Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jul 1935, p. 42

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transmitted ini response to cail of the Auditor of Public Accounts, pursuant tQ. lavv and show,%ing condition at the* close of business on the 29th day of June, 1935. RESOURCES Cash andi due from :banks . . . . . . . Outside cbecks, and other cash itemns .......... United States -Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed ....... ........ ....... Other bopnds,, stocks and securities .....1.............. Loans and discounts.......... ............... Overdrafts..................... .Banking bouse $150,000.00. Furniture and'fixtures $1.00. Other, real estate ... .......... ...... ............ Customers' liability under letters of credit........ Customers' li ability account of acceptances ....... Other resourcesý ........... ....................... 7î3,015.09 <10,632.42 619,786.92 266,673.29 .42066 150,001.00 77,475.99 Noue Noue 13,477371 Grand. Total Resources........ ........ $2ie72,508.71. LIÂBILITIES Capital stock..................... 109,O0leç Income debentures and/or capital notes ...........75,009.0 Surplus .. ............. .. . . ..S>ouELO Undivided. Profits (Net) ......... .............3,444.31 Reserve accounts.................33,693.64 Dernand-deposits .........................M,1.U7 Time deposits ........... .................. ....... 1,049,652.11 Due. to Banks..... ....... ............. ..None Total of deposits: Secured by ýpldge' of boans and/or investments ... ...«.. . . .. .. 1,092.94 Not ýsecured by'pledge or boans and/ or investments ............ 2,586,68.14 Total deposits..........$2,597,776.08 payable.:. ........... ...... Noue Noue Noue Noue Noue 12,594.68 Grand Total Liabilities ......... 1......... $2p874508.71 Memocrandum: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities: Loans and investtnents pledged: U. S. Government obligations direct and/o.r f ullY guaanted...........................Noue Other bonds, stocks and secqrities $ 5860 Loans and discounts................ ...... Noue Total Pledged (excluding're-discounts) . . .$ 5,8.00 ..S#a SS w '.VuJ 48 l tt.JV. O SO biica among Chicagoland's outdoor-loving public. Scores of visitors are using the . newv train service established by the Chicago North Shore line. Both companies now and North Western railroad and the serve the park at special week-end raties. While the swiming, beach is the main attraction, hundreds of naturalists are enjoying the birdsand flowers. The a bî.idanit, rains. have produ ced an un- usual number of blossoms this year. On a recent, visit, niembers of the Illinois Auduboni society identified 79 varieties of :birds, including 1.8 kinds of warblers, on a single afternoon's check-up. The -flower panorama" is..changing, every tWowoveëks. Cacti, wild oréhids and other copratively rare. kinids of plants 'arefon in ahundance in the new park whichi gives Chicagoland. a MINs reg1011. RETURN. FROM: THE EASTý Mr. and Mrs. Walter Botthof ýand their son. Laury, '156 Abingdon ave- nue, Kenilwortb, returned on Mouiday of last week from a motor trip in the east.. M r. and M rs. .Botthof attended. Laury's graduation f rom Lawrence- ville and then took him to New -York anid Cape Cod. They also stopped at Princeton. On Wednesday they left again by motor for their summner home at Lac du Flambeau, Xis., to spend the remainder of 'the season. GUESTS FROM MINNEAPOLIS Mrs. Austin Pardue and ber chli- dr.en and her sister, Mrs. Donald L. Williams (Catherine Klotz.) of, Minne- apolis recently spent two weeks with~ their parents, Mr.. and 'Mrs. Charles Klthz, wer Ridge road, Kenilworth. Thiywerejoined 'for a few days by the. Rev. Mr. Pardue wvho bas sirice' sailed for a, two months' tour~ of the Holy Land. Last -week Mr. and Mrs. Eari C. Moss, .316 Cumnlor road,ý Keniilwortb, entertained Mrs. Ern-est Atcliley, ber' niother, and' ber tbree daugbters, Mary Ernestine, Peggy, and. Betty, t .1....An- %.... A -A was also muade at the waterfrQnt, where scouts who could iiot swim a stroke learned how to swim. Also beginners became swimnrers, swim- mers became life savers, and if e, savers became scout* life guards. 'At the end of the period a banquet was heldat which advancement awvards, wére presented. XVe also hiad a ,vater caruival wvhich the different villages entered. XVe had swimming and canoe races, and -good sportsmais.hip was showii by all. The winner of this water carnival was :Shawnee village. A basebal schedule. was. also played off betweeil theý different, villages and Cheyenne village proudly. walked 'Off with the championship. Also another important feature of this period was that We had a new chef,, and did he haâve swell eats! When the morning of July.-O came, the campers who went home, I arn sure, made, a resolution to corne back to Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wani next 3year;- Bu.d $tillman, ,Troop, 13, Kenilworth. HOME FROM COLLEGE .Miss Caroline and, Miss Mfartha Roberts are spenlding,,their vacationis, with their parents, . Mr. and Mrs.. John, Marshall Roberts, 328 Warwick road, Kenilwortb. Miss Caroline re- *rnainied for comnmenicment at Smith where she was chosen as usher and Tto march ini the Ivy Day.chain. In August she wilI go to Cincinnati to be in the wedding party of "a former Danra Hall roommate. CELEURATES RIRTHDAY Anne Guinan, daughter of Mr. and Mis. James Guinan, 417 Abbotsford road, Kenilwortbý, entertained at a luncheon and splasb party at Shaw- nee Country club yesterday in honior of ber ninth birthday. Mr. and .Mrs. Guinan recently, entertained at ..a dinner pa rty inhonor of Mrs. Sterling Smithý (Phebe Hedrick) of Scotland, who had been visiting ber parents, the Edwin Hedricks of Kenilworth. Dorothy Deacon, daughter of the State of Illinois ý County of Cook çfSS Subscribed and sworn to (SEAL) before me this 5th day of July, 1935. VERA PRIEBE. Notary Public. (My Commission expires Feb. 9, 1937), Mrs. Joel Dickinson, 419 Linden autumn. avenue, is traveling through Michigan -o- and Indiana on business and will be Betty june Wells, daughter of Mr. away most of tbe summer. and MIrs. George E. Wells, 216 Golf -o0- terrace, returned last Su'nday f rom Richard 'Ristow .of 1810 Walnut the Girl Scout camp, Hickory Hill avenue is visiting friends for a. weeki at Edgerton, >Wis., where: she had at Lake Gerieva', Wis. spent. a fortight.

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