Cleaned and biocked to your ex- act measuremenls. Trained attendant and ,modern fitting room.s are t 'yoUr disposai. SHORE LIN! CLËANEIRS WIImeff. 3400 Gientoe 1300 WiInitte, . Edf tors Note: We are happy to pro- vide for our readers, a series of articles by 'a recognized expert on gardenr&g 6ubjects, Dr. J. F. Fonder of Evanston, who received bis Ph. D. degree at Michi- gan State college,. after attendlng col- lege.,linbis pativ'e state of Colorado and [n Utah.. He bas lectured e.xtensi'vely on gardening ln many states and bas, written much on topics of soli and plant physiology. His experlence extends In- to the practical business end of the plant cuilture,,thus enaàblinghlmn to write with authorlty on al natters, pertaining to the, subject., Dr.- Foflder',s articles ap- pear in this section eacbi week. During thé, next twa. or three months the ýgardens yau planted this spring and tended sa carefully will develop their1 greýatest beauty and,*wil!l be the greatest source of happiness to.,you. I. -, HAY FFý VER Ruftwed -Rfght In Your Owa l4oiws! The "Depollenizer" is guaranteed to remove 99%+ of ail pollen (the cause of hay fever) from the air, assuring relief to hay fever, and pollen asthma suf erers. Recommended by physicians. No drugs, no medicine, but an air conditioner which transforma the air in your room into the saine pure air which you get at hay-fever resorts. Reasonably priced. No .necd to go away, sacrificing time and money. Write today for full information. TLere is no obligation., HIM!LBLAU, IYPIULD AND COMPANY 36 South Throop St., Chicago Phonte Iaymarket 8740 il Gardens bave a vastly different meaning for varions people. To some the. greatest pfleasure cames from the intiniate 'Contact with the soi! and the plants., To others the. pleasure of watching the plants develop to tnatur-, ity- nd fruiting is of most imiportance.' Again, thecreation of a garden mnay be justified only to the extent that a beautiftil anfd. harmaniotis whole may prqvide. an, outdoor living, room in wbicb maniy, pleasant hours may be spent. Or, perbaps the garden' is' a. laboratary in whicb new plants, ýnew varieties,. or rare, plants are carefully* cultivated. Neyer Be Satisfied Whatever the motive for the, garden, one should neyer be sat.isfied with the results secured. Perfection may be approached but eacb year new ideas should be developed, improved metb- ods slhould be adopted, less desirable varieties may be djisarded for new ones, and the errors. of one year can. be made the basis of a better garden the next. Sufficient development. bas taken, pilace in this year's garden to indicate that no marked measure of success can 'be expected. if improper cultural methads are ,employed or if the atten- tion ta the garden is baphazard. A garden looks well only if a wise selec- tian of plants bias been nmade, if these have been, properly arranged, and if they are in a bealthy and normal con- dition of growtb. Furtbermore, a garden grows well only when f avorable growth conditions exist and are niain- tained tbrougbout the seasôn. Ansects, Diseases Active If -the plants in your garden are not daing as well as you believe they sbould, it woufld be well ta look ta their general bealth. Insects, and diseases are ver y active and the plants may be unable ta grow normal!y be- cause of injury praduced by tbemn. A general yellowing of the plants, ac- companied by a curling and drving of Most annuals are in the ground andi well started by this time, and the tendency is to think the job well done ' and practically complete. This is. far from true, however, and the attention -you give to your floWers -froffluthis point on is what will deter- mine the ýfloral beauty.,or lack of it which -will flnally groom, your garden. Weeds Grow Faiter It is. a sad, fact,. but only toai truc, that weeds grow faster than flowers- and. ther.e are usually considerably more of them. To allow them to de- velop and crowd your *flowers,: talc- ing the moisture and-soi! foods which they need, is a.,folly which! only thé hoe or the hand cani remedy. In short, there is 'no round-about way. to a. beautiful display of flowers. A con- stant .Vigilance is necessary, but if such action is taken immediately, and the, soi! is kept loase and: dean, a weekly stirring will usually. suffice,> and the laborous job of. trying tu catch, up with a garden averrun witfr weeds will not be feit. Thînning Out, Esseptal Most annuals are sown from seed directly inta the border or raw, and this condition n .ecessarily means an uneven, and usually thick,-stanid of seedings. Do not let them remain for any length of time. Tbinning out in the. rows not only adds to appear- ance, but is essential to the well-being of the flowers themselves. Most an- nuals need considerable space in wbich.* ta grow: This varies from a .few inches for the small sorts ta over a foot for the tali ones. Make an effort ta determine the fertility of your soi!, and just w'hat types a particular flower needs. Oft- times, soi! conditions can be changed, by àadding plant foods, humus or sand. . If -your. flowers, or certain of them, are not thriving, the chances. are 'they need an addition tothe so. Moisture Important Moisture is an important factor. Be sure that there is no lack of it. The best way to assure a good. su pply is 'ta give the whole garden a~ soaking quent application of satisfactory' in- N EW secticides and fungicides. These can be applied either as sprays or as dusts. If these are flot alreadyr on hand they (îR E E Nshould be secured and applied now. E V E R Definite knowledge as, to what. is * * £ ~~needed is; essenial, sineoer ey will flot canitrol ail' pests. When it is necessary ta change piping, especially when soil and waste pipes have ta be cut,lxhave an expert plumbing contractar do the job. Don't rely on the bandy-man. Such wark requires eprecdh~ s ince its proper-bandlingconcerns the health. of the entire famil.