ail communications and contributions intcnded for publi- cation must bear the name and address of the author, flot necessaruly for publicatbon, but for aur Mies. Such Material iut reach the, editor by Tuesday noon ta be in time for the current.issue. RiDE INSIDE: "Ha'bitsfre while learning to drive an auto- mobile may often be. responsible for unsafe driv- ing," says the National Safety council. Silice habits, oénce formed, are difficuit to change, it is far better -for ýthe beginner to acqui re proper habits while learning to drive than later. That includes not only 'the. motions of driving, -but also observance of traffic regulations -nnd--a-fe prac- tices." The council' mighit have added that one of the habits to avoîd contracting -is that of riding hialf in and bal out of the car., Nothing appears so slovenly and slouchy as a driver riding with one, arm dangliflg and bis head extended throughi the window. The practice not only indicates that the driver is not in position to' properly control bis.ý car in case of çmergency, but it consitutes a con-ý stant source of uncertainty ;as to his, inten.tionis to drivers who mnay be following. Do es the'swing- ing arm mean that hie intends to turn rigit or left, merely slow down or coime toý a stop? How is the man behind to know? The habit is both un- necessary and confusing and besides, it looks like heck. TRAGEDY Congressman Everett M. Dirksen of the' l6th Illinois districtý, is a 'clear-headed, sound-thinking representative who bas so far kept bis feet on the ground and resisted all atterripts to stampede him into. irrational, action. Ini a recent statemnft lhe bas givein somne startling -figures- concerning, the predicament of recent graduates f rom the schools, colleges and universities of the-counitry. I-le said: "The Young man or wamnan who came out of hlgh school or college in June, 1929, hugging a difflrng and filied wlth hlgh houes. has gone nt *reeks for adctonal sources of taxes, C ncrease from 2~ per cent to 3 per cent Illinois so-çalleci occupational tax, a Vox sugg.ated thýt it tnight relieve the burden ent taxpayers if the salaries of public i e ,,-,mpjoyees wcre brought within the ol ý*thW1méooe -lax law. ýThere -isrnuch n4eouimln nppoft ef the idea, and whi4e Id &odobt aroiise the active oppositon' There are certain emoluments connected with every public office which gives the incumbent something more than bis stated salary. Public officiais are usually treated liberally by a generous public, and 'most of tliem get niore than they could posgiblyearn in any private enterprise. It is only fair, then,. that they should,.be' required to pay their just portion of t he expense of governi- ment thro.ughý the channel of incomne tax on monev earned. KINDNESS It las been said that "if -ever you meet a human* being wholbas îîo'kindness of heart, the odds are that he is not. an American." The words containi nauch of truthbY Kindness. is a luality. inherent lin the. hum'an heart, althoughi envirolument and cir- cumstances may aiot always l)e conducive, to its development. That it be, cultivated in the young is higbly desirable, for,*like any other ..faculty, it does flot grow of itself. WhIethier it is present to a gréater degree ini American lhearts tha.i ii those of other lands is questioniable, but at least we have it ini as great a mieasure as other peoples, Instances come o attention, bowever, indicat- ing that there is need for education in kinidness. One sucb occurred this week. ýA small boy, lead- ing a puppy on a leasb, was accosted by au older boy, who was attracted by the puppy, and at- temýpted to pet ih. The puppy liad ani idea thata romp was intended, and fell into the spirit' of it. As lie leaped and frisked about the boy, thie boy would kick im lui the face, ilot only causingly him to howl, but taking the chance of .breakinig the puppy's teeth. Eveni though the boy was flot intentionally unikinid, hie ieeds some instructioni on how to play.,%ith a puppy. That is one .side. Another is the statement of a north shore police office; that stray dogs.picked: up and confined 'while awaiting identification of qwners. are treated with the. greatest kindness and made as -comnfortable: as possible. They. are not, f.ed on refuse from the table or retrieved from garbage cans, but are 'given the finest of dog fooids. That indi.cates true Amnerican kind- niess. And theîi there is the recent case of the con- vict in an easternl penal institution wbo found a Thé Kansas Supreme court bas decided that newspapers have- a right to discuss the records of public officiais andto caîl attention of voters to '1facts" they befieve to be true relative to candi- dates for public office.-' We seem.tobe getting on, and liberty oôfthe press again sustained. to be a hundre of anv of us? ;tate of health or.more." Wot n 't. thatbe ti *"Illinois sales tax revenue up $3,000,000."' That's pretty good for a 'state that does not have a sales tax,: don't you think? E ighty-one' lives l.ost in automobile - crashes seems like a mighty high pri ce to pay for a little week-end fun. *Someone is always taking the joy .out of lif e. Now comnes an .alIleged authority and casts, doubt upon the. authenticity. of the house bought. in Pittsburgh ~ er Ford as. the birth place of, Stephen Foster, co mposer of "My. Old Kentucky' Home." And Henry was enjoying it so much. The Wimbledoni match is'over, aind just as wke told those Who depend upon this column. for ac- curate forecasts of sport resuits, Helen* won. In fact, -we made a small wager that Helen would win, and collected. Ther-e is a world of justification for America's l)ride ini the two Helens, for on, that day tbheycould, have beaten any two women of any other name On earth. And-- what sports they were!ý Helen said- that Helen "played glor- iously,," and Helen responçled_ by saying that "Helen deserv- cd to win." We were strong for Helen in ber come-back fight; and mighty glad that she won, but if Helen is ever to lose ber chanipionship crown, we hope Helen %vili be the one to lift it. '.Dr. Farley will see if.pulse of nation beats for Rooseiveit," reads .a headline. Say, Doc., you Pre going to. find that -a lot of people have no dis cernble Pulse. St. Louis saloonkeepers (they are not tavern, keepers in Missouri) are casting -about for a way to give women customers the bum's rush. They don't want 'em around. "They are a menace to business," say the bar owners. "They're mnooch- ers. They buy one drink and then expect the men William Z.' Poster, 1932 Communist candidate for president, is in Moscow getting. bis orders for future activities of that party in this country. Isn't there some-way by which he could be 'madeý to .remain there foirever?- T-HE PHANTOM*REPORME

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