Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jul 1935, p. 46

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25cents a line. Advertis"ments run ln ail t h r e e papers, Rates- MI" tU HAG NE DOLLAR. Average of five worde to the lne. No black face type used. 20%o diseonut on ail cash advertlse- ments when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wllmette, or 661 Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetka! 10,70d1scount on alI advertlsernents run~ four consecutive issues. Gla9sifled'advertisemËents wlll be ac- Deadline for 1nsertionS-»-eePted up to Tuesday 9 :P.ý M., for WILMETTIQ LIFE or aIl three papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNETKA ýTALK and Thursday 5 P. M.. for GLENCOE NEWS. Týelephoies: Wlmette 4300, Winnetka 2000 (Winnetka 500 after 6 P. M.>, Greenleaf 4300 or Shedrake 1216-1217. L 1ost-Grey Sir iped Kitten Young chlld's pet. 22 Essex Rd. Winnetka 231. 3LTN1-ltP LOST,- 2 RATTAN SUITCASES FROM car, fflday morning between Hub- bard. Woods and DesPlaines. On Hub- bard Road, Skokie or ,58. Phone Win- netka 301. 3LTN1-ltp ÎOLDING GLASSES, HORN RIM, IN small brown leather case-lost in Win- netka. Call Winnetka 2012. àLTN1-ltp LOST-YOUNG WIRE HAIRED TE7R- rier, male. Return Winnetka, Liberal. reward. Ph. Winnetka 34. 3LTN10-ltp PERSONAL TRAVEL-Will share drivlng and car expense on leisurely trip to Galif. Expo. .1eaving July 15-Aug. 1. Lone gent. né- tired engineer. Ref. exchi. Winn. 1040.> 4LTN1O-ltp BUSINESS PERSONAL COLLEGE GIRL WILL GONDUGT play group for children 4 to 10 years.ý Reasonable rates. Transportation if de- sired. Ph. Wilmette 4448. 5LTN10-ltp BOOKS LARGE LIBRÀJIY-SETS AN-D 01) vols. Over 2,000 bks.-hlstory, fiction, inedichie, law, flowers, mech, cyoiop., relig., etc. Must be sold at once. Uni. 4611. 14A-LTN10-ltp. IJILDING. AND JIEPAIRS JOSEPH KNEIP> CEMENT AND MASON CONTRACTOR 171 4 Wauhlngton Avenue, Wllmette 2618. 15A-LTN9-4tp, SUSINSS SERVICE If Your Eyes Hurt or your head aches - DONT DELAY see a thoroughly tralned & experlenced optometriat for examination JOS. F. KUSS FAIM -POtODUCEI MiIk .8c Qt. T. B. TESTED AND PASTEURIZED. Locust Farm Products SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY HOURS 1225 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wi1. 5458 1 Hours 9 a.. m. to 10 ,p. m. 805 Ridge Ave. Wllmette Hours 8 to 12 a. m., 4 tô 7 P. rn. 908 Lindèn Ave.- Hubbard Woods Hours 9 te 12 a. m. 24LTN10-ltc CLCK RpAlIRIS ___ CLOCK EXPERT, GRIME, HALL, anitique dlock repairing. - Leatrued trade lni Europe. (Formerly wlth Tiffany and Field'u .) WIII eal. Free estimate. David Johansson, phone Dlversey 2»41. 20LTN9-8tp LAWNS PROPERLY FERTILIZED. and taken care- of. Weedlng, cultivat- Ing flower beds, bushes, lawns. Prunlng hedges, shrubs, trees. For sale W. R. mnanure, annual,. perennial, and rock garden plants; ornamental shrubs. Lawn Speciallst-YOVANOF, WILMETTE 452 27LTN10-3tp WANTED: LAWN CUTTING AND GARDEN WORK WININETICA 3612 27L1-ltp 6 WEEKS MORE OF SUMMER FUN FOR GHILDREN WHO ATTEND THE Outdoor Recreation School Swlmming instruction, corrective exer- cises, gameés, stories for ail. Riding, canoelng,,tennis, overnlght trips,, boxing-danciing for seniors (over 7 yrs.). Indoor activities for raîny days., flhi1uiren 3 to 13-Mornine TEA De. -ee 42LTN1O-ltp ROOM PAPERED, $3.WO GEILING CALCIMINED $1 UP, PAPER .cleaned, 75é. Antique wal wshd., qtchd., 12.50 up;- bathrm. enam., $6; outslde painting "with pure white lead and. oh. Work guar. Best references., LOUIS,, WILMETTE 5034. 42L1-ltp OSCAR> A.-,ANDERSON PAINTING AND DEGORATING We do lnterior and exterlor painting. No Job Too Big or Too Small F'inest.Workmnshlp - Dependable, WILMETIEE 692 BRIARGATE 9305 42LTN49-tfc Paintingand Decoratng, JOHNHEYE &SON Northbrook. Phone 205-W-2 42LITN7-4tp Get .my ýestimnate on your, PAINTING AND DECORATING. 17 Years on north shore. .Phone Winnetka 1100 for estimate. E. M. Brandt.. 42LTN10m-ltp W. C. HUGGINS Paintlng=Decorating-Remodellflg 100 l3th St., Wilmette Wilmnette 3558 42LTN1O-4tp BOARDING Fourteen years of service* te HIS MAJESTY, YOUR DOG. Separate quarters for each dog. Speclal attention given to pupples and smail dogs. We invite inspection of our kennels. Dogs called for and dellvet'ed. PLUCKING - CLIPPING - BATHIN(O Youngman 's Kennels 730 Hibbard Rd.-Wil. 1312 _______44LTNIO-ltp DON'T SPOIL YOUR VACATION BY worrying about your Pet Ganary. We wil give it the finest care, in a dlean sanltary Pet Shop. Special m-onthly rates. MAC DONALD'S PETLAND, 1504 Shermian. Gre. 8832. 44LTN1-ltp WILL GIVE AWAY 4 Kittens, Houstrained te good hiomes. Wilmette 193.* 44LTN1-ltp RADio rSERviE~E____ charge to employerS. kcelereflceS luI- veetigated.. Under State supervision. Reinhart Emipi. Agcncy 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 68LTN28w-tte DOMESTIC HELP > RELIABLE EFFICIENT S-h-a-y Em1.Agenc Established-20 years. Two Offices In Chicago lo9 E. Oak St. 14 W. Washington, St. Superlor 6 608 Central 9800 68LTNiO-ltc BE ASSURED 0F THE SAFETY AND care of your children and home'while away. Cal Mrs. Culver,. she will take charge of your household week ends, vacation periods or. by the hour. Refs. Phone Wilmette 2306. 68LTN10-1tl MAIDS - WHITE. AND GOLORED: .Nurses, governesses, and nursemaids. Commercial ýand' hotel help. N. SHORE PERSONNEL SERVICEI 1580 Sherman Ave..* Evanston Ufni, 0740 68LTN11O4tc DINNERS AND LUNCHEONS COOK- ed and served.'AIso cakes, cookies and sandwiches -made, at home by competent woman. Mrs. Gl1auson, 1733 LakeAve., Wilmette 1733, 68LTN9-4tp WELL EXPERIENCED AND CAP- able womnan, Oestres laundry ,work, cleaning, sewing and mending. Alsocare, of chlldren by the> day or evenings.. Winnetka 3558. ý 68LTN10-ltp EXP. WOMAN WISHES WORK;- laundry, cleaning, cooking and servîng, dinner parties a e. Also will con- sider at couple place. Best N. S. ref. Call Uni 1463. 68LTN1O-ltp YO'UNG WOMAN WOULD LIKE TO care' for smali child by the hout' or daiy. Reasonable wage. Phone Wilnmette 2582, after 10 a. ni. 68L1-ltp LAUNDRY, CLEANING, BY DAY GARE 0F CHILDREN EVENINGS SUNDAY WORK 1ST CLASS REFS. WINNETKA 3579 68LTN10-!tp'ý RDFINED WOMAN, EXPERIENCED wlth Infants and children. Willing to assist with other work. Ex ecellent N. S. r.efs'., Edgewater 4343. 68LTN16-ltP A WOMAN WITH lst GLASS RETSe wlshes 3 more days work a wk. House- cleaning, ldry. Gare for children oves. Work Sunday night. Wlnnetka 3579. TU.EE DELIVERY rO YOUR HOME Mellody Farms Dairy Lake Forest Wllmette 4489 24LTX101ltc Price C. la. Wlmette 2171 Pourth & Linden Opp. 'Ii' Term. n, Iii. qs-ttc GA 1552 169L1-ltP MIDDLE ÂGED GAS STATION AT tendant- wants steady position.' Cour- teous, attentive, years of experlence, best references. Ph. University 4272. 69LTN1-lte t, .- 1 ).l - 1 1 1 coe

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