Mrs. William H. Wolff, 1<35 EIm- wood avenue, chairman of philan- thropy, and her committee, will gladly cail for donations, and wiIl also take orders, in, advance 'and deliver thiear- ticles, the club announces. The Thrift sho'p is a new venture of the philanthropy departmfent and is flourishing, those in charge state. Used clothing and household. goods are re- quested, and will be called for upon notifying Mrs. Wolff- and ber corn- mittee. On. Vacation, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dewey Anderson of 208 Golf terrace' and the latter,'s niother,. Mrs., Allie B. Thomas 'of Des Moines, Iowva, . are spending ,a weekWs vacation in Grand Rapids, Minn. 'They- Ieft by motor last Sat- urday, stopping on the w y up to visit Mrs.' Anderson's brother in Duluth. Mr. Anderson is president of. the Vilmette State bank. Here, for Wieddin9 Miss Sarah Johnston of New York and MiSss Marîin Cunningham of Evansville, nd., left Iast Monday * after spending the week-end with Miss Jane Litteli of 322 Woodstock *avenue, Keniltvorthi., They came to, attend thé marriage of Miss Elizabeth Eckhart. Attend Wedding * Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Jack and C.' M.' Jack- of Decatur, 111, were the week- end gues1ts of Mr.. and Mrs, Charles Ware and Mrs. Alfred McDougal of 325. Abbotsford road, Kenilworth. They came to 'attend the wedding- of Miss Elizabeth Eckhart. Legarz-Loving Photo Mrs. Marshall Peterson, the for- nier Miss Elida Marie Neisou of Hubbard Woods, will, withlMr. Pet- erson, retitri homte this week-end frna aeddiig 9trip. wst.Her nar- iaeto ason of Ezr Petersoii of Winnetka., ,to.ok place- June 291, in. the garde» of the 'Gustaf Nelson home, 76 Greei iBa road. For Bride Mrs. Frederick Little, 514 *Essex road,', was hostess at luncheon to ten guests Ju:e 27, at the Mill Race Inn in Geneva, in honor of Miss Elizabeth Eckhart whose wed- d ing took place. Saturday.. Children's Shop Wishes to, Announce a PTesentation of, SUMMER. BEA CH and SPORTS. APPAREL BOYSand'GIRLS Sies2 o16 from. Friday, July J2th to, Saturday, july 2Oth STORE }IOURS 9:-30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Saturdays 9:30 A. M. to 1 P. M. rDressmaksng 'eREDUCING IGOWNB -WRAPè - MADE TO ORDER VIE JANUS IETB0» Miss Evelyn Cox of Fort Morgan, I &dyth,'Diedrich. Colo.,. is the guest o f Miss jean Keith, RESTYLING- HEMSTITCHING 310 Warwick road, Kenilworth. Miss 9 I E.18 TEEANENDAS 0é01 Cox had be en attending the Mortar .UJCIç uOtrS TULIeIes n mdI s Pheu Board convention in Asheville, N. C. L 833 LM ST. WIN.1011 ilft CENTRAL ST., VAI870U] Andrew Loomis; well ulaughter with postage for return or call Winnet ka 2771 for an interview. In this manner selections will be made. Andrew Loomis Residence and Studio .1020 Hili Road4 Wâùnntka SUNDAY OINNER Served from, noon until 9:00 p. Mi. = 164.1 Orringfcn hA for